There is going to be a psychological tipping point, sometime this year. I speak as someone who is fully vaccinate plus two [two weeks after the second shot is considered to be the point where the vaccine is fully functional].

Suddenly the world looks different from "the other side". I still wear a mask when in proximity of others--those vaccinated purportedly can inhale covid and exhale somewhere else potentially infecting others--for the safety of others and to encourage others to keep masking until we contain this.

The situation is different, however, when all parties are vaccinated+ two weeks and recently I had my first dinner party with such folk. It was a bit weird to be maskless and have greeting hugs again, but it was a snapshot of the future.

The tipping point will come, I believe, when the most vulnerable are vaccinated, essentially every one over 40, which will cause a dramatic drop in the number of deaths. Last year seemed to show that warming weather helped too.

So I'm going to guess by June or July the attitude will be such that Covid is viewed as a dangerous nuisance and no longer a paralyzing fear. People will still be cautious but public gatherings and other social events will slowly resume toward normalcy.