The GOP-led Senate Intelligence Committee released their final report on Russian interference in the 2016 election and it has unearthed even more Trump-Russia connections than we were aware of from the Mueller Report.

Among the new findings:
-Donald Trump's Campaign Manager Paul Manafort was OPENLY working with Russian Intelligence and even feeding them insider info from the Trump Campaign. The report labeled Manafort's collusion with Russian intelligence to be, and this is a direct quote, "a grave counterintelligence threat.”

-The Trump Campaign used Roger Stone as an intermediary with Wikileaks to keep their hands clean. Stone would communicate to the Trump Campaign to give them a heads up in advance when Wikileaks would publish Russian-hacked information that was damaging to Hillary Clinton.

-Donald Trump Jr, Jared Kushner, Steve Bannon, Erik Prince and others gave "misleading testimony" under oath before the Senate Intelligence Committee [[i.e. they committed perjury to hide their crimes). It was bad enough that the GOP-controlled committee referred these individuals to the Justice Department for criminal investigation into perjury. You can guess what Bill Barr did with that referral.

Good news for the Cultists though, the report found no conclusive evidence that tied Donald Trump directly to the Russian efforts to interfere on his behalf, so you can crow about that if you like. For me, the takeaway here is that if Joe Biden gets elected, then his new Attorney General Preet Bharara can pick up that criminal referral from the Senate and charge Trump Jr and Kushner and the rest with felony counts of lying under oath.