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  1. #1

    Default The Decline and Fall of The GOP

    McConnell says Taylor Greene's embrace of conspiracy theories a 'cancer'

    McConnell didn't mention Greene by name in his three-sentence statement,...

    Greene responded on Twitter, writing that "the real cancer for the Republican Party is weak Republicans who only know how to lose gracefully."...

    A supporter of the pro-Trump QAnon movement, Greene has supported Facebook posts calling for the execution of Speaker Nancy Pelosi [[D-Calif.) and other top Democrats; she has endorsed false and hurtful conspiracy theories that the 9/11 terrorist attacks and mass school shootings in Newtown, Conn., and Parkland, Fla., were hoaxes; and she has embraced another strange conspiracy theory that the 2018 California wildfires were sparked by a laser from space controlled by a powerful Jewish banking family....
    So they're now debating on whether to lose gracefully or to lose gracelessly. Really? Is winning no longer an option?

    I knew the GOP jumped the shark when they served up Trump as a candidate sufficiently "presidential." The venerated George Will leaving the party only confirmed it.

    Has the GOP gone the way of the Whigs? With what will it be replaced?

  2. #2


    McConnell is pandering to the Democrats who have their own long list of conspiracy theories,and no shortage of members that should be sensoring themselves for the actions of he last 4 years.

    The Republican Party is not dead,the core that believes in the policies of less government,secure borders,equal opportunity for all,following the constitution,fair playing field for US businesses in the global trade markets etc.

    In other words,who ever puts Americans first over self preservation in politics.

    That is what matters.Who does it will get that support.

    If we are going down the road of picking sufficiently “presidential” choices,the democrats are not exactly in the category of perfecto choices either.

    The GOP is still there and supported by those who back a president that does what they say and not those who make promises then do not even try to implement them.

    On a side note,you guys had half a thread discussing Jewish lasers ,now in this link it was lasers funded by a powerful Jewish banking family.

    Pretty clear of the standard of taking something somebody says and twisting it to fit their own conspiracy theory’s.

    Some seem to forget,these politicians work and represent us citizens,they are not our leaders,they are our voices and are expected to govern accordingly,if they want to go out on their own agenda,they will be replaced.

    Spreading the false narrative that the GOP is dead because unlike the democrats we do not want pandering sloughs representing us is just as bad as thinking there are Russians hiding in the bushes.

    The conservative Dems should be more worried about what is happening to their highjacked party as it is fading into history,then being consumed by the diversions put out there in oder to take your eye off of the ball.

    If some still not have figured out why Trump got elected in the first place,then you have bigger worries then what is going on in the GOP.

    Now it is the Republican Party and the Democratic socialist dictatorship party,who wants to use drone strikes on the opposition on US soil,I think that reference is more based on,those in glass houses should not be throwing stones.
    Last edited by Richard; February-02-21 at 10:43 AM.

  3. #3


    I had never heard about either Qanon or the Bugaloos until reading about them on Detroit Yes. There must be a lot of coverage, real and imagined about those two groups in the Democratic echo chamber media. I looked up Bugaloo Boys on Wikipedia and it said they wear Hawaiian shirts at BLM rallies so they can identify each other in riots [[wink, wink). Some months later, I looked up the wikipedia article again and it still reported that they wore Hawaiian shirts at BLM rallies. I'm pretty sure that if that was ever or still true, that they would have been dead. Both groups seem like the product of SPLC propaganda or at least were magnified in importance to have an enemy the left can rally around. Knowing of these groups, I avoided their websites. I am probably on enough lists already.

    Greene does sound like a fruitcake; as whacko as Maxine Waters but a little less flakey than AOC. If Democrats want to take down a Republican, I would offer Lynn Cheney as the sacrificial Republican. Lynn Cheney and her father were the Democrats' favorite Republicans. Make her a Democrat since so many of the other neocon warmongers have already drifted back to the Democratic Party. Dreaming: How about trading Lynn Cheney for Tulsi Gabbard? The DNC made it clear it doesn't want Tulsi Gabbard anyway. She isn't corrupt enough, prioritizes Americans, proved that even voting Democrats didn't want Kamala Harris, and counter attacked the ever evil Hillary.

  4. #4


    OK Oladub... but we'll trade you Tulsi Gabbard... for Adam Kinzinger... he has no fear of the orange one.

