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  1. #1126

  2. #1127


    Quote Originally Posted by Jimaz View Post

    Corporations halt donations to GOP who voted to overturn elections
    The corporatist purge begins.

  3. #1128


    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    The corporatist purge begins.
    Cruz could use a good enema. His bowels haven't moved since his dad assassinated JFK.

  4. #1129


    Satanist Jim Jordan is getting Trump's Medal of Freedom.

  5. #1130


    Quote Originally Posted by Henry Whalley View Post
    Cruz could use a good enema. His bowels haven't moved since his dad assassinated JFK.
    Well,I guess some are that intimate to know.

    Who exactly follows one around enough to monitor their bowel movements?

  6. #1131


    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    The corporatist purge begins.
    Not surprised sense that is part of the socialists purge we all know is coming,but it is a two way street.

    Corporations can be cut off from funding also.

  7. #1132


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Not surprised sense that is part of the socialists purge we all know is coming,but it is a two way street.

    Corporations can be cut off from funding also.
    You folks really need to get your story straight, unless you seriously expect us to believe in the wild and crazy socialists of Citibank.

  8. #1133


    Quote Originally Posted by EastsideAl View Post
    You folks really need to get your story straight, unless you seriously expect us to believe in the wild and crazy socialists of Citibank.

  9. #1134


    Quote Originally Posted by EastsideAl View Post
    You folks really need to get your story straight, unless you seriously expect us to believe in the wild and crazy socialists of Citibank.
    Big money owns Biden more than it does Trump. Large donations defined as $200 or more went $637M to Biden and $395M to Trump. 62% of large donation money went to Biden and 38% of large donation money went to Trump [[Center for Responsible Politics). Six out the seven richest billionaires are Democrats.

    Just as the landed gentry were once displaced by the new rich industrialists, the new rich STEM billionaires are displacing industrialists. New rich billionaires control a a lot of the new media which is censoring the right; disconnecting them from the public square at an increasingly fast rate. With unilateral censorship of a sitting US president, Big Tech has proven it’s more powerful than any government.

    There is a cleavage forming between the upper middle class and the lower middle class. https://www.pewsocialtrends.org/2020...at-5-06-47-pm/

    In the presidential election, we saw every POC group significantly increase their minority support of Trump but they were more than offset by more richer suburban white voters who switched to Biden. There is a polarity switch slowly happening between the rich and poor, Democrats and Republicans. This has happened before. Long ago, Republicans were the progressive party.

    Corporations and the new oligarchs increasingly look to the Democratic Party as their champion to legislate their agenda. However, the elites do not have the votes to win elections. Just as Obama tolerated ISIS as the enemy of his common enemy, Democratic Party elites ally themselves with foreign interests and buy the votes of the down and out the newly arrived immigrants and the lumpen proletariat. Making promises and occasionally throwing out some crumbs has been a winning formula for Democrats who have stayed in power in places like Detroit for decades.
    Last edited by oladub; January-11-21 at 10:15 PM.

  10. #1135


    Quote Originally Posted by EastsideAl View Post
    You folks really need to get your story straight, unless you seriously expect us to believe in the wild and crazy socialists of Citibank.
    You should tell that to Cuomo of New York,did you listen to his speech today?

    If we do not open New York now we will collapse,we need to open up for business and get our economy going if we are to survive.

    Florida has stayed open with a higher population and lower death rate.

    The same exact thing Trump was saying long ago.Maybe he is a Trumpeter at heart?

    The storming on the capital is unprecedented.

    You guys are also forgetting about when the same thing happened during the Judge Kavanaugh hearings were going on and the left stormed the capital and entered the chambers enmass.

    Some need to be sucking up to Citibank about now,Michigan is listed 3rd in the country with anticipated foreclosures rising 288% in 2021.

    Thats what happens when one blindly follows the socialists path,sooner or later that bill needs to be paid and it is usually paid by you transferring everything you own up to the top.

    Face it your party sold you out,they will make more money off of big tech then you.But if you be nice to them they will make sure you can make $15 per hour and pay your rent for you,just remember,no male family members are allowed.
    Last edited by Richard; January-11-21 at 11:37 PM.

  11. #1136


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Who exactly follows one around enough to monitor their bowel movements?
    I can see it in his eyes that his soul is an impacted bowel.

  12. #1137


    ^ wow you are pretty good,you could do a tv show and make bank.

