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  1. #101


    Quote Originally Posted by ABetterDetroit View Post
    Correct. At the same time voting for the wrong one is catastrophic.

    Vindictive prejudicial hate filled knee jerk reactions are not leadership in the slightest.

    The Solar Wind hack. Everyone in the intelligence community and the private computer security industry informed President Trump that the Russians perpetrated the hack. What does Trump do in response? Blame the Chinese. All that does is motivate our adversaries to screw with us more. The Chinese because they were falsely blamed. The Russians because we spend more resources against the Chinese. The stupidity of Trumps idiotic axe grinding has serious repercussions.

    One would think you could see the damage he can inflict. Considering he single handedly just lost the Republicans the house, senate, WH, Arizona, Georgia and the list is not done because he isn’t. The vindictiveness will continue.
    Biden must be making amends to China with some of his executive orders like letting Chinese companies back into our power grid while attacking our own petroleum industry. Congress should have turned Trump's executive order into a law but I guess Congress is too busy with impeachment stuff again allowing Biden to put our power grid at China's mercy.

    Trump didn't singlehandedly lose the election. The recent Time article made it clear that oligarchs, their sort of Marxist allies, and censorship had something to do with it. Maybe we'll still find out more about voting machines too.

    "a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information." -Time 2/4/21

  2. #102


    Most polls reflect that close to 60% of Americans wanted Donald Trump convicted. His post-election campaign of lies and personal campaigning in the Georgia Senate race resulted in Georgia going blue. He's now under State investigation for his personal phone calls to two S.O.S., one Governor, and an Attorney General towards trying to 'influence' an election. He lied about the reason for calling 3 GOP House reps from Michigan to the White House. He initially lied about the severity of the pandemic that's resulted in 450,000 dead, refusing to wear a mask, and encouraging others to do the same. We now know he misled the American public about the severity of his own illness, as his steroid filled lungs sucked air on the White House portico. He threw the most loyal Vice-President in my political lifetime under the bus and literally left him for dead. We just watched his impeachment trial tear his party apart, ending with the GOP Senate leader of his own party literally ripping the guy to shreds [[ I take it Mitch won't be golfing @ Maralago any time soon). Other Republicans of a 'normal' non-Q-anon ilk have joined in, including 7 GOP Senators who voted him guilty.

    Yet I still hear Republicans claim that Donald Trump will be a viable candidate for another run at the Presidency in 2024. As a registered Democrat I hope it happens, I can't wait, and I'm excited to watch it all unfold like a faded and well-worn MAGA flag.

  3. #103


    Quote Originally Posted by Bong-Man View Post
    Most polls reflect that close to 60% of Americans wanted Donald Trump convicted. His post-election campaign of lies and personal campaigning in the Georgia Senate race resulted in Georgia going blue. He's now under State investigation for his personal phone calls to two S.O.S., one Governor, and an Attorney General towards trying to 'influence' an election. He lied about the reason for calling 3 GOP House reps from Michigan to the White House. He initially lied about the severity of the pandemic that's resulted in 450,000 dead, refusing to wear a mask, and encouraging others to do the same. We now know he misled the American public about the severity of his own illness, as his steroid filled lungs sucked air on the White House portico. He threw the most loyal Vice-President in my political lifetime under the bus and literally left him for dead. We just watched his impeachment trial tear his party apart, ending with the GOP Senate leader of his own party literally ripping the guy to shreds [[ I take it Mitch won't be golfing @ Maralago any time soon). Other Republicans of a 'normal' non-Q-anon ilk have joined in, including 7 GOP Senators who voted him guilty.

    Yet I still hear Republicans claim that Donald Trump will be a viable candidate for another run at the Presidency in 2024. As a registered Democrat I hope it happens, I can't wait, and I'm excited to watch it all unfold like a faded and well-worn MAGA flag.
    You may have found a liberal rag that said 60# but I call bs!


