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  1. #101


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Two days in

    Biden sending troops back into Syria,looking for regime change this time,expect more US military body bags.

    Promised 100 million corona virus shots in 100 days

    That should be easy enough,because that is where we already are at.

    Forced the NG members in DC to sleep on the parking garage floor in the cold with a couple of bathrooms for thousands.

    Hours after the politicians thanked them for their service and protecting them during photo ops,they send them to sleep on the floor of the parking garage in the cold.

    It is reported that 100 NG members have now tested positive for the corona virus after being forced to attend a super spreader event of an inauguration.

    Over 2000 police officers have been injured or killed during the summer riots starting with the George Floyd incident as a direct result from the inaction of the democrat leaders that encouraged the riots for political warfare.

    The numbers still keep coming in because that tally was from June.


    Because the riots never let up and increased after June that number could rise to over 5000 police officers killed or injured at the blessing of the democrat party leaders.
    Richard, please stop spreading your lies...it's no longer just spin... it's out and out lies.

    1) Biden sent troops back into Syria to protect our Kurdish allies that Trump [[against the judgement of the Pentagon) arbitrarily removed them months ago... this was bullshit enough for Defense Secretary Mattis to quit.

    2) 100 million vaccines given out... that's a doozy of a LIE.... only 1% of the US population have been fully vaccinated with both shots... total doses administered 19 million...

    3) When Congress found out some National Guardsmen were sent to a parking garage, they demanded action, and they are back inside the Capitol, where they are getting gourmet meals. The source that sent them into the parking garage is being investigated.

    4) Coronavirus National Guard member? Until they do tracking and tracing... no one knows where they got the virus... one can imagine most of those positive figures come from their home state... too early to make a determination... anyone with half a brain should know that.

    5) Well which is it Richard... 2000 injured or 5000 injured among the summer riots. Lumping the police officer figures into that makes it look like at least hundreds were killed. I bet it's less than a dozen... 2 of which were from your Boogaloo Boys buddies...

    Stop spreading you BS among adults who know better here... it just shows your level of desperation.

  2. #102


    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    Richard, please stop spreading your lies...it's no longer just spin... it's out and out lies.

    1) Biden sent troops back into Syria to protect our Kurdish allies that Trump [[against the judgement of the Pentagon) arbitrarily removed them months ago... this was bullshit enough for Defense Secretary Mattis to quit.

    2) 100 million vaccines given out... that's a doozy of a LIE.... only 1% of the US population have been fully vaccinated with both shots... total doses administered 19 million...

    3) When Congress found out some National Guardsmen were sent to a parking garage, they demanded action, and they are back inside the Capitol, where they are getting gourmet meals. The source that sent them into the parking garage is being investigated.

    4) Coronavirus National Guard member? Until they do tracking and tracing... no one knows where they got the virus... one can imagine most of those positive figures come from their home state... too early to make a determination... anyone with half a brain should know that.

    5) Well which is it Richard... 2000 injured or 5000 injured among the summer riots. Lumping the police officer figures into that makes it look like at least hundreds were killed. I bet it's less than a dozen... 2 of which were from your Boogaloo Boys buddies...

    Stop spreading you BS among adults who know better here... it just shows your level of desperation.

    Who is spreading BS ?

    I posted Biden is sending troops back into Syria.

    You posted a link to back it up and called me a liar.

    I posted Biden plan is to deliver 100 million vaccines in 100 days which that goal was the same as Trumps and is already a reality.

    Vaccinations in the U.S. began Dec. 14 with health-care workers, and so far 19.8 million shots have been given, according to a state-by-state tally by Bloomberg and data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In the last week, an average of 982,739 doses per day were administered.

    Here you are not only calling me out but also calling the Bloomberg reporting and the CDC liars and people with half a brain.

    When Congress found out the NG was sleeping in the garage they changed it.

    Why the *uck did congress order 30,000 troops into the city without a thought of where they were going to sleep in the first place ?

    See that is the difference in the way people are raised and how they treat others.

    When your power companies came down to Florida after the hurricanes,the women here collected their dirty laundry and washed it,they could not enter a restaurant or bar and walk out with a bill,because it was paid,when they were working hard to restore power people brought them cold drinks and lunch.

    The democrats call 25,000 NG troops in to save their ass from a false flag,after they get their photo ops,they hand them a sandwich and send 5000 into the basement to share 1 power outlet,two outlets and no heat on a cold winters night.