    Call it the bowel movement whisperer.

  13. #1138


    Quote Originally Posted by Henry Whalley View Post
    Cruz could use a good enema. His bowels haven't moved since his dad assassinated JFK.

    Good one. Trump talked about Cruz, called his wife ugly, said his Daddy helped assassinate JFK and anyone else he could in his family, now he has his head so far up his ass, it ain't even funny no more. Blind loyalty goes a long ways I guess. Damn shame really. Trump doesn't give a sh_t about him or anyone else for that matter. The people of Texas should come out of that coma they're in, and vote his ass out, for perpetrating a lie.
    Last edited by Cincinnati_Kid; January-12-21 at 06:38 PM.

  14. #1139


    Deutsche Bank will no longer do business [with] Trump

    Deutsche Bank will no longer do business with President Donald Trump, a move that will cut off his business from a major source of loans that once helped fund his golf courses and hotels.

    Germany's biggest bank has decided to refrain from future business with the president and his company, a person familiar with the bank's thinking told CNN Business. The news, first reported by the New York Times, follows last week's deadly riot at the US Capitol.

    A spokesperson for Deutsche Bank [[DB) declined to comment to CNN Business, citing a prohibition on discussing potential client relationships.

    The move is the latest example of corporate backlash against the president after his supporters vandalized the Capitol in a brazen assault that left five people dead.

  15. #1140


    ^ his bank in New York is dropping him also.

    Are you guys really that comfortable with the whole corporate world dictating what is acceptable social behavior?

    Kinda ironic that banks that had no problem throwing millions out into the streets,then selling thier houses for pennies on the dollar to hedge funds,then getting bailed out by the very people that they threw in the streets ,have all of the sudden discovered the higher moral ground?

    This all reminds me of how China operates.

    You have a social credit score,anything that you do that is not considered socially acceptable in their definition removes points from your score.

    That social credit score determines weather you can get employment,rent an apartment or house,get a mortgage,buy a car etc.

    Get caught swearing in public by the little machines listening and it snaps your picture and gives you a social negative on your social credit score.

    Just like in that movie,I forgot what it was called,where the cop was frozen and comes back in the future.

    But that is where we are heading fast,and where we are at in a lot of cases.

    We have the right and privilege in this country to hate anybody we want but there are somethings that are beginning to go to far in their use and is justified at that moment in time because we may hate somebody,but make no mistake,everybody ends up in that group in the end.

    There are some things we need to take a stand on as a whole.

    Unless one is a commie socialist,then what is happening is simply orgasmatic and considered a plan coming together.
    Last edited by Richard; January-13-21 at 01:41 PM.

  16. #1141


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Are you guys really that comfortable with the whole corporate world dictating what is acceptable...?
    The miracle of cancel culture is that it displays moral compass.

    Free speech is the law of the land. Money is speech. Corporations have political rights. See campaign finance from Buckley v. Valeo thru Citizens United.

    Buckley v. Valeo - Wikipedia

  17. #1142


    The miracle of cancel culture is that it can flip on a dime and knows no bounds.

    Apparently free speech is not the law of the land and can be manipulated to suit ones agenda.

    Just because somebody wrote something in Wikipedia it does not make it a reality.

    The guy that owns that was cheating on his wife,she dumped him and now his new wife handles it.

    So we get to cancel out Wikipedia,because cheating on ones wife is not considered morally acceptable.

    Funny how in one moment the left abolishes big corporations and demonizes them,but then accepts millions from them in funding and now takes what they say and their actions as godly because it suits their cause.

    Next month it will be,the big evil corporations do not want to pay $15 per hour.

    The hypocrisy and double standards are so thick you need a thermal charge to burn through it.

    Thats what the used on the front door of my friend from Venezuela who was a newspaper reporter,they used a thermal charge to break the door down in order to arrest him for speaking out against the government.

    That is what they did to gain control,arrested or killed the opposition,rigged the elections,created enemies of the state of all of those who they did not agree with,removed everybody from their congress that did not agree with them,ostracized any media and arrested all the reporters that did not agree with them and closed the media sources that did not agree with them and denied those who they did not agree with excess to banking.

    Then if that was not enough,they took control of the food source and said,if you want to eat vote for me,if you turn your neighbor in for speaking out against the government then you get an extra bag of food.

    How is that any different then what is going on in this country?

    My friend sought sanctuary in this country to save his life,and is now watching the exact same thing happening here.