    As far as Trump running again just maybe consider he could run in 2022 for congress in Florida, take back the house and oh my he could be speaker of the house.

    From there he could impeach joe and the hoe and guess who would be president?

    But there is more. He would still be eligible to run in 2024!

    Thats 10 years of Trump OH MY!

  4. #104


    The butcher bill indeed must be paid! Whoever you love or hate this is a problem and most ridiculous beyond um, eh' partisan devotion.

    Regarding president Biden's postures and policies it will become increasingly clear that China is FIRMLY holding a high trump card [[pardon the pun).

    One day that hand may be played--withstanding a protective media this time.

    Sadly the masses of poor and middle-class people will be most impacted.

    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    Biden must be making amends to China with some of his executive orders like letting Chinese companies back into our power grid while attacking our own petroleum industry. Congress should have turned Trump's executive order into a law but I guess Congress is too busy with impeachment stuff again allowing Biden to put our power grid at China's mercy.
    Last edited by Zacha341; February-15-21 at 11:28 AM.

  5. #105


    Quote Originally Posted by Bong-Man View Post
    Most polls reflect that close to 60% of Americans wanted Donald Trump convicted. His post-election campaign of lies and personal campaigning in the Georgia Senate race resulted in Georgia going blue. He's now under State investigation for his personal phone calls to two S.O.S., one Governor, and an Attorney General towards trying to 'influence' an election. He lied about the reason for calling 3 GOP House reps from Michigan to the White House. He initially lied about the severity of the pandemic that's resulted in 450,000 dead, refusing to wear a mask, and encouraging others to do the same. We now know he misled the American public about the severity of his own illness, as his steroid filled lungs sucked air on the White House portico. He threw the most loyal Vice-President in my political lifetime under the bus and literally left him for dead. We just watched his impeachment trial tear his party apart, ending with the GOP Senate leader of his own party literally ripping the guy to shreds [[ I take it Mitch won't be golfing @ Maralago any time soon). Other Republicans of a 'normal' non-Q-anon ilk have joined in, including 7 GOP Senators who voted him guilty.

    Yet I still hear Republicans claim that Donald Trump will be a viable candidate for another run at the Presidency in 2024. As a registered Democrat I hope it happens, I can't wait, and I'm excited to watch it all unfold like a faded and well-worn MAGA flag.
    This reminds me of the CBS interviewer that was laughing in glee and salivating over Trumps financial ruin,because revenue was down at Trump cash cow of his Trump towers in Manhattan and California,had severe revenue losses during the rona virus pandemic.

    He only actually owns 30% of those buildings and she was laughing and salivating also about the millions of Americans that also suffered under the rona virus.

    It’s all like a big rumor machine and people believing because they say so it is fact.

    The Republican Party is not in decline or falling,who cares what the polls say,I could do a poll here,where 95% are liberal,on how many think Trump sucks and it would play out like 95% in the country thinks Trump sucks.

    Not because he does,because people want to believe he does.

    The republicans making the most anti Trump noise are termed out,who knows motive,maybe they are thinking of flipping to the dark side of liberalism and trying to garner support.

    Key word being motive.

    Because there always is one outside of the facade that we are being shown.

    You guys are so worried about the republicans but your party has been throwing spaghetti at the wall for 4 years,always ending up in failure.

    So who really is the problem?

  6. #106


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    The butcher bill indeed must be paid! Whoever you love or hate this is a problem and most ridiculous beyond um, eh' partisan devotion.

    Regarding president Biden's postures and policies it will become increasingly clear that China is FIRMLY holding a high trump card [[pardon the pun).

    One day that hand may be played--withstanding a protective media this time.

    Sadly the masses of poor and middle-class people will be most impacted.