  5. #5


    I would take Tulsi Gabbard any day of the week,democrats hate her because she is not weak and she scares them.

    Back to twisted narratives,although the parkland shooting as an act was not staged,what happened after that was,backed up by the statements from those the media chose to highlight,they all said they were instructed to say what they were told to say by the media.

    Those who wanted to say what they really felt personally that did not fit the narrative were cast aside.

    That is easily verified.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    ...Adam Kinzinger... he has no fear of the orange one.
    One of the few decent Republicans left in the party

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Henry Whalley View Post
    One of the few decent Republicans left in the party
    Amen to that....


  8. #8


    Conway: We're watching moral collapse of Republican Party

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Oladub- FYI Tulsi is out of office. She didn't run for re-election last time.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Pam View Post
    Oladub- FYI Tulsi is out of office. She didn't run for re-election last time.
    She still is running the talk circuit and doing pretty good with that,she reminds me of Bernie,calm and collective under pressure and still being able think about what they are saying.

    A lot different then some of the drama queens that the progressives seem to honor.

    I actually think she would make for a good president,she reminds me of an old school conservative democrat more then anything,verses the radical change the world tomorrow,no matter what the cost or sacrifice.

    Some of those women get downright nasty to those in the party that they did not agree with,it’s playing politics based on emotions, verses what is actually right for the country.

    The story I read about Bernie and his mittens,was that a supporter had knitted those for him along with 49 other pairs,and there he was sitting there wearing them for the world to see,that’s pretty cool and from the heart.
    Last edited by Richard; February-03-21 at 03:28 PM.

  11. #11


    It is amazing that during my lifetime they have gone from Eisenhower and patriotism to Trump, sedition, and violent treason.

  12. #12


    Yea the democrats have fallen far in that time Hugh? Maybe because nobody is above the law they will be held accountable for those actions soon.

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Pam View Post
    Oladub- FYI Tulsi is out of office. She didn't run for re-election last time.
    I was following how the DNC stopped funding Tulsi Gabbard and selected a primary candidate for Tulsi's seat in Hawaii. But your are right, I should have used past tense rather than present tense. She was a big supporter of Bernie four years ago but I don't think he returned the favor. Of course he was running again too.

    I am grateful for Tulsi knocking Kamala off her 14% pedestal. When Kamala dropped out in December, her support in the Democratic party was down to 2% in the primary. That's important because the 2% shows that she was selected by party officials although rejected by Democratic voters. The media tried to put a happy face on her selection. She was the first woman vice-president! That's something but Tulsi could have been that and an exemplar.
    Last edited by oladub; February-04-21 at 06:59 AM.

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    I was following how the DNC stopped funding Tulsi Gabbard and selected a primary candidate for Tulsi's seat in Hawaii. But your are right, I should have used past tense rather than present tense. She was a big supporter of Bernie four years ago but I don't think he returned the favor. Of course he was running again too.

    I am grateful for Tulsi knocking Kamala off her 14% pedestal. When Kamala dropped out in December, her support in the Democratic party was down to 2% in the primary. That's important because the 2% shows that she was selected by party officials although rejected by Democratic voters. The media tried to put a happy face on her selection. She was the first woman vice-president! That's something but Tulsi could have been that and an exemplar.
    Attached Images Attached Images  
    Last edited by Honky Tonk; February-04-21 at 01:59 PM.

  15. #15


    The Democrats have been handed the keys to the kingdom directly from the Republicans.

    The GOP sent the signal loud and clear that they do not support democracy and denounce it as a fraud unless it works in their favor and intend to set up a dictatorship run by them. Unfortunately for the GOP that idea is positively un-American. Post election 2020 the facts are in the Republicans own actions and words. When the GOP has the ability to permanently seize power and end democracy they are ready and willing to do it.

    If the Democrats are smart enough to properly exploit this political gold mine literally gifted to them by the opposition remains to be seen. It is a slam dunk for them in 2022 but they do have a knack for taking their eye off the ball and reaching too far.

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by ABetterDetroit View Post
    but they do have a knack for taking their eye off the ball and reaching too far.
    Too far into the working man's wallet.

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    That's something but Tulsi could have been that and an exemplar.
    At best, she would have been 'Present'.

  18. #18


    The GOP is up to their usual tricks of trying to further suppress the vote. Instead of actually making an attempt to modify their platform, it's a lot easier to take away someone's voting rights than admit you were wrong.