    They damn made sure Antifa had port-a potties while they were destroying cities with their blessings,but the NG,they can find a tree.

    If they were not aware,they did not care enough to be aware.

    But they were aware,because Democrat Bill Keating had them sent there after seeing a national guardsman eating lunch in the cafeteria with no mask on.

    Only in the demented world of the democrats are people expected to eat with a mask on.

    Then you have the Gaul to sit there and justify it and make excuses for them.

    Then you called me a liar because I posted it.

    The Wall Street Journal reported on Friday that the almost 7,000 troops sent to Biden’s inauguration were screened for COVID, but not all were tested. Consequently, a defense official told the outlet that almost 200 members had now fallen sick with the coronavirus and many are beginning to show symptoms of the airborne disease that is easily transmitted.
    Due to the close proximity of the guards, at times shown in cramped quarters and sleeping in the halls of Congress, maintaining COVID-19 protocols became difficult. Testing will be conducted within the next few days for the full force.


    So you are saying that The Wall Street Journal is considered people reporting that have half a brain.

    News flash for those with half a brain,it has always been 2 to 14 days before symptoms show up.

    As for the rest,you have some serious reading comprehension and zero common sense.

    Then you have the audacity to call me a liar and spreading BS.

    How about pulling your head out of your .... hate bag while calling me names and accusations of lying and get your facts straight first.

    Why are you constantly trying to muck up the discussion with lies and misdirected accusations?

    You personally and many others have constantly made comments immediately after events and accusations of people spreading the virus,before you even knew.

    You guys are the ones that coined the phrase of superspreader events.

    Now you try and make it a case of it is to soon to tell how many NG were infected?

    You have to be drunk posting,let me know when the adults DO enter the room because you clearly are not one of them,while posting BS and accusing others of it.

    I clearly posted the link that have showed the number of police killed or injured in the summer riots along with the individual circumstances.

    Then you try and justify those killings and injuries by splitting hairs.

    I clearly posted - The number of police killed and injured during the summer riots as of June as 2000 and provided a link to back it up.

    I also added because that tally was as of June and the riots still continue to this day as more police officers are being injured we could easily see the total reach 5000.

    You had a problem reading that? It was not clear enough ?

    Like I posted,I do not mind the personal attacks,because it is always boiling down to the ones attacking are the ones proving who is the weak one.

    You still need to show a little appreciation to X President Trump for saving the world with a vaccine with his warp speed program,that you and the world laughed about and said it was not possible in under 4 years.

    Not that anybody expects it from some,because it is clear some were just not raised that way.

    That will follow you for the rest of your life,the man that you hated most and did your best to show it every second of the day,did not hold the same animosity towards you and still saved your life.

    That really has to suck that he ended up being the better person.

    You seem to like referring me to Quan and boogaloo people,I actually know little about them or even what they represent,you seem to have intimate knowledge though.

    But sense you are going down that road in the future, I will just view you as a socialist Antifa commi follower.

    You were probably in that group that tried to destroy Detroit with riots.
    Last edited by Richard; January-23-21 at 07:17 PM.

  3. #103


    After the capital protests,the FBI obtained all the cell phone tower pings from everybody that was within 1/2 mile of the capital building,even from people that were just simply out walking their dog and had zero to do with anything.

    They are all being paid a visit from the FBI.

    For the first time in American history the FBI,with zero warrants as required,tracked innocent American citizens who then had to prove their innocence and committed no crime.

    Has done so with the blessing of the democrat party.

    So now in the future any law enforcement agency can randomly track anybody they want for any reason they want.

    And it was claimed that Trump was destroying democracy,the democrats are the ones destroying democracy before even 1 day in office.

    WASHINGTON — In a 5-4 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court gave a victory to privacy advocates on Friday, ruling that police generally must have permission from a judge before they can get
    cellphone records to plot the movements of individual customers.

    The decision requires police departments nationwide to get a search warrant in order to obtain telephone company data to track where a user has been. The technique is widespread, given that 95 percent of Americans own a cellphone.

    So how many that have been arrested where the cell phone data was being used as evidence that they were present,will have their cases thrown out?

    Of course the FBI was already well aware of that little fact,maybe it was by design,makes it look good right now,6 months later when the public outcry dies down,everybody gets booted on technicalities.

