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  1. #176


    • World Economy Has Entered Recession Due to Coronavirus, Says IMF

    Don't you need 2 consecutive quarters of negative GDP to call it a recession?

    someone changed the damn definition while i wasn't looking
    Last edited by SammyS; March-30-20 at 07:06 PM.

  2. #177


    Quote Originally Posted by SammyS View Post
    • World Economy Has Entered Recession Due to Coronavirus, Says IMF

    Don't you need 2 consecutive quarters of negative GDP to call it a recession?

    someone changed the damn definition while i wasn't looking
    Market is down about 25% from its zenith. To me that’s a miracle considering the economy is about 75% shut down, educational system nation wide totally shut down for months. Plus, the market was getting frothy and oversold before the shit hit the fan anyway. All things considered, to me, FOR THE WAY IT IS NOW, bad but not that bad.

  3. #178


    global conspiracies gain steam in reactions to Covid-19. I hope people are more discerning than to make pat assumptions--

  4. #179


    Here is a line to a Michigan Specific Map, similar to the global map from the now suddenly famous Johns Hopkins Medical School, for tracking CoV in MI.


    Example screen shot:
    Attachment 39964

  5. #180


    Once Again... PLEASE keep political discussion off this thread.

    This thread is for News, Information, Advice & Help as relates to the Detroit-Windsor Metro Only.

    We have a thread for political discussions in the Non-Detroit forum.

    Kindly do make your political comments there.

    Posts of a political nature will be move over there without notice. Please save us the work by cooperating.

  6. #181


    As coronavirus bears down, Detroit enters a grim new phase

    Beaumont Health, the state’s largest health system, was caring for at least 870 patients with confirmed COVID-19 infections by Monday afternoon. Another 211 patients in the hospitals were awaiting test results.

    The Henry Ford Health System was caring for 540 COVID-19 patients throughout its network, including 257 at its Detroit campus.

    Detroit Medical Center continues to refuse to publicly release its numbers.

    “To say it is chaotic is conservative,” Chopra, the infectious disease expert, said of Detroit. “It is like a warzone.”
    Duggan sounded some hopeful notes. Some new supplies were coming in, the field hospital was being constructed and, thanks to the state’s stay-at-home order, crime had gone down roughly 40 percent in the past week, he said.

  7. #182


    I did a quick survey of news stories about the toilet paper shortage and how long it's expected to last. Here's what I learned:

    Nobody seems to know how long it will last although once people realize they've hoarded too much, they'll stop buying it — suddenly, and for a long time.

    Surprisingly, little TP is imported. There are many factories in the U.S.

    Those factories normally run 24/7 [[to make money) so it's not so easy to increase production.

    Just-in-time inventory practices regard TP inventory as a cost to be cut [[to save money).

    It's interesting that the incentives to make and save money can make supply chains less resilient to sudden disruptions.

    No worries here though. I knew that half barrel of junk mail in the garage would come in handy someday! Thanks, capitalism!

  8. #183


    MSM going batty?



    Based on info from the youtube link...

    "Travel troubleAnother outstanding question is how a virus from bats in Yunnan could travel to animals and humans around 1,000 kilometres away in Guangdong, without causing any suspected cases in Yunnan itself. That “has puzzled me a long time”, says Tu.
    Cui and Shi are searching for other bat populations that could have produced strains capable of infecting humans. The researchers have now isolated some 300 bat coronavirus sequences, most not yet published, with which they will continue to monitor the virus’s evolution.
    And they warn that a deadly outbreak could emerge again: the cave where the elements of SARS were found is just 1 kilometre from the nearest village, and genetic mixing among the viral strains is fast. “The risk of spillover into people and emergence of a disease similar to SARS is possible,” the authors write in their paper."

    Last edited by Dan Wesson; April-01-20 at 11:37 PM.