    People have short memories. Remember the NINA loans circa 2008? [[No Income No Assets) People took on huge amounts of debt they had no business being approved for to own McMansions. Those loans were in turn sold to Asian markets. Remember NAFTA? "It'll be good for American workers...". My tax return will be lower this year than last. They weren't raised, but the credits were repealed. Last weekend gasoline prices were up around $2.49 a gallon. Not in the ritzy 'burbs but in the 'hood. $2000 stimulus check? Guess not. Promises, promises. And the National interest? Cheering on Trump being roasted on a spit over an open flame. Now Chinese companies will be responsible for parts of our power grid. The whole thing reminds me of Lord of the Flies.

  7. #107


    ^ Yep. IMO, it was only sensible [[beyond Trump) to CONSIDER that via the high-rotation turnstile of executive orders problematic policies were adopted.

    Policies NOT advancing our interests esp. the rank and file! Which takes politics, the personal, to people really fast. This is so, SO much bigger than the 'orange man bad vs. santa biden bearing gifts' plastic checkers-level mode. The 'our team' affirmation and satisfaction of 'removing-all-things-Trump' will be short-lived in its hasty, heady application! This will be especially true when we SEE that the bigger ever-untouchable not-so-obvious TEAM having their way!

    The impeachment 'process' kept many distracted. Excellent strategy.
    Last edited by Zacha341; February-15-21 at 01:07 PM.

  8. #108


    Impeachment trial solidified views on Trump conviction: POLL [[msn.com)

    Trump's political future doesn't lie with Republicans or Democrats. It lies with those who claim to be independent. 64% of those voters felt he should have been convicted. Combine those voters with the 14% of Republicans who he's lost and his political comeback is over before it even begins.

    Only 29% of voters identify themselves as Republicans. Now subtract that 14% within. There's nothing left for him. It's over. Done. Nothing left but the dustbin of history where he'll join the likes of Joe McCarthy, Benedict Arnold, Richard Nixon, and others of his ilk.

    From there he could impeach joe and the hoe and guess who would be president?
    Oooh....there it is again. You better hope Joe stays healthy and surpasses the average life span of the American male. After 8 years of the birther 'Kenyan Episode', I can't even imagine the depths of the Wabbit hole our current Vice-President would send you if she ever attained the Presidency. It's mind-boggling to even ponder. Perhaps eating babies and raping children in the basement of a foreign pizzeria ? lol

  9. #109


    Quote Originally Posted by Bong-Man View Post
    Impeachment trial solidified views on Trump conviction: POLL [[msn.com)

    Trump's political future doesn't lie with Republicans or Democrats. It lies with those who claim to be independent. 64% of those voters felt he should have been convicted. Combine those voters with the 14% of Republicans who he's lost and his political comeback is over before it even begins.

    Only 29% of voters identify themselves as Republicans. Now subtract that 14% within. There's nothing left for him. It's over. Done. Nothing left but the dustbin of history where he'll join the likes of Joe McCarthy, Benedict Arnold, Richard Nixon, and others of his ilk.
    Other factors could be how happy Americans are with Joe's policy results on employment, inflation, tax and cultural weirdness levels. But even if Joe's policy results put off American voters, maybe Trump's future lies with foreigners if Democrats can make citizens out of the 11-22M illegal non-citizens who invaded our Country in search of our jobs and benefits.

    I would not include Nixon with Benedict Arnold. He ended the draft and the Vietnam war Democrats started. W. Bush and Obama might be a better fit with Benedict Arnold.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bong-Man View Post
    Oooh....there it is again. You better hope Joe stays healthy and surpasses the average life span of the American male. After 8 years of the birther 'Kenyan Episode', I can't even imagine the depths of the Wabbit hole our current Vice-President would send you if she ever attained the Presidency. It's mind-boggling to even ponder. Perhaps eating babies and raping children in the basement of a foreign pizzeria ? lol
    When Kamala Harris dropped out of the presidential primary, she only was drawing 3.4% of the vote...the Democratic vote. Even Democrats didn't see anything in her. Fortunately, for her, the oligarchy did and teamed her with Joe. Graham suggests House GOP could impeach Harris if they take majority in 2022 Democrats have opened a Pandora's Box he said.
    Last edited by oladub; February-15-21 at 05:00 PM.

