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  1. #126


    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    Um.... what exactly has Trump done in North Korea... besides stroked Rocket Man's ego? Zippo! We're no different off there than we were before Trump took office. He accomplished nothing...
    You are still alive,remember y’all claimed was going to destroy the country and start WW3?

    Dang,that makes it two times he saved your life,even while you guys were the ones destroying the country.

  2. #127


    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    Um.... what exactly has Trump done in North Korea... besides stroked Rocket Man's ego? Zippo! We're no different off there than we were before Trump took office. He accomplished nothing...
    It’s really a shame a hatred for a man has you so single sited you would cut your own throat to cancel him!

  3. #128


    SEOUL, South Korea — North Korea called former Vice President Joe Biden a “rabid dog” that “must be beaten to death with a stick” in its latest swipe against foreign and political leaders it sees as hostile to the North’s leadership.


    Granted the reporting source is a leftist propaganda rag,so it could very well be more fake news.

    Trump calls him Rocket man
    Biden calls him a thug
    Last edited by Richard; January-24-21 at 05:43 PM.

  4. #129


    Quote Originally Posted by Wheels View Post
    It’s really a shame a hatred for a man has you so single sited you would cut your own throat to cancel him!
    They were destroying a country in order to get rid of him,notice how days after Biden steps in,the democrat governors all of the sudden relaxed Covid restrictions and started opening up the states even after declaring how bad it is.

    If they were willing to throw millions of their fellow Americans under the bus just so they could express their hate,they were probably making side deals with Rocket man in order to nuke a city if Trump had won.
    Last edited by Richard; January-24-21 at 05:49 PM.

  5. #130


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    They were destroying a country in order to get rid of him,notice how days after Biden steps in,the democrat governors all of the sudden relaxed Covid restrictions and started opening up the states even after declaring how bad it is.

    If they were willing to throw millions of their fellow Americans under the bus just so they could express their hate,they were probably making side deals with Rocket man in order to nuke a city if Trump had won.

    Oh wait Awomen!

  6. #131


    Quote Originally Posted by Wheels View Post
    It’s really a shame a hatred for a man has you so single sited you would cut your own throat to cancel him!
    As for Richard I'm done with his blathering... but what coma did you just wake up from Wheels.... don't you remember just 2 weeks ago when we had a president who tried to use a coup to undo an election?? Ummmm earth to Wheels... do you need to be reminded why Trump is being Impeached again?

    Thank God our court system in this country isn't like Russia or Belarus where they do their leaders bidding and won't undo elections. Even Trumps Attorney General Barr didn't believe the bullshit that Trump and his ilk was spewing and said the elections were fair. And even after Barr quit... Trump had to be talked out of firing acting Attorney General Rosen because he too wouldn't go along with Trumps make believe bullshit.

    Well Trump is now gone and muzzled... Amen.

  7. #132


    P.S. There is no point arguing with people whose mind is already made up. The Brits have a saying... "never argue with an idiot... they just bring you down to their level, and then beat you with experience!". So I am done arguing about the election. Crybaby Trump lost and we have a newly elected president Biden. Buh-bye....

    One parting video...
    Last edited by Gistok; January-24-21 at 07:39 PM.

  8. #133


    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    As for Richard I'm done with his blathering... but what coma did you just wake up from Wheels.... don't you remember just 2 weeks ago when we had a president who tried to use a coup to undo an election?? Ummmm earth to Wheels... do you need to be reminded why Trump is being Impeached again?
    P.S. There is no point arguing with people whose mind is already made up. The Brits have a saying... "never argue with an idiot... they just bring you down to their level, and then beat you with experience!". So I am done arguing about the election. Crybaby Trump lost and we have a newly elected president Biden. Buh-bye....
    Coups, these days, require guns unless one is Mahatma Gandhi. The occasional use of fire extinguishers and hockey sticks are punishable crimes but do not constitute a coup even if the Sheeples News, baaaa, news keeps repeating that absurd point a hundred times.

    I'm not sure Biden was elected or selected, maybe both, but he won and his handlers are making the calls.

    When is the Park Service going to come up with its more accurate estimates of the crowds in Washington, D.C.? I hope they publish the aerial photo so everyone can have a look at them.