  9. #184

    Default Default Local, National And World Covid Stories - April 2, 2020


    • Amazon employees stage walkout at Michigan warehouse over coronavirus concerns
    • Michigan restaurants lost $491M in sales, 72,000 jobs due to coronavirus
    • Detroit Casinos Halt Worker Pay This Week, Extend Benefits Through June
    • Carhartt to produce masks, gowns for COVID-19 responders
    • Wayne County has the 5th highest confirmed cases of any county in the country
    • 91 members of the Detroit Police Department and 17 firefighters have tested positive for COVID-19. Another 525 DPD members and 1,336 firefighters are quarantined.
    • Many hospitals in southeast Michigan are at or near capacity. Intensive-care units are full, and emergency departments are overloaded
    • DMC is placing two patients in intensive care units designed for one patient.
    • HFHS has seen the number of hospitalized coronavirus patients rise from 86 on March 23 to 539 on March 29, not including those hospitalized who are hospitalized while awaiting testing.
    • Detroit has become a "hot spot" and will have "a worse week next week," U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams warned
    • Gov. Whitmer reverses course on coronavirus drugs, is now asking feds for hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine
    • Henry Ford uses hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19 symptoms, says benefits outweigh risks
    • Whitmer declares disaster, asks Legislature to extend emergency powers by 70 days
    • Whitmer - Executive Order 2020-30 [[COVID-19) To allow medical students, physical therapists, and emergency medical technicians to volunteer or work within the facility as “respiratory therapist extenders” under the supervision of physicians, respiratory therapists, or registered nurses.
    • City of Flint instituting 30 day curfew beginning Thursday evening


    • US sailors will die unless coronavirus-hit aircraft carrier evacuated, captain warns
    • Prisoners Across U.S. Will Be Confined For 14 Days To Cut Coronavirus Spread
    • Captain Asks Navy to Take U.S.S. Theodore Roosevelt Aircraft Carrier Off of Duty to Save Crew From Coronavirus; faces retribution
    • US president considers canceling domestic flights to coronavirus hot spots
    • US Social Security recipients will automatically receive coronavirus payments: Treasury
    • US and UK Hospitals threaten to fire workers who speak to media
    • Britain’s attempt to ramp up mass coronavirus testing has been dealt a blow after key components ordered from overseas were discovered to be contaminated with coronavirus,
    • A fifth of UK small businesses could go bust within a month
    • Preliminary study finds UK lockdown is slowing spread of COVID-19. "Finding that the mean number of contacts per person measured is more than 70% lower now than before the lockdown"
    • ’-UK Man who spat at police jailed for 12 months
    • Wimbledon 2020 cancelled due to coronavirus
    • Boris Johnson must face a “virtual prime minister’s questions”, UK MPs say, amid fears he is escaping scrutiny of his handling of the coronavirus crisis. With parliament shut down for four months pressure is growing for officials to set up a form of remote oversight.
    • Coronavirus could be final straw for EU, European experts warn
    • Europe to launch coronavirus contact tracing app initiative
    • More Than 350,000 People Fined For Breaking Lockdown Rules In France.
    • France has converted its high-speed TGV trains into ambulances to transport critically ill coronavirus patients across the country
    • Italy sees fewer coronavirus deaths on Wednesday but new cases grow: The death toll from an outbreak of coronavirus in Italy has climbed by 727 to 13,155, the Civil Protection Agency said on Wednesday, a significantly smaller increase than seen on Tuesday and the lowest daily tally since March 26.
    • A few days into Italy’s lockdown, people across the country sang and played music from their balconies as they came together to say “Everything will be alright” [[Andrà tutto bene). Three weeks on, the singing has stopped and social unrest is mounting
    • Lockdown Fatigue Is New Enemy In Italy’s Coronavirus Battle A prolonged period of isolation has left people begging for relief.It’s been weeks since Italy declared a nationwide lockdown in response to the coronavirus pandemic, and tensions are starting to rise.
    • Russian plane with coronavirus medical gear lands in U.S. after Trump-Putin call
    • Russia considering coronavirus emergency, say sources, but Kremlin denies it
    • Moscow To Launch New Surveillance App To Track Residents In Coronavirus Lockdown
    • NATO seeks to speed up medical aid deliveries, wary of Russian drills. Nato notes "significant Russian naval presence", "used to demonstrate to NATO that they remain combat-ready despite COVID-19". While NATO is scaling down military exercises in Europe to curb the spread of the coronavirus.
    • Pandemic stops fertility treatments across Atlantic Canada
    • Finland enlists social influencers in fight against Covid-19
    • Rapid-fire coronavirus kits aim to fill Japan's testing gap. Textile maker Kurabo Industries has developed a blood test that detects antibodies produced by an infection. The test, which takes 10 to 15 minutes, is already in use in Germany and Singapore as a preliminary assessment.
    • Spain's coronavirus cases top 100,000 as masks, sanitizer flown in
    • Spain pushes for an EU system for joint debt issuance to face coronavirus crisis
    • India coronavirus cases rise amid fears true figure much higher. India spends only about 1.3% of its GDP on public health, among the lowest in the world. Only 47,951 tests have been done so far and there are just 51 government-approved testing centres across the country.
    • Man, 93, becomes oldest Indian to beat coronavirus
    • Despite calls for global cooperation, US and China fight over leading coronavirus response
    • China hid extent of coronavirus outbreak, US intelligence reportedly says
    • China bans export of test kits, medical supplies by firms not licensed to sell them at home - After European buyers complain of being sold substandard products, Beijing says only companies approved by the National Medical Products Administration can ship their goods overseas
    • China isolates six antibodies among 29 developed innrecovered patients which are "very effective" against Covid 19.
    • China reveals 1,541 asymptomatic Covid-19 cases amid concerns of second wave of infections
    • Study: Coronavirus Lockdown Likely Saved 77,000 Lives In China Just By Reducing Pollution
    • China's coronavirus health code apps raise concerns over privacy - The “health code” service give users colour-coded designations based on their health status and travel history, and a QR code that can be scanned by authorities.
    • Pet cat becomes the second to test positive for coronavirus after its owner became infected in Hong Kong
    • Japan is struggling to hold the line against the coronavirus and is on the brink of crisis with medical experts particularly worried about preparations in Tokyo, officials said on Wednesday, raising the prospect of emergency lockdowns.
    • Thailand province bans selling alcohol to curb pandemic: About one million people in a Thai province have been banned from buying alcohol in an unusual response to the virus crisis, and the rest of the country may follow.
    • Homeless in Australia to be moved into five-star hotels
    • Armenia Approves Cell Phone Tracking To Stop Coronavirus Spread
    • Iceland lab's testing suggests 50% of coronavirus cases have no symptoms
    • Prison riots break out around the world as coronavirus spreads
    • Religious institutions around the world are refusing to adhere to lockdown
    • Diarrhea, nausea or vomiting may be first coronavirus symptoms in some patients. Some people may have the "gastrointestinal version" of COVID-19.
    • New estimates show 25% to 50% of coronavirus carriers don't even have symptoms and can infect others blindly