  10. #110
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Wheels View Post
    He was deliberately mocking the hypocrisy of the left!

    They WILL self destruct!

    Attachment 41320
    None of those people in the picture "hate America". But don't worry, Biden is no progressive so the "Bernie/The Squad" platform is in no danger of being passed anyway. [[Not sure what Mayo Pete is doing in that pic. There's nothing left wing about that guy.)

  11. #111


    Group of Republicans look to form anti-Trump party

    After former President Trump was acquitted at his second impeachment trial, some conservatives are looking to form a separate political party to distance themselves from those loyal to Mr. Trump. Evan McMullin, the executive director of Stand Up Republic, joins CBSN to discuss their efforts and what's next for the GOP.

  12. #112


    But even if Joe's policy results put off American voters, maybe Trump's future lies with foreigners if Democrats can make citizens out of the 11-22M illegal non-citizens who invaded our Country in search of our jobs and benefits.
    Well sure...but only if they're Norwegian.

    When Kamala Harris dropped out of the presidential primary, she only was drawing 3.4% of the vote...the Democratic vote. Even Democrats didn't see anything in her. Fortunately, for her, the oligarchy did and teamed her with Joe.
    I'll go as far as admitting it wasn't the safe choice, especially towards attracting Midwest voters in battleground States. I thought it was an unnecessary political gamble. But many Independent voters across the country these days tend to be young, open-minded, female, and mixed race. I noticed all those white conservative Republicans just falling over themselves to embrace Nicki Haley. The party is so confused about its' future, it's actually fawning over another Trump of the opposite sex instead. Mind blowing to say the least.

  13. #113


    I wonder what it feels like to be Vice President knowing full well the only reason you are there is because of optics,and zero to do with people actually wanting you to be there.

    It’s kinda like giving somebody a position because you felt sorry for them,there is an audio out there with a conversation between her and her sister that really shows what she thinks of those beneath her.

    She was term ending anyways.

    Pelosi and other women in politics already showed us they have a tendency to operate based on emotions,verse composure.

    Women like Haley and Gabbard are really the only ones that seem to maintain composure without running around screaming like dramatic banshees.

    The Trump clan would be Trump 2024 then his daughter in 2028. Ideally.

    Its kinda hard to save the world from a certain death of a pandemic,without being popular.

    But hey,were are popular too,because we tried again and again to impeach the very person that saved our life,do we get a trophy?

    While millions of Americans are suffering,the politicians decided they needed a vacation until the 22nd.

    They could not wait on an impeachment,but when American citizens needs a hand,screw em we have impeachment priorities even on sundays.
    Last edited by Richard; February-15-21 at 05:36 PM.

  14. #114


    I wonder what it feels like to be Vice President knowing full well the only reason you are there is because of optics,and zero to do with people actually wanting you to be there.
    We could ask that question of 3/4 of the men who have ever held the office of the Vice-President. Asking a woman, let alone one of mixed race, would be a harder task. Just a friendly reminder this country gave black men the right to vote over 50 years before women of any color, and elected a black man President before a white woman. Some people in this country feel there's a sense of urgency towards that issue, and I don't blame them. Since females now represent 53% of the vote, it's kind of overdue.

    Its kinda hard to save the world from a certain death of a pandemic,without being popular.

    But hey,were are popular too,because we tried again and again to impeach the very person that saved our life,do we get a trophy?
    Obama didn't kill Bib-Laden....The Navy Seals did !

  15. #115


    I have no argument about a woman serving as president,only one serving because it fits the profile.

    Trump did not act like a politician,but that is why he is popular,but if you are going to be a professional politician,act like one.

    When I personally see the emotional reaction from some of the women it becomes scary,you cannot make clear judgments under pressure when you allow emotions into the mix,some of them have shown plain vindictive vengeance related reactions.