    But where is this democracy? Where are the adoring crowds, the joyous mobs celebrating and the people cheering the tremendous victory of the democracy of Google, Facebook, Amazon, AT&T, Comcast and their D.C. lobbyists and associates over the Rust Belt and the flyovers?...
    Democracy is in a state of permanent emergency that requires locking down D.C., filling it with soldiers, walls, and barbed wire, and investigating political crimes. And D.C. will do everything it can to end the threat that Americans pose to democracy even if its ruling class has to live in its green zone surrounded by troops and barbed wire until democracy is saved from Americans.
    -Daniel Greenfield

  9. #134


    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    P.S. There is no point arguing with people whose mind is already made up. The Brits have a saying... "never argue with an idiot... they just bring you down to their level, and then beat you with experience!". So I am done arguing about the election. Crybaby Trump lost and we have a newly elected president Biden. Buh-bye....

    One parting video...
    You flat out called me a liar, then posted a link that proved what I posted.

    If you are not man enough to apologize,then maybe it is better that you be done.

    You guys spent the last 4 years bawling your eyes out,over fake news,fake Russian conspiracy,fake Ukraine conspiracy and every time Trump may have farted.

    Then all of this fake outrage over sexual abuse against women,then told the women that were sexually assaulted by Biden to sit down and shut up.

    I did not beat you with experience,I beat you with facts,then you got mad and attacked me,after I proved you were calling people names like a child based on false Information.

    You are no different then your Grandpa smurf.

    Now he admits he does not have a corona virus plan,after he has spent the past two months,saying that Trump had no plan.

    Notice the trend in smurfsville,calling others out when you do not even have a clue,

    So far 4 days in

    Lied about having a corona virus plan
    Told Canada and the working class FU
    Told Russia he has their back.
    Told China he will give them precedence over US citizens
    Gave Latin America billions for rebuilding while American cities continue to suffer under Smurf rule.
    Planted the seeds of war again in the Middle East,after Trump spent 4 years creating ground breaking peace.
    Still is failing to denounce the violence and riots happening everyday in the NW.

    Opps sorry Antifa replaced the KKK as the democrat parties arm of violence,so that is acceptable ,I guess they figure it has better optics.

    He did promise some free money corona virus,but he did not say when to Americans.

    Funny how some want to argue when it is about their choice,they write books about it,but then when somebody says something about thier candidate of choice,they run home to mommy cause the bad people hurt their little feelings.

    In America we also have a saying.

    Do not dish it out,if you are not prepared to take it in return.

    Mommy those people were mean to me,so I took my toys and went home.
    Last edited by Richard; January-24-21 at 10:08 PM.

  10. #135


    ^^ Oladub, I don't disagree with the fact that different levels of actions by different people inside the Capitol should NOT be lumped together as treasonous behavior. Trespassing perhaps. But it all has to be sorted out by the known videos and witnesses.

    Also, this inauguration cannot be compared with any other... both due to the Pandemic, as well as the perceived threats... so doing any counts serves no purpose. Biden isn't looking for bragging rights.

    And judging Biden already [[as Marco Rubio did) is kinda silly... he's still working on getting a Cabinet together, and although he has undone many of his predecessors Executive Orders, not a single piece of legislation has been passed yet. So time will tell.

  11. #136


    ^ man you sure came back quick,after saying you were done

    Already making excuses for Biden’s failures,but I would agree that judging presidents after they first get into office is kinda silly.

    Difference is,it should applied consistently,instead of like a one way street,otherwise it seems kinda hollow.

    Biden is imposing a travel ban for non citizens who have been in South Africa.

    That is kinda racist,don’t ya think ?

    Actually he just extended the travel restrictions that then president Trump had put in place back in January 2020 and was called a racist for doing so.

    With the up coming impeachment trail,which could drag out for months,and is a priority over American citizens needs,I am thinking much of Grandpa Smurfs agenda is going to stall out.

    I am thinking Trumps defense team could call up 500 or 600 witnesses,that should stall things out for 6 to 8 months.

    In the meentime Americans are dieing every day because of Grandpas smurfs lack of a corona virus plan,but that’s okay because the hatred of Trump takes priority over American citizen needs,which is no surprise because that is the way it has been on the left for the last 50 years.
    Last edited by Richard; January-24-21 at 10:40 PM.