    YouTube has disabled the dislike button on anything Biden related,you can only like it.
    Last edited by Richard; January-23-21 at 07:18 PM.

  4. #104
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Rolling Stone podcast- "Entering the Biden Era", with Katie Halper, Matt Taibbi and Thomas Frank.


  5. #105


    Richard wrote, "Two days in - Biden sending troops back into Syria, looking for regime change this time, expect more US military body bags.

    Gistok responded:

    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    Richard, please stop spreading your lies...it's no longer just spin... it's out and out lies.

    1) Biden sent troops back into Syria to protect our Kurdish allies that Trump [[against the judgement of the Pentagon) arbitrarily removed them months ago... this was bullshit enough for Defense Secretary Mattis to quit.
    I read the Atlantic article by neocon Jeffry Goldberg. Glenn Greenwald described Jeffry Goldberg as, "one of the leading media cheerleaders for the attack on Iraq", claiming Goldberg had "compiled a record of humiliating falsehood-dissemination in the run-up to the war that rivaled Judy Miller's both in terms of recklessness and destructive impact." In 2008, in an article in Slate entitled "How Did I Get Iraq Wrong?", Goldberg explained the reasons behind his initial support of the Iraq War and wrote that he "didn't realize how incompetent the Bush administration could be." -Wikipedia

    I've been mentioning the shift of neocons back to the Democratic Party. Joe Biden made a pro Iraq war interventionist Secretary of State. This is like the fifth Bush/Obama administration sending our military on executive ordered wars. Congress just passed a "defense" bill that made it more difficult for presidents to pull troops out of wars congress never declared; a recipe for perpetual war to profit Raytheon whose former board member is our new secretary of defense.

    Trump was a temporary relief from these maniacs who sent our sons and daughters into stupid and dangerous situations. Obama had a quasi alliance with ISIS to take out Assad. Kerry said as much. Trump and Putin shrunk ISIS. But now neocon interventionists are back trying to take out Assad again. It worked so well with Khaddafi except for turning Libya into an economic wreck and training ground for Islamic terrorists. Why not do the same to Syria?

    But Uncle Joe has a way to diffuse the terrorism in the middle east. He wants to open the borders to 'refugees' from places like Iraq; maybe bring some of the terrorists home so they won't cause so much trouble in the middle east. Fortunately, ISIS is too stupid to consider sending its operatives to the U.S. as refugees.
    Last edited by oladub; January-23-21 at 09:47 PM.

  6. #106


    Not only that he became Russians best friend,after Trump sanctioned them.

    The Kremlin on Friday welcomed U.S. President Joe Biden’s proposal to extend the last remaining nuclear arms control treaty between the two countries, which is set to expire in less than two weeks.

    Russia has long proposed to prolong the pact without any conditions or changes, but President Donald Trump’s administration waited until last year to start talks and made the extension contingent on a set of demands. The talks stalled, and months of bargaining have failed to narrow differences.


    That is Biden telling Russia,sorry about Trump being so hard on you guys with all of those sanctions.

    Lets kiss and make up and to show you I am a good sport,here is another 5 years so you can make up some more of those tactical nuclear weapons,you can always hide them in other countries if we come to some agreement.

    ISIS does not need to fly planes into buildings anymore,they have drones,one primitive drone assembled in a garage can drop a bomb anywhere in the US or on any school yard,thanks to the public’s outcry of Trumps vetting process that Biden will now throw in the trash and open the door,they do not even need to operate in cells in this country anymore.

    It created an opportunity for ISIS warfare on US soil,and nobody will be able to stop them.

    By Biden kicking the can down the road with Russia,he is telling them he is not prepared to deal with them strongly,by giving them another 5 years,he knows he will not be in office anymore.

    In the same process he is saying,that the sanctions that Trump put in place as a result of their interference in the elections,suspected hacking of all government agencies,waging war on the Ukraine,providing weapons of war to known terrorism groups,is okay.

    It is showing a weak stance coming out of the gate and now every other country is going to pick up on that weakness and exploit it.

    Rocket man and Iran are going to milk this like a herd of 1000 cows,right along with rejoining NATO at the previous funding levels,we will be right back into funding the majority off all costs in the upcoming endless wars.

    I am beginning to think that was the real reason Russia backed the war against Armenia,they supplied them with conventional weapons,while supplying the attackers a competitive advantage with superior technology weapons,they wanted to make it look like they were friends with everybody and regain a foothold over there again.