    Trump fast tracked the virus shot when all the experts in the world told him it would be at least 4 years before we would see a vaccination.

    Good thing he did not listen to the experts.

    You can say it,thank you Mr Trump for saving my life from a deadly pandemic,I still think you suck, but appreciate that part anyways.

    We promise not to point and snicker at you for saying that.

    Obama/Biden leaked that seal team 6 took out bin laden,shortly afterwards 22 of them were assassinated or executed,Obama killed seal team 6 because he could not keep his mouth shut.

    He put a target in their heads knowing full well that they would be taken out in retaliation,just so he could get credit.

    Bet you did not know that.

    I do not know what it is but democrat politicians sure seem to like delivering Americans to the enemy as expendables just so they can get some recognition.

    How would you like to go on a mission knowing full well your commander in chief is going to rat you out to the enemy.

    That was classified information,only a traitor gives the enemy classified information.

    After Vice President Joe Biden revealed that SEAL Team 6 carried out the operation that killed Osama bin Laden in May 2011, Strange said the members of his son’s team gave startling indications to their families they were about to meet their demise.

    That is why Trump specifically said he was the one that ordered the missle strikes.

    Not to take credit but because,you never ever disclose the methods used and those involved,because they go after high profile targets that have the meens and capabilities to go after their families.

    The whole concept behind the seal teams is to remain a ghost,by bringing them out of the shadows,Biden comprised every mission going forward and the lives of those involved and their families.
    Last edited by Richard; February-15-21 at 10:36 PM.

  16. #116


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post

    Trump fast tracked the virus shot when all the experts in the world told him it would be at least 4 years before we would see a vaccination.
    Seriously, Have you ever been right about anything?


    Then, the dipshit turned down a extra 100 Million doses from Pfizer because he couldn’t take the credit. We would be 50 Million vaccinated Americans ahead if it wasn’t for that idiot.

  17. #117


    Quote Originally Posted by ABetterDetroit View Post
    Seriously, Have you ever been right about anything?


    Then, the dipshit turned down a extra 100 Million doses from Pfizer because he couldn’t take the credit. We would be 50 Million vaccinated Americans ahead if it wasn’t for that idiot.
    Not sure what you are talking about but NPR had an article about difficulties purchasing a second batch of Pfizer vaccines. Trump eventually purchased 200M Pfizer vaccines. There was some sort of an option to buy between 100M and 500M extra vaccines when Trump ordered the first 100M Pfizer vaccines. I couldn't make out if that was brought into play for the purchase of the second 100M Pfizer vaccines.

    Trump ordered 200M vaccines from Pfizer; enough for 100M
    Trump ordered 200M vaccines from Moderna: enough for 100M
    Trump ordered 100M vaccines from Johnson&Johnson enough for 100M

    Biden ordered 100M vaccines from Pfizer; enough for 50M
    Biden ordered 100M vaccines from Moderna: enough for 50M

    What's next? Biden will probably be taking the credit for helping get these vaccines to market sort of like when Al Gore invented the internet.

    I thought it was funny when Biden was promising to bring vaccine distribution up to 1M/day and then he found out that Trump's existing program was already distributing 900,000/day. Biden then said he would raise that number to 1.5m/day. But it isn't Biden magic. Those Johnson and Johnson vaccines Trump ordered are supposed to be all available by the end of June. Biden's FDA is still holding them up. Meanwhile, Democrats contributed to fighting Covid by having two impeachments. Whoopie.
    Last edited by oladub; February-15-21 at 09:37 PM.

  18. #118


    Quote Originally Posted by ABetterDetroit View Post
    Seriously, Have you ever been right about anything?


    Then, the dipshit turned down a extra 100 Million doses from Pfizer because he couldn’t take the credit. We would be 50 Million vaccinated Americans ahead if it wasn’t for that idiot.
    That is your convoluted logic. [[See how new words come in handy)

    National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Dr. Anthony Fauci said in a Sept. 8
    interview that having an answer on a vaccine was “unlikely” by Election Day, and that a more reasonable expectation would be by the end of the year.
    Slaoui, the chief adviser of Operation Warp Speed — the government’s effort to fast-track vaccine development — said on Sept. 3 that there was a “very, very low chance” that the trials would provide results by the end of October.