  10. #185


    Please note that some posts in this thread have been moved into the Corona Virus Crisis Discussion Thread as the are discussion vs. news items.

  11. #186



    Feds: Man intentionally derailed train near hospital ship
    A train engineer intentionally drove a speeding locomotive off a track at the Port of Los Angeles because he was suspicious about the presence of a Navy hospital ship docked there to help during the coronovirus crisis, federal prosecutors said Wednesday. KCBS reports Eduardo Moreno, 44, was charged with one federal count of train wrecking, which carries a potential sentence of up to 20 years in federal prison.
    "Government plot"?! He says he acted alone but who is stirring up these people?

  12. #187


    ^^^Various reasons, world-views, politics and ideologies etc. are fueling this. I went out for produce - stopping at Whole Foods which had an outside line allowing so many in at a time [[a good idea). Behind me was an elder man yelling, and waving into the air to anyone interested: 'This IS God's wrath - it's on us!...'. Even louder at the front of the line a young vigorous man SCREAMING at us that 'Coronavirus is FAKE - it's that 5G PEOPLE!...'. Hah!

    I figured that unmasked, spit-splattering - loud-talking and expelling of whatever 'droplets' upon a captive audience might continue inside. I left!
    Last edited by Zacha341; April-03-20 at 10:54 AM.

  13. #188


    Hi Lowell, When you're sitting @ home, starring @ the wall, wondering if anyone is actually reading your posts, remember; I for one appreciate your daily synopsis of local Coronavirus events and information . Thanx.

  14. #189


    Quote Originally Posted by Jimaz View Post
    who is stirring up these people?

    People like "Thom" who make a living out of breeding hatred, conspiracy, and mistrust.

  15. #190


    Quote Originally Posted by Jimaz View Post

    Feds: Man intentionally derailed train near hospital ship"Government plot"?! He says he acted alone but who is stirring up these people?
    It's not the fact that a crazy guy was a train engineer that bothers me. I'm sure he wasn't crazy until fairly recently. It's the fact that a train engineer didn't realize he couldn't make it to the ship after he ran out of track.

  16. #191


    Here's a piece of good news....

    A Detroit doctor there has come up with a medical breakthru that has the whole world's attention. A St. John doctor has devised a way to hook up multiple patients to a single ventilator. This is critical in these trying times with the number of ventilators in critical supply worldwide. Another thumbs up for Team Detroit...

