Quote Originally Posted by detmich View Post
No one "sticks" homeless people anywhere. They migrate along the path of least resistance, similar to water or electricity. Perhaps, now I am just saying perhaps, if the city of Detroit and the citizens of Detroit did more to make life less convenient for these homeless, they might leave. Just a guess.

Maybe, just maybe, for starters, the city police could start clearing all the squatters from the tent cities that exist around town. That might get those folks to leave, or at least thin the herd. But then the usual whiners couldn't complain about how the region dumps on the blameless victim Detroit and her citizens, and that would leave most people on here nothing to post about. So, on second thought scratch that idea, let's just leave things at the status quo.
Homeless often go to where the services are. How many communities fought every service tooth and nail to keep 'them' out of their community.

Would you support Detroit closing the NSOs, shelters, etc? Would you support these services being distributed evenly across the region. It is not a matter of whining but a matter that homeless and menatlly ill are placed and often migrate to locations near the services offered. Those services are disproportionately in the city.

You can call it whining if you would like but it is simply realism. Other communities have the resources to fight services entering their community. It is not just an issue with Detroit but the region as a whole. Macommb County and Oakland County locate services in their older , poorer communities. The argument is that the services should be near those that need the help but the reality is the services prevent those that need help from leaving the poorest communities.

You can call it whining, I call it addressing reality so I'm guessing you are unwilling to discuss it.