    1. Pfizer / BioNTech

    • Estimated efficiency: 95%
    • Country of origin: United States and Germany


    He turned down Pfizer because they need freezers capable of storing the vaccination at -70,there are not enough of those freezers on the world to store enough to supply on state let alone the whole country.

    Now add the hundreds of millions that it would cost to fabricate those hospital grade freezers and the time it would take.

    Why spend a billion dollars on a vaccine that needs to be stored at -70 when you do not have the capability to store it and it will go bad,even more so when you have another vaccine that only requires -7 storage temperatures?

    That is the storage temperature of the other vaccines.

    Who is the dipshit?

    Restaurant food safety requirements are -5 to - 10 ,I have 5 of those freezers and every hospital or pharmacy in the country has those already.

    Those who did not have them at the time were paying $3000 for a 15 year old commercial freezer that was selling for $1000 a week before.

    The average time from development of a vaccine to testing and meeting FDA approval is up to 10 years.

    Has this information helped you to understand what Operation Warp Speed was about as you are calling others dipshits?

    You can develop vaccinations all you want,if it takes 5 years to clear the FDA testing hurdles ,you are dead in the water until that clearance is approved.

    You asked have I ever been right about anything.

    I posted Trump fast tracked the vaccine- he did

    I never posted he funded the research or development.

    I also posted all of the experts said it was impossible,clearly it was possible.

    Even in the fact check at the time said he was full of crap for saying that the vaccine would be delivered before the election.

    But it was and millions were already vaccinated,already at a level that Biden promised by mid summer.

    If you are going to call me out,no problem,but at the very least call me out on what I posted and not what you made up in the process of convoluted logic.

    Not sure if that applies,but it sounds good and we need to apply the word of the day in our posts, by order of the Gov.

    I also posted this
    You can say it,thank you Mr Trump for saving my life from a deadly pandemic,I still think you suck, but appreciate that part anyways.

    You can practice it in front of a mirror first if you like
    Last edited by Richard; February-15-21 at 09:59 PM.

  19. #119


    Quote Originally Posted by ABetterDetroit View Post
    Seriously, Have you ever been right about anything?
    He's never been right. He like the Kim character in this video:
    North Korean Meets 'Kim Jong Un' for the FIRST TIME - YouTube

  20. #120


    And the purge of the Republicans begins...


  21. #121


    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    Not sure what you are talking about but NPR had an article about difficulties purchasing a second batch of Pfizer vaccines. Trump eventually purchased 200M Pfizer vaccines. There was some sort of an option to buy between 100M and 500M extra vaccines when Trump ordered the first 100M Pfizer vaccines. I couldn't make out if that was brought into play for the purchase of the second 100M Pfizer vaccines.

    Trump ordered 200M vaccines from Pfizer; enough for 100M
    Trump ordered 200M vaccines from Moderna: enough for 100M
    Trump ordered 100M vaccines from Johnson&Johnson enough for 100M

    Biden ordered 100M vaccines from Pfizer; enough for 50M
    Biden ordered 100M vaccines from Moderna: enough for 50M

    What's next? Biden will probably be taking the credit for helping get these vaccines to market sort of like when Al Gore invented the internet.

    I thought it was funny when Biden was promising to bring vaccine distribution up to 1M/day and then he found out that Trump's existing program was already distributing 900,000/day. Biden then said he would raise that number to 1.5m/day. But it isn't Biden magic. Those Johnson and Johnson vaccines Trump ordered are supposed to be all available by the end of June. Biden's FDA is still holding them up. Meanwhile, Democrats contributed to fighting Covid by having two impeachments. Whoopie.
    It is here along with where the doses ended up.
    Last edited by ABetterDetroit; February-16-21 at 11:28 PM.