    Last edited by admin; April-03-20 at 04:23 PM.

  17. #192


    My niece, a nurse... said that they should be able to hook up to 6 people to a single ventilator, if done correctly. This could make a huge difference in helping to save lives...

  18. #193


    If you are looking for your recent posts please note that several posts containing political debate have been moved to the tread Coronavirus: Threat Beyond Politics As Viruses Don't Discriminate... in the Non-Detroit forum which is the proper thread for political discussion of the corona virus pandemic.

    Please use this thread only for posting news, information, advice and help as it relates to the Detroit-Windsor metro.
    Last edited by admin; April-03-20 at 04:23 PM.

  19. #194

  20. #195

    Default Local, National And World Covid Stories - April 3-4, 2020

    • Gas seen for $0.97 a gallon at 7 mile and Schoenherr
    • DNR warns of state park closures if people don’t follow distancing rules
    • As part of an Emergency Order issued Thursday, those caught violating the stay at home order in Michigan could face up to a $1,000 fine.
    • Detroit police to start enforcing stay home order, though told to not pull over solely for that reason
    • Boating banned under stay-in-place order, says Michigan State Police
    • Ford executive says it won't sell ventilators to the highest bidder
    • Younger coronavirus patients make up 40% of Michigan cases, have potential to spread the illness
    • Internet cable cut on I75 during road construction
    • COVID-19 strikes, kills blacks disproportionately in Michigan
    • Detroit City Council President Brenda Jones tests positive for coronavirus
    • Henry Ford Health System will lead the first large-scale study in the nation to determine the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine in preventing COVID-19.
    • Man uses $900 from savings to buy gas for more than 50 Detroit nurses
    • Whitmer wears a "That Woman from Michigan" t-shirt on the Daily Show last night