  12. #137


    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    ^^ Oladub, I don't disagree with the fact that different levels of actions by different people inside the Capitol should NOT be lumped together as treasonous behavior. Trespassing perhaps. But it all has to be sorted out by the known videos and witnesses.
    Yes there is a lot of police work to be done. The same applies to the last year's BLM/antifa rioting. However, the basically unarmed Capitol takeover falls far short of being a coup attempt.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    Also, this inauguration cannot be compared with any other... both due to the Pandemic, as well as the perceived threats... so doing any counts serves no purpose. Biden isn't looking for bragging rights.
    The pandemic made a difference in crowd size but stationing 24,000 troops in D.C. this long is absurd and smells like a police state . That is more troops than we have in Iraq, Afghanistan and along the Mexican border combined. I was talking about the aerial photos of the Trump people not Biden well wishers.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    judging Biden already [[as Marco Rubio did) is kinda silly... he's still working on getting a Cabinet together, and although he has undone many of his predecessors Executive Orders, not a single piece of legislation has been passed yet. So time will tell.
    This isn't just rescinding trump's executive orders. One of Biden’s first executive orders rescinded Trump’s order preventing companies linked to the Chinese Communist Party from involvement in the United States electrical power grid.

    Comparing some of the Trump executive orders Biden ended with some Biden created.

    I judge Biden on his tenure as Obama's VP, his corporatist and interventionist cabinet appointments, new troops into Syria, the size of his most recent giveaway proposals, his apparent diminished cognitive abilities, his choices of which Trump executive orders to overturn, the desires and legislative intents expressed by many Democrats. I'm not sure if he even knows what he is signing.
    Last edited by oladub; January-25-21 at 10:06 AM.

  13. #138


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    ^ man you sure came back quick,after saying you were done
    Yes Richard... I am done... with people who can't be reasoned with.

  14. #139
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    No policy change in Venezuela.

    Jimmy Dore Show-


    [[Discussion of clips from the new Secretary of State confirmation hearings)
    Last edited by Pam; January-25-21 at 08:59 AM.

  15. #140


    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    As for Richard I'm done with his blathering... but what coma did you just wake up from Wheels.... don't you remember just 2 weeks ago when we had a president who tried to use a coup to undo an election?? Ummmm earth to Wheels... do you need to be reminded why Trump is being Impeached again?

    Thank God our court system in this country isn't like Russia or Belarus where they do their leaders bidding and won't undo elections. Even Trumps Attorney General Barr didn't believe the bullshit that Trump and his ilk was spewing and said the elections were fair. And even after Barr quit... Trump had to be talked out of firing acting Attorney General Rosen because he too wouldn't go along with Trumps make believe bullshit.

    Well Trump is now gone and muzzled... Amen.
    Trump is being impeached because he was draining the swamp! If you consider either impeachment legitimate you really are beyond help!

    Do you think an impeachment without a lawyer or a single witness or trial is legit or pure hatred and revenge? Long live the Deuce! His speech at the inauguration was still going when the animals stormed the capital. He didn’t say anything more inflammatory the Pelosi or Shummer or Waters or many other democrats including Joe And the Hoe! Impeach them all!

  16. #141


    ^ Setting aside the who-loves-who or hates-who factors [[I voted for neither) if this post-presidency-impeachment goes forth it'll be a huge distraction and president Biden's already holding a hefty plate of responsibilities, and mega promises to fulfill! Antifa and BLM are already on him hard for falling short and it's not been a month! That has to be tripping-him-out, and if he's genuinely surprised that speaks volumes.

    Further, Trumps defense team by way of response IS of course going bring up dirt [[and in some areas simply fact) re. the Democratic parties very messy apparatus: by way of the public hearings, details to the general public - a general public of whom may not all fall-in-line 100% as the process goes forth. Even at risk of being called names and silenced as far right extremists when they start to question - eyes open. Can everyone be managed to remain approving of what's getting harder to justify?

    Players here best get out their white gloves [[for their own purity tests) if they are going to play. Or maybe the boxing gloves!

    Additionally, as a result of the joyful reveals from this post-presidency impeachment, more loyal partisan voters will be more affirmed to leave the voting mainstream, period.

    And should the repubs ever get back in office [[I mean it could happen!) this process opens the door/ and power for them to impeach in the same manner. Just saying.
    Last edited by Zacha341; January-25-21 at 11:13 AM.

  17. #142


    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    Yes Richard... I am done... with people who can't be reasoned with.
    Yes,I see your style of reasoning,when presented with facts that you do not want to see,your reply is

    Your post is to long,I did not read it
    Your spelling is horrible,I did not read it
    Your sentence structure is horrible,I did not read it.

    You read what I posted,you just did not agree with it,so you applied diversionary tactics.

    Sounds reasonable.

    Kinda like this

    The Associated Press reported, however, that Newsom’s administration has been hiding COVID-19 data, saying that data is too complex for Californians to understand. The hidden data relates to how the California government projects intensive care unit [[ICU) capacity. Just days before President Joe Biden was inaugurated, California’s daily updated map of ICU capacity showed that the state’s stay-at-home order wouldn’t be lifted any time soon, yet just a day later, the AP reported, suddenly the order was lifted for the Greater Sacramento area.