    State Republicans push new voting restrictions after Trump’s loss - POLITICO

    Some Republican officials have been blunt about their motivations: They don’t believe they can win unless the rules change. “They don’t have to change all of them, but they’ve got to change the major parts of them so that we at least have a shot at winning,” Alice O’Lenick, a Republican on the Gwinnett County, Ga., board of elections in suburban Atlanta, told the Gwinnett Daily Post last week.

    My favorite proposal so far is requiring two pieces of photo identification to vote absentee. You don't even need that to cash a check ! Notice there's never any discussions of attaching a license photo on file when you register to vote.

  19. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by Bong-Man View Post
    ... it's a lot easier to take away someone's voting rights than admit you were wrong....
    If their theory doesn't match the facts, they try to change the facts. That's what schizophrenics do too. Coincidence?
    Last edited by Jimaz; February-05-21 at 11:45 AM.

  20. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by Jimaz View Post
    If their theory doesn't match the facts, they try to change the facts. That's what schizophrenics do to. Coincidence?
    Who knows why the democrats think like they do,maybe they are schizophrenic like you say.

  21. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by Bong-Man View Post
    The GOP is up to their usual tricks of trying to further suppress the vote. Instead of actually making an attempt to modify their platform, it's a lot easier to take away someone's voting rights than admit you were wrong.

    State Republicans push new voting restrictions after Trump’s loss - POLITICO

    My favorite proposal so far is requiring two pieces of photo identification to vote absentee. You don't even need that to cash a check ! Notice there's never any discussions of attaching a license photo on file when you register to vote.
    Bank much? Most of the major banks around me require two forms of ID to cash checks.

    In order to renew your drivers license you have to prove you are a citizen in the first place,why is it so difficult to prove your identity in order to vote as a citizen of the country as required?

    This is the argument

    They are students and other young people, they’re communities of color, they’re older adults who are no longer driving, people with low income, people with disabilities,” said Kathleen Unger, the founder of VoteRiders. VoteRiders estimated that up to 25 million voting-age Americans lacked a government-issued photo ID.

    You need to tell your local representatives that instead of running around yelling impeach the MFR,they should actually do something to help their constituents.

    Where I am at,and it is a democrat held city,every one of those groups is provided all of those services for free ,including the ID and transportation,if they meet a low income threshold.

    This is a failure on the democrat side and trying to blame their failures on the republicans.

    Name one democrat or even socialist country in the world that does not require a ID to vote,let alone a national voter ID card.
    Last edited by Richard; February-05-21 at 11:33 AM.

  22. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by Bong-Man View Post
    The GOP is up to their usual tricks of trying to further suppress the vote. Instead of actually making an attempt to modify their platform, it's a lot easier to take away someone's voting rights than admit you were wrong.

    State Republicans push new voting restrictions after Trump’s loss - POLITICO

    My favorite proposal so far is requiring two pieces of photo identification to vote absentee. You don't even need that to cash a check ! Notice there's never any discussions of attaching a license photo on file when you register to vote.
    Again the GOP is against Democracy. You have provided just another example. They are everywhere now.

  23. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by Jimaz View Post
    If their theory doesn't match the facts, they try to change the facts. That's what schizophrenics do to. Coincidence?
    It's also what cheaters do with rules when they play a game, and in real life.

  24. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by ABetterDetroit View Post
    Again the GOP is against Democracy. You have provided just another example. They are everywhere now.
    For more examples, and researched facts why many more people who are poor, ethnic minorities, college students, or elderly lack even one form of photo identification, there's a discussion about it here.

  25. #25


    In order to renew your drivers license you have to prove you are a citizen in the first place,why is it so difficult to prove your identity in order to vote as a citizen of the country as required?
    Typical Repugnant....always confusing a right with a privilege. The biggest reason is that you've already accomplished everything required at the S.O.S. office. That's how you got the voting card to begin with. It's not your picture...it's your signature on the card. If it's your pic, then put the damn thing on the card to begin with ! Then instead of claiming that's not your signature, I'd get to hear 80 year old retired senile women stare at me and say, "that doesn't look like you." Of course all this is necessary because we know poor minorities just love to stand in line multiple times for 8 hours a shot just to vote two or three times and risk a felony charge. Why it's their favorite thing to do ! lol

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