    With the treaty coming to an end,Russia could have gave the nukes over the requirements in the treaty to their “new friends” who were considered separate countries but loyal to Russia.

    By adding another 5 year extension it gives Russia 5 years to exceed the United States in the number of nuclear tactical weapons,because they now have the extra independent countries now in order to store them in.

    So Russia just stoked a war between two countries,where thousands have died,just so they could get a foothold in order to circumvent the deal,no matter which way it went.

    You have to admit,it was brilliant tactics,and it is not like we have not ever done the same thing,but one has to wonder why all of the global positioning and where is all of this heading.

    Tactical nuclear weapons include gravity bombs, short-range missiles, artillery shells, land mines, depth charges, and torpedoes which are equipped with nuclear warheads. Also in this category are nuclear armed ground-based or shipborne surface-to-air missiles [[SAMs) and air-to-air missiles. Small, two-man portable, or truck-portable, tactical weapons [[sometimes misleadingly referred to as suitcase nukes), such as the Special Atomic Demolition Munition and the Davy Crockett recoilless rifle [[recoilless smoothbore gun), have been developed, but the difficulty of combining sufficient yield with portability could limit their military utility. In wartime, such explosives could be used for demolishing "chokepoints" to enemy offensives, such as at tunnels, narrow mountain passes, and long viaducts.
    Last edited by Richard; January-23-21 at 11:17 PM.

  7. #107


    Quote Originally Posted by Pam View Post
    Rolling Stone podcast- "Entering the Biden Era", with Katie Halper, Matt Taibbi and Thomas Frank.

    Lots of truth in there.

    As they are making up their list of who they deem “ domestic terrorists” right alongside of anybody that supported Trump,they are calling to add libertarians to the list.

    So basically anybody that does not bend the knee to the new “democrat party” gets accused of being a domestic terrorist,some democrat leaders are also calling for Trump supporters to be re-educated.

    I do not think the re-education aspect will go that far,but they have allready declared a war on the opposition by using big tech and the corporations as enforcement tools,they used the FBI to spy on the opposition in 2016,they have now used the military as their personal law enforcement,allowed warrantless search of the FBI and police but threatened to eliminate them when they do the same thing to somebody they call their own.

    Trump did not need to destroy democracy,the democrats had their own plan in place to destroy it,Trump was just the distraction and justification.

    They are not a party of the people anymore,they are the party in control of the people.

    There is a difference.
    Last edited by Richard; January-23-21 at 11:35 PM.

  8. #108


    My eyebrows almost raised, upon learning that the once considered ally Libertarians are now being tossed into the ever-hungry Pit of Sarlac!

    But not surprising. Which is precisely why I'm watching both sides [[including politicians 'talking-out' of both sides of their mouths).

    Religious 'extremists' are now being discussed/ explored by those so anointed to check where such groups fall along the scale of oppression and systemic [fill in the blank: hate, racism, patriarchy, white supremacy, oppression, etc].

    But NOT all religions will be approached for the pit toss.

    It'll be a trip as this rolls around to the historic black Christian church connection still active in parts of our communities. And the attendant push-back that will get [[from some). Hmm... how will that be addressed?

    The goal post is indeed moving around alot here. Almost daily!

    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Lots of truth in there.

    As they are making up their list of who they deem “ domestic terrorists” right alongside of anybody that supported Trump, they are calling to add libertarians to the list...
    Last edited by Zacha341; January-24-21 at 07:31 AM.

  9. #109


    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    Richard, please stop spreading your lies...it's no longer just spin... it's out and out lies.

    1) Biden sent troops back into Syria to protect our Kurdish allies that Trump [[against the judgement of the Pentagon) arbitrarily removed them months ago... this was bullshit enough for Defense Secretary Mattis to quit.

    2) 100 million vaccines given out... that's a doozy of a LIE.... only 1% of the US population have been fully vaccinated with both shots... total doses administered 19 million...

    3) When Congress found out some National Guardsmen were sent to a parking garage, they demanded action, and they are back inside the Capitol, where they are getting gourmet meals. The source that sent them into the parking garage is being investigated.

    4) Coronavirus National Guard member? Until they do tracking and tracing... no one knows where they got the virus... one can imagine most of those positive figures come from their home state... too early to make a determination... anyone with half a brain should know that.