    It is interesting how 1 day after Biden takes office,all of these democrat governors all of the sudden decide to release Covid restrictions and open their economy back up.

    One would think they conspired to crash the economy in order to influence the election,throwing millions of Americans into poverty and debt,just so they could make Trump look bad and them good when they throw a bone out.

    That is like beating the crap out of somebody and saying look I am a nice person,I called an ambulance for you.

    How many people have died from Covid under Biden’s watch?

    He is killing Americans because of his inaction,while the Dems destroyed millions more because of their direct intentional actions.

    Joe Biden was slammed on Friday after stating during a press conference that there was nothing his administration could do to change the course of the pandemic over the next several months, which comes after he campaigned on ending the pandemic.

    But yet his promise was

    The Biden administration’s new plan will “fundamentally change the course of the pandemic,” White House Covid coordinator Jeff Zients told reporters Wednesday,

    So that is his plan and campaign promise,to fundamentally change the course of the pandemic.

    By saying after taking the seat,there is nothing my administration can do to change the course of the pandemic.

    The economy is like a massive iron ball,it takes time to get it rolling,as it is now it will take 2 to 3 years to get it rolling again without the influx of trillions in debt.

    I can tell you the exact week our economy down here fell off of the cliff,even after it was rolling strong through the corona virus.

    All of the programs that Biden promised will take years to implement and the results in economic gain will take longer,he will be long out of office before any direct public results outside of the over 600,000 jobs he has killed with the signing of a couple of EOs.

    Every EO that he signs,can be reversed by the next incoming president,but in the meentime millions of Americans will be thrown into poverty and out of jobs.

    You want reasonable thinking?

    You guys still claim Trump was destroying democracy,you never debated his policies,you only expressed your hatred towards him.

    Do you guys seriously believe that saving democracy is only accomplished by throwing millions of your fellow Americans under the street in a scorch and burn policy that is going to take years to recover from?

    The only thing you really have accomplished is removing 4 years of opportunity and growth for the younger generation at a time they needed it the most.

    Your brand of Reasoning Gistok,is exactly why we have cities in this country like we do,there is no excuse for it.

    Last edited by Richard; January-25-21 at 11:12 AM.

  18. #143


    Ha....Republicans claiming Democratic States are now opening up because Biden has been sworn in. I guess that's true if you use 2 months of idiotic seditious activity as your timeline. Wasn't that supposed to happen on November 4th ? The same time 'the flu' was supposed to magically go away ? Now we get to watch them use 19th century logic to further restrict voting rights. Where's all the claims that the Georgia Senate run-offs were fixed ? Surely there was more at stake during THAT election than the one 2 months earlier....yet not a peep was heard about voter fraud....hmmm, imagine that.

    I'm looking forward to having a doggie in the White House that walks on 4 legs. 'Here Major...ruff ruff !" It will be nice to hear dog whistles actually aimed at a canine !

    Here's some random facts for you just to prove that 1958 is gone and will never return....

    When broken down by age, results from the multiple surveys show that the oldest Americans — the Silent Generation, born before 1946 — are 84 percent Christian. The figures for younger cohorts: boomers [[born 1946 to 1964) 76 percent; Generation X [[born 1965 to 1980) 67 percent; and millennials [[born 1981 to 1996) 49 percent.

    White voters...

    2000 - 76%
    2010 - 72%
    2018 - 67%
    2020 - 65%

    That trend isn't going away, so if the Republican Party has any hope for the future, it might want to embrace something/anything from the 21st century, because 'your old road is rapidly aging'.
    Last edited by Bong-Man; January-26-21 at 12:21 PM.

  19. #144


    Yes, but a factor forgotten is that Latino populations tend to be traditional in their family and social values [[ie conservative without necessarily being repub) and religious [[ie Christian or Catholic without necessarily being extremists -- some claim there's no such difference!). Many will vote demmy still as politics are leveraged towards them, but they'll not en-masse ally with all of the far-left agenda. Not all of the younger generation think alike either.

    Add to that, a factor that won't evaporate withstanding Biden's win: more black people voted republican this time [[or at least casting a more critical look at the democratic party). And more than a few also tend towards traditional family values and religions [[Christianity). Not having, as I said before, to look back further than one or two generations for a Christian referent.

    I voted for neither presidential candidate, but I know this is NOT all going to wrap-up completely as expected, with everyone bundled in neat stacks of affirmation for one side against the another. To think so is to remove individual personhood and choice [[a grand idea to some). Especially as some black communities push back on the negation of their values.

