Quote Originally Posted by Jimaz View Post
Then stick your tongue back in.

But seriously, a stack of sticky new bills is a real problem for cashiers. If they accidentally pass out two bills instead of one — multiple times — their drawer is short at the end of the day. All the more of a problem if they're handling new Bennies.

I've often wondered why the Bureau of Engraving and Printing doesn't solve that problem in production. Couldn't they just dust them with talc or maybe something less toxic? On the other hand, bank tellers seem perfectly comfortable relying on their machines to count accurately. I wonder if those machines use a flexing technique similar to the one mentioned above.

Keypunch machines used to use a blast of compressed air to separate Hollerith cards. Yeah, I'm that old.
Holes in bills would definitely do it, but then you're risking tears from people handling them. How about some small bumps instead of making them dead flat so they don't stick together?