Good luck, Motorcity.

Quote Originally Posted by royce View Post
I wish you the best, Motorcity. I understand the frustration. My house is the sixth house from the corner, if the other five houses were still there. Every trash day I put out my can and proceed to take a garbage bag and pick up trash from the corner all the way back to my house. Items picked up include: beer bottles [[Modelo quiet frequently), tequila bottles [[Patron), fast food items like bags and especially pop containers, water bottles [[with some water still in them), cigar and cigarette boxes, and styrofoam containers, typically from Coney Island restaurants.
I live in a suburb and trash is a problem, but I've very rarely seen it done on purpose. Usually its neighbors that didn't secure their trash well enough on trash day.

I take Royce's approach. I always keep my own property clean. If I see trash on the ground and I can see a trash can to put it in, I make it happen.

I'm not sure of the psychology that goes into littering. I grew up in a house where littering, on purpose or by accident, was a really bad thing. My kids have been taught the same thing. In Detroit I'm sure the poverty, crime, poor education, and a government that has decades of history of inequality contributes to an environment where people just don't care.