    5) Well which is it Richard... 2000 injured or 5000 injured among the summer riots. Lumping the police officer figures into that makes it look like at least hundreds were killed. I bet it's less than a dozen... 2 of which were from your Boogaloo Boys buddies...

    Stop spreading you BS among adults who know better here... it just shows your level of desperation.
    Why does the exact number hurt ot killed this summer matter when no media will focus on the horrible truths or punish any of the perpetrators?

    The are still burning Seattle and Portland but nothing on the mainstream news!

  10. #110


    ^ I have family in Chicago for example, so I didn't need a media reveal about the up-tick of crime, violence and destruction of personal property, businesses. I knew it was going to get a pass and why. And it did.
    Last edited by Zacha341; January-25-21 at 08:13 AM.

  11. #111


    It like when Michael Obama was talking recently how nasty Trump was for putting children in cages at the border.

    The media hid all of the bad stuff that was going on,even his own wife did not know it was her husband that built those cages and deported more illegals then any other president.

    You see the stark differences between how the media handles Biden,during the signing of the EOs the toughest question they asked him,is he going to repaint Air Force one.

    Obama also went after more journalists then any other president in history also,destroying their career if they dared to corner him.

    The Biden staff made it clear from the start,they will regulate the press and only allow the questions that they decide.

    Maybe that’s what Trump should have done,throttle the press,it would have saved a lot of headache,of course that kinda stomps all of that whole freedom of the press thing.

    Switching gears.

    The virus vaccine is a shot that contains a small amount of the corona virus that allows the bodies immune system to recognize and attack the virus in the future,so now anybody that get the shot,will automatically test positive for the virus.

    Any deaths will still be attributed to the virus because they will be also testing positive for having it in their system.

    Is not that the same as mimicking herd immunity?

    Those who contacted the virus on a small level,had the virus in their system so their body naturally built up an immune system without the shot.
    Last edited by Richard; January-24-21 at 10:45 AM.

  12. #112


    Bidens Get Locked Out of White House After Firing of Trump Doorman

    Its probably not a good idea to fire the doorman before he lets you in,but no surprise here,that had to be embarrassing in front of your friends,I wonder if Joe hoisted his wife up to climb through a window to get in?

    Joe Biden and Jill Biden were awkwardly left out of the White House on Wednesday without anyone to let them inside,

    according to reports.


    Last edited by Richard; January-24-21 at 12:04 PM.

  13. #113


    Richard, you're a very toxic person man. Quit putting these click-bait articles on here. The election is over, move on like the rest of us.

  14. #114


    I mostly ignore him and occasionally bait him.

  15. #115


    Quote Originally Posted by Henry Whalley View Post
    I mostly ignore him and occasionally bait him.
    Ditto.... if he keeps it short, then I'll read what he has to say... otherwise it might as well be in my Spam folder. Copy/pasting from right wing media of things that matches what he wants to believe, is not exactly "newsworthy".

  16. #116


    Quote Originally Posted by Wheels View Post
    Even as much as you hate the man if you can’t see he is the only president out of the last six that didn’t engage in a war you need help!
    Agreed. His crimes against humanity were all committed within the U.S.

  17. #117


    Quote Originally Posted by Henry Whalley View Post
    Agreed. His crimes against humanity were all committed within the U.S.
    Nice blinders your wearing

  18. #118


    Quote Originally Posted by Wheels View Post
    Nice blinders your wearing
    Speaking of blinders... [[since you can't see the bigger picture)... you don't mind letting Al-Qaeda and ISIS come back?

    The Afghan War [[started under George W. Bush) has 4,000 Americans and 11,000 Nato forces to keep Al-Qaeda from coming back.

    As for the "finding weapons of mass destruction" Iraq War also started by Bush, there are something like 3000-5000 troops still there. We never should have let that war start.

  19. #119


    Quote Originally Posted by Cincinnati_Kid View Post
    Richard, you're a very toxic person man. Quit putting these click-bait articles on here. The election is over, move on like the rest of us.

  20. #120


    Quote Originally Posted by Cincinnati_Kid View Post
    Richard, you're a very toxic person man. Quit putting these click-bait articles on here. The election is over, move on like the rest of us.
    Like the rest of you did in the Trump sucks thread?

    So are you saying that only one party gets to show displeasure?