    You know what the irony is in all of this?

    These same exact corporations took the exact same stance in Venezuela but then ended up losing everything when the government confiscated them and made their accets property of the state and kicked them out of the country.

    If they can use all of that in an attempt to destroy a billionaire with 70 million people behind him,what do you think it will take to destroy you when the time comes,what recourse do you have after you have championed the removal of all recourses?
    Last edited by Richard; January-13-21 at 04:19 PM.

  18. #1143


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    The miracle of cancel culture is that it can flip on a dime and knows no bounds.
    Sounds like Trump...

  19. #1144


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    The miracle of cancel culture is that it can flip on a dime...
    But it inclines toward justice.

  20. #1145


    See moment Trump got impeached for second time

    See the moment when President Donald Trump made history by becoming the only US president to be impeached twice.

  21. #1146


    He's well and truly famous now; it's what he has wanted from the get go.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jimaz View Post

    See moment Trump got impeached for second time

  22. #1147


    The Fall of the House of Trump.

  23. #1148


    Obama, June 13, 2008: “They’re going to try to scare people. They’re going to try to say that ‘that Obama is a scary guy,’ ” he said. A donor yelled out a deep accented “Don’t give in!”
    “I won’t but that sounded pretty scary. You’re a tough guy,”
    “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,Because from what I understand folks in Philly like a good brawl. I’ve seen Eagles fans.”

    We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set.
    We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.

    Factcheck says Obama was talking about Americorp and Peace Corp in the latter quote. Maybe so but it is difficult thinking of the Peace Corp just as strong, powerful and as well-funded as the military. However, when Trump said, "if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore." I agree with the statement but think the 400 or so who invaded the Capitol should be subject to the law to the same degree antifa criminals should be subjected to the law. It would never occur to me that Trump was using secret code words meaning "break into the Capitol, be violent and breaks some windows" which is an interpretation the latest impeachment is based on. I mean, its not like Trump told anyone to "bring a gun to the fight". Imagine if Trump had said that instead of "go home".

    Meanwhile, although corporatist puppet elect Biden has not even assumed office, autocratic oligarchs have jumped the gun by attacking freedom of speech and political neutrality.

  24. #1149


    You see how Twitter is crying now because Turkey shut down the internet,they say it not right to remove the public’s ability to communicate.

    No wonder they fit right in with the Dems,they had no problems denying Americans the opportunity to communicate and shutting down those who they do not agree with.

    Why Turkey?

    Well while we were involved with the election,Armenian military surrendered after a 6 week war with Azerbaijani forces.

    Turkey supplied drones to Azerbaijani forces that literally wiped out the Armenian military with putting very few troops in the ground,186 tanks wiped out in days with drones.

    So now Russia came in and is providing a neutral security force as peace keepers.

    In essence taking control once again of the Baltic region,so now almost total control in the Middle East leaves Israel and maybe one other country on their own.

    That is a massive powder keg that makes our involvement in the past over there look like a Sunday brunch.

    To top it off Russia has also cozied up with China who has their sites on Japan,Taiwan and the Philippines.

    So while the democrats have been playing their games and obsession with everything Trump and censoring what they want you to see.

    A large part of the rest of the world has been preparing for war.

    Its going to be an interesting upcoming 4 years with Biden sitting in the middle beholden to China and the rest of his party beholden to the socialist movement.

    But they know exactly what is going on and it is my guess their whole view of a peaceful transfer of power actually has anything to do with any of us and more so to the CCP,the way they are acting it seems like Pelosi and Shumer have already made a deal with somebody where they stay on top,kinda like what happened in Hong Kong,but they quickly found out the CCP does not share power with anybody.

    When it comes to voter fraud it is still not explained

    Why the immediate call that there was no fraud the next morning before the count was completed.

    The massive push back in order to run out the clock so if there was fraud it would never be detected.

    We can all agree that in order to pull something like that off on a large scale would take lots of backing,technology and a combined effort to stifle any opposition or anybody opposing the process.

    It has happened before in Latin America and other countries so no need to say it cannot be done,there is a history of of being done.

    Outside of winning a election that flips every two years what is the motive that would take something like that to happen?

    Why was it necessary to plant that seed that no fraud occurred the same morning of the election,maybe wait until the final count was in then declare it?

    The argument of there was no fraud is because they started telling you that immediately when every election in the history of this country has dealt with fraud allegations.