  22. #122


    Quote Originally Posted by ABetterDetroit View Post
    And the purge of the Republicans begins...

    Despite everything else McConnell said about Trump... I'm sure he blames Trump [[without saying so) for the loss of the majority in the Senate. Trumps people should not have told some of their supporters in Georgia to stay home because it wasn't a fair election, and likely the Senate election wouldn't be either.

    I don't doubt that the Republicans could have kept the Senate had Trump stayed focused on getting the Georgia 2 Republicans re-elected... rather than spending so much time accusing [[Republican) Raffensperger [[Sec. of State) about election foul play in Georgia.

    I also don't think that Democrats want to admit that Ossoff and Warnock won in great part due to Trump.

  23. #123


    Oladub... I don't think Trump has much in the way of bragging rights when it comes to Covid. He lied to the public about the dangers of the pandemic, and then flaunted it with him and his MAGA followers not wearing masks or social distancing. Trump is the reason that millions of his followers will refuse to get vaccinated... and we will be stuck with his legacy of being the world's leader in Covid deaths.

    Just ask his ardent supporter Herman Cain... ops... forgot he's dead... because he was one of the lemmings that followed Trump and never wore a mask. [[That's a whole other can 'o worms!)

    So when it comes to Covid... Trump has nothing much to brag about.
    Last edited by Gistok; February-17-21 at 04:03 AM.

  24. #124


    McConnell Gives Blistering Speech Condemning Trump After Acquitting Him

    Jimmy talks about celebrating Valentine’s Day, his mom’s strange gift, Mardi Gras celebrations being cancelled because of last year’s festivities turning into a superspreader event, Trump driving around Palm Beach to give his fans a wave in celebration of his un-impeachment, the dream team of lawyers he put together to represent him at the trial, Mitch McConnell denouncing Trump moments after voting to acquit him, Mitch and Trump trading barbs after the vote, seven Republican Senators voting to convict, Joe Biden spending the weekend playing Mario Cart with his granddaughter at Camp David, the majority of Americans saying Trump shouldn’t be allowed to hold office again, and in honor of “Random Acts of Kindness” week, Jimmy prank calls his Aunt Chippy about her COVID vaccination appointment.

  25. #125


    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    Oladub... I don't think Trump has much in the way of bragging rights when it comes to Covid. He lied to the public about the dangers of the pandemic, and then flaunted it with him and his MAGA followers not wearing masks or social distancing. Trump is the reason that millions of his followers will refuse to get vaccinated... and we will be stuck with his legacy of being the world's leader in Covid deaths.

    Just ask his ardent supporter Herman Cain... ops... forgot he's dead... because he was one of the lemmings that followed Trump and never wore a mask. [[That's a whole other can 'o worms!)

    So when it comes to Covid... Trump has nothing much to brag about.
    So why is it,you guys have had stricter lock downs for longer periods,but a higher death rate then Florida who has almost double the population and only locked down for 30 days without totally shutting the economy down?

    As we are seeing places like New York had higher death rates because they could not follow a simple common sense approach of not mixing the sick with the elderly?

    You have some convoluted logic when you say Trump is responsible for the deaths.

    Trump was not in control of all the other countries that had deaths,you guys were the ones that called him racist, and telling everybody to go out into the street and party when he was shutting down the borders.

    Then when you finally started to take him seriously,the first thing you did is run out and buy up all of the toilet paper.

    The one thing you cannot erase from history is that he had a vaccine on market when all of the world’s experts said it was impossible.

    So in the future classrooms the kids will be shaking their heads and wondering why the democrats were so apposed to saving lives while their future leader hid in the basement.

    Nobody will remember all the little petty waaaaaa Trump hatred,they will remember who made sure results happened against all odds.

    Even though it burns you up that Trump saved you from certain death from the rona virus,but the future will not care about your personal feelings.

    Or mine for that matter.

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