    And not just blacks who're repubs - there are a few of us indies as well.

    If the far-left is surprised here, they're showing their hand of NOT really knowing their eh' oppressed groups as they claim!
    Last edited by Zacha341; January-26-21 at 09:30 PM.

  20. #145


    Another promise by the Biden administration hits another snag like a porcupine through a ballon factory.

    A federal judge on Tuesday temporarily blocked President Biden’s attempt to put a moratorium on deportations for 100 days.

    The U.S. district judge implemented a nationwide injunction because a geographically-limited order would not adequately protect Texas’ interests due to “the free flow of movement” of illegal aliens from other states.

    Fox News exclusively reported over the weekend that an email sent last week to ICE officers called for stopping “all removals” and to “release them [undocumented immigrants] all, immediately.”


    What is interesting is every politician sense the 1920s has run on a platform of stopping illegal immigration.

    Biden campaigned on a promise of no consequences for illegal entry into the United States or staying here,but that appears to be another broken campaign promise.
    Last edited by Richard; January-26-21 at 09:13 PM.

  21. #146


    List of those Biden is pissing off and collecting law suits over in his scorch and burn policies.

    And he has only been in office for how many days?

    New Mexico
    The Ute Indian Tribe along with 4 other tribes.
    The pipeline workers union.
    Over 80,000 working people.
    Millions of Americans that he promised $2000 stimulus if they voted for him but have yet to receive.
    The corona virus after he called it racist.

    Countries and business that throw their support behind Biden.

    Big tech and social media,because he will give them unlimited EB5 visas so they can replace high paid Americans with cheaper foreign labor.

    Bidens response to all of those 1000s being laid off in the fuel and gas sector?

    Do not worry you will get new jobs in the green energy field.

    Only thing is he will not say when,so those workers will just have to starve and lose every thing they worked for until he decides they can work out of the goodness of his heart.


    We are the government and we are here to help.

    One would think the best course of action is to have the green energy workforce trained and ready to work ,before you fire everybody with no plan in place.

    It was kinda sad watching Biden when he went to sign 4 EOs,he searched every pocket looking for a pen,and did not even remember that they are right in front of him all neatly lined up on their little tray where they always have been.

    I do not think he will last 1 year.
    Last edited by Richard; January-27-21 at 10:43 PM.

  22. #147


    Lawyers representing over 200 oil and gas companies,representing over 65,000 workers,has filed a lawsuit against the Biden administration for canceling the oil and gas leases on public lands.

    Their claim is the president does not have the authority to cancel leases on land owned by the public,and has no plan in place to replace the 8.6 billion in conservation funding that those leases provide.

    This is a separate lawsuit from the one filed by the American Indian tribes.

    If the American Indian lands are their sovereign territory,how can the government dictate to what they do on them.

    It is becoming clear the 100s of millions in taxpayer dollars that are going to be spent in scorch and burn Biden policies,kinda like wasting taxpayer dollars wasted chasing fake Russian collusion conspiracy theory’s.

    It’s clear outside of saying what he was going to do,he had little plans to actually implement them.

    Which shows he ran on a campaign of pandering without actually having any solutions outside of scorch and burn and let the courts figure it out.

    It makes him look good while he actually accomplished nothing.

    Which is no surprise sense the last 40 years all he has accomplished was that sucking sound of American jobs leaving the country.

    I guess in his new green deal he forgot that the Chinese already control everything about it,and the global destruction that occurs while mining the materials needed for green and the child labor used in the workforce.

    But it sounds good though.
    Last edited by Richard; January-28-21 at 10:36 AM.

  23. #148


    Biden’s Approval Rating Is Higher Than Trump’s Ever Was

    Jimmy addresses President Biden beating Trump's approval rating during his first week in office.

  24. #149


    Quote Originally Posted by Jimaz View Post

    Biden’s Approval Rating Is Higher Than Trump’s Ever Was

    With who the same dead people that voted for him?

    Listen to Creepy Joe pile on the bull last oct and end with You can’t lead the country with executive orders unless your a dictator! If that’s not outing yourself what is? 35 and counting?

    He has the house and the senate. If he had popularity he could legitimately pass anything he wanted! He is leading by dictatorship and if you can’t see it you are the problem!


  25. #150


    Here is Biden signing an EO,while fully admitting he does not know what he is signing,and then signs it anyways.


    That’s Pelosi and Harris just putting EOs in front of him to sign,and he has no clue as to what he is signing.

    Wag the dog.
    Last edited by Richard; January-28-21 at 01:55 PM.

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