    That makes this the only election in the history of the world that had no fraud.

    Those that say there was no fraud,how do you know,because they started telling you the day of the election before even the results were in,and repeating that 24/7.

    Thats the point,nobody can say there was fraud just as much as nobody can say there was not,is that not a perfect solution?

    Pretty convenient.

    So Turkey shut down the internet and communications ,you know what the first thing that has happened in Hong Kong,Afghanistan,Iran,Syria and every other country that has gone to war in the last 20 years,they shut down the internet to stop communications in preparation for war or a central purge so the opposition is not able to organize.

    So who is the opposition in this country? They already told you,the 73 million that you do not agree with,they are the enemies of the state,they attacked the capital building,all 73 million.

    So what is the first thing that they do? Shut down the ability to communicate on the internet and remove the oppositions ability to communicate.

    Trump rallies have never been at the level of violence of the protests during the summer,now all of the sudden they have become so violent that it requires over 20,000 NG to be called up?

    No surprise I know lots of Trump supporters and have never heard any one advocate violence against any law enforcement officer,what happened at the capital building does not fit the profile of 73 million Trump supporters at all.

    But all of the sudden it became really convenient to categorize 73 million of them as enemies of the state,in order to provide a show of force.

    Call me a conspiracy theorist but the actions of less then 1/2 of 1% that we do not even know what their motive was,outside of a few wakos calls for 20,000 NG to be called out?

    Hell entire cities were burning and they sent out 500 to 1000 max.

    There is something else going on here.

    I think 2020 is going to be telling 2019 - hold my beer.

    We are the most vulnerable we have been in sense 1941,we have no supply lines,3/4 of the country is shut down,the majority of the workforce is laid up,and what supplies we do have are in back order for over 90 day in most cases.

    But hey let’s spend the time trying to get that last little jab in against a man we hate instead of keeping an eye on the ball that could easily crush this county in a very short amount of time.

    Do not forget,every aspect of our government and everything we depend on to go about our daily lives has been under foreign cyber observation for the last 9 months.

    Do you think they were doing that because they could?

    It’s down to they know exactly where everything we have in the military is at including where every service member is,where every nuclear device is stored,where every financial server is located,where every power plant is.

    There are zero secrets right now in this country that our enemies do not know at any given second,whoever they are.

    And Trump spending 9 more days in office is a threat to the country?

    Because we are actually in a state of war,the capital building and Trump right now is the least of our worries.

    The USS Nimitz aircraft carrier group that was returning from the ME after the peace deal that was brokered by Trump apparently fell apart in the last couple of weeks and the carrier group did a U turn and now is heading back to the ME.

    I spent time on that carrier,you do not go out for 30 day joy rides,you go out for 6 month and 9 month deployments without stepping on soil,to flip that boat around that fast back into deployment after all of that time,does not happen without a good reason.

    Why did Turkey need to go dark all of the sudden,what do they have to fear,they have the military might of Russian behind them,what are they fearing.

    To make it worse,there have been entire countries that have lost power in the past few weeks,an entire country loses power because of a technical glitch.

    Now retired we had aircraft called an EA6B,it was an electronics warfare plane that had the capability to fly over a city and jam their communications and shut down their power plants,remember the NY blackouts of the late 70s.

    But now all you need is the internet and you can shut a connected country down in minutes without leaving your home based soil.

    Whoever “they” are right now have been in control of our systems for the last 9 months and we did not know.

    What we need to know right now,instead of waisting time on this impeachment crap is.

    What was the deal Turkey made with Russia in order to allow them to regain control of territory that they gave up during the collapse.

    Did Turkey go dark for self preservation or for planning something that they did want anybody else in the world to know what it was,so much that they had to go dark in order to keep it secret.

    The timing of everything was to convenient and allowed Russia to mobilize forces in the ME.

    Do not forget,all of our allies are also in the same condition we are,if something happens we are on our own,nobody will be able to respond in a timely manner.
    Last edited by Richard; January-14-21 at 12:08 AM.

  25. #1150


    Richard... I'm not sure of what your point was in that long speech... but a few corrections... the "Baltics" are in Europe [[Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia mainly), while the "Caucasus" are the region Turkey was involved in.

    And tighten up your grammar a little bit... "since" vs "sense", "sights" vs. "sites"... for once not trying to criticize you [[like I often do)... just trying to help.

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