    At least I am not showing outright hate towards somebody I do not agree with.

    Toxic in your mind is having to see the truth?

  21. #121


    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    Ditto.... if he keeps it short, then I'll read what he has to say... otherwise it might as well be in my Spam folder. Copy/pasting from right wing media of things that matches what he wants to believe, is not exactly "newsworthy".
    lol once again mucking up the forum with distractions.

    Did you already forget about your long post yesterday?

    Why do people keep posting that .

    I do not read his post bla bla bla

    But yet you quoted it to attack me,granted by your response you clearly did not read or comprehend it.

    So you quoted it,used it to attack me and once again post that you do not even read them.

    You told me that you are highly educated in logic,maybe either ask for a refund or take the night course on how to apply it in the real world.

    Just a suggestion

    I called you out on repeating left wing propaganda sources like NYT and CNN and proved that the lies you have been spreading, were based on false news stories that ended up being retracted.

    As long as it is something that you want to believe in,it then becomes truth.

    Notice how you guys dispute my links and attack me without addressing the content.
    Last edited by Richard; January-24-21 at 03:57 PM.

  22. #122


    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    Speaking of blinders... [[since you can't see the bigger picture)... you don't mind letting Al-Qaeda and ISIS come back?

    The Afghan War [[started under George W. Bush) has 4,000 Americans and 11,000 Nato forces to keep Al-Qaeda from coming back.

    As for the "finding weapons of mass destruction" Iraq War also started by Bush, there are something like 3000-5000 troops still there. We never should have let that war start.
    John Kerry to anti-Assad meeting 1/11/17

    “The reason Russia came in is because ISIL was getting stronger, Daesh was threatening the possibility of going to Damascus and so forth. And that’s why Russia went in. Because they didn’t want a Daesh government and they supported Assad.
    “And we know that this was growing. We were watching. We saw that Daesh was growing in strength, and we thought Assad was threatened. We thought, however, we could probably manage, that Assad would then negotiate. Instead of negotiating, he got Putin to support him.”

    In other words, Obama was after Assad more than ISIS. The Obama administration thought that ISIS pressure on Assad would bring Assad to his knees. Why was Obama trying to overthrow Assad? [[or Khaddafi?). But that's what a lot of Americans must have wanted because who voted for Biden.

    We never heard of ISIS when Obama became President in 2008, By 2014, under Obama, ISIS controlled up to 17,520 square miles of territory in Iraq and Syria. By 2019, under Trump, ISIS territory was reduced to 1,550 square miles.

    The Afghan war had two objectives. Catch Bin-Laden and drive out the Taliban. The Taliban was driven out under Bush. Obama was caught under Obama. Mission accomplished. The troops should come home or Congress and Biden should declare war instead of perpetuating mission creep.

    Don't forget that three Democoratic presidential candidates Kerry, Hillary, and Biden all voted, in effect, in favor of the Iraq war. "Even as much as you hate [[Trump) if you can’t see he is the only president out of the last six that didn’t engage in a [[new) war". -Wheels
    Last edited by oladub; January-24-21 at 05:12 PM.

  23. #123


    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    Speaking of blinders... [[since you can't see the bigger picture)... you don't mind letting Al-Qaeda and ISIS come back?

    The Afghan War [[started under George W. Bush) has 4,000 Americans and 11,000 Nato forces to keep Al-Qaeda from coming back.
    As for the "finding weapons of mass destruction" Iraq War also started by Bush, there are something like 3000-5000 troops still there. We never should have let that war start.
    You are absolutely right Isis and Al Qaeda will be back with Obiden in charge along with N Korea and Iraq! The open borders will be great to with thousands coming in not vetted or covid tested! Enjoy liberals!

  24. #124


    It wack an *hole here on the non-Detroit forum.
    I was glad when it was closed.
    So much disinformation and propaganda.
    Where do they get the energy?
    How do they find the time?
    Just look above for example.
    The game is not fun, nor worth my time.

  25. #125


    Quote Originally Posted by Wheels View Post
    You are absolutely right Isis and Al Qaeda will be back with Obiden in charge along with N Korea and Iraq! The open borders will be great to with thousands coming in not vetted or covid tested! Enjoy liberals!
    Um.... what exactly has Trump done in North Korea... besides stroked Rocket Man's ego? Zippo! We're no different off there than we were before Trump took office. He accomplished nothing...

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