    • 1.08M confirmed cases, 58.2K deaths, 225K recoveries ~720K open cases, numbers subject to nations’ transparency and testing bandwidth
    • US president Says CDC Now Recommends Americans Consider Cloth Masks In Public
    • US: 3M asked to stop exporting N95 respirators to Canada and Latam by US government - they have politely and publicly said No
    • US Sailors cheer Navy captain who was removed after pleading for help with coronavirus outbreak
    • FDA loosens restrictions on gay and bisexual men, encourages blood donations amid coronavirus crisis
    • US Stops Issuing Passports Except Under "Life or Death" Family Emergency Situations
    • IRS to begin issuing $1,200 coronavirus payments April 9, but some Americans won’t receive checks until September, agency plan says
    • Dr. Fauci says the U.S. is ‘Not even at halftime’ in fight against coronavirus
    • Fauci: 'I don't understand why' every state hasn't issued stay-at-home orders
    • Fauci calls for social distances until there is zero new cases, zero deaths
    • Fewer than half of Americans believe their daily routine will return to normal by June, as fears over coronavirus rise
    • Fauci works 20-hour days and his wife reminds him to eat, sleep and drink water
    • Fauci says threats to his personal security 'secondary' to curbing coronavirus
    • NYC nurses, clutching photos of dead colleagues, demand better protective gear on pandemic’s front line
    • New York is merging all its hospitals to battle the coronavirus; Cuomo signs order allowing New York to commandeer ventilators, protective gear
    • New York state reports 10,482 new cases of coronavirus and 397 new deaths in morning update, raising total to 102,863 cases and 2,935 dead
    • New York City morgues are almost full amid mounting death toll
    • New York Schools to ofer 3 free meals will be available for ALL New Yorkers in more than 400 Meal Hubs
    • Lawyer sues to close all Florida beaches amid outbreak. Gov. DeSantis wants case thrown out
    • Houston hasn't reported a surge of coronavirus cases; its hospitals tell a different story.
    • Dallas Extends Its Stay-At-Home Order Until Late May
    • ‘Texas is going to be the next hot spot’ for coronavirus, epidemiologist says
    • New Balance pivots from making sneakers to coronavirus face masks in New England
    • Louisiana coronavirus cases rise record 42 percent in one day
    • A small bank in West Virginia has become the first institution to fail during the coronavirus crisis, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. announced Friday. The First State Bank of Barboursville with $152 million in total assets was closed Friday by the West Virginia Division of Financial Institutions.
    • Canada: Cannabis stores in Ontario no longer deemed essential, will close this weekend... but Ontarians looking to purchase legal recreational cannabis come Sunday will only have the online Ontario Cannabis Store [[OCS)
    • Citing pandemic, Alberta suspends environmental reporting rules
    • Canadian Premiers pull together over shortage of COVID-19 medical supplies PM held talks with provincial, territorial leaders on sharing life-saving supplies in midst of global pandemic
    • UK: Staying home this weekend 'not a request'
    • World’s largest trial of potential Coronavirus treatments rolled out across the UK
    • First coronavirus field hospital opening in London, built in 9 days with capacity for up to 4000 intensive care patients
    • UK Boris Johnson stays in self-isolation as COVID-19 symptoms persist
    • UK plans 'immunity passports' so people can leave lockdown… reliable antibody tests still in th works…
    • UK National Health Service will have 13.4 billion pounds’ worth of debt written off in a bid to strengthen the system to fight the coronavirus pandemic.
    • France Introduces Seven-Month Long Border Controls Amid Coronavirus
    • Italy, Spain and France pass 30,000 combined deaths, about 56% of the world’s total COVID-19 fatalities
    • Spain now has 117,710 cases of Coronavirus and 10,935 dead. 932 Deaths reported in the last 24 hours & 7,472 new Cases, a decrease from yesterday.
    • 'They just sedate them': Coronavirus overwhelms Spain's care homes
    • Italy starts antibody testing to find people who have developed coronavirus immunity
    • Stockholm activates crisis agreement which among other things will give nurses and other people working on the frontline double pay
    • Russia: Putin extends Russia's stay-at-home order until May. With Russia facing the prospect of a surge in Covid-19 infections, President Vladimir Putin took to national television to announce he was extending a "no-work" order for the whole of April.
    • India To Get $1 Billion Emergency Fund From World Bank
    • China Pushes for Quiet Burials Amid Questioning Over Death Toll
    • China Enforces Smartphone 'Health Code' System After Coronavirus
    • China answers Brazil plea for medical equipment to fight coronavirus
    • Japan to keep hospital beds for severely ill; use hotels for mild coronavirus cases - Medical staff will be deployed at the hotels to take quarantine measures, disinfect toilets, provide food and other support, Kyodo reported
    • Japan: The shortage of protective gear caused by the coronavirus pandemic has hit the workers at the meltdown-hit Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, where they’ve needed them daily for years to guard against radiation
    • One million Australian families to get free childcare as part of coronavirus response
    • US, France, other nations accused of hijacking shipments of medical masks destined for other countries.
    • Amazon is banning the sale of N95 and surgical masks to the general public
    • Schools around the US announce closure through end of academic school year
    • Coronavirus pandemic ‘way worse than the global financial crisis,’ IMF chief says
    • COVID-19 pandemic has dealt an unprecedented blow to the world's battle against polio, the head of the global organization to combat the disease said Thursday after it suspended vaccination campaigns for the first time in three decades
    • Hydroxychloroquine rated ‘most effective’ coronavirus treatment, poll of doctors finds… though many are still skeptical of its measurable effectiveness
    • Flush With The Lid Down: Experts Warn Of Fecal-Oral Transmission Of COVID-19
    • Nearly 4 billion people, or roughly half the world's population, is currently under some sort of order to stay at home - NYT
    • HBO Will Stream 500 Hours of Free Shows, Movies Amid Coronavirus Crisis
    • Sales of video games soar as the coronavirus leaves millions trapped in their homes
    • Corona beer producer halts brewing

  21. #196


    Despite his entertainingly goofy presentation style, Hank Green has a long reputation for working hard to get the facts straight. I found his video reassuring and informative.

    Is This Coronavirus, or Just Allergies? Symptoms of COVID-19
    A lot of people with coughs or fevers might be stressing out these days because they are worried that they have COVID-19. But with cold and flu season still in full swing, and the spring allergy season starting up [[in the Northern Hemisphere anyway), there are plenty of other things out there that could potentially explain these symptoms.

  22. #197


    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Wesson View Post
    There are reasons why the cdc hesitated and many places have not either recommended nor mandated masks. They can be of benefit if people understand how and why they are using them but the general public, as we know, has a lot of people who either don't care or don't take the time to learn facts. They are not to protect you from getting the virus. They are to stop asymptomatic people from spreading the virus. If you're properly social distancing and don't have the virus the mask provides no benefit and none is needed. There are situations where people can't social distance [[elevators, public transit, workplace etc.) and a mask would help. The problem is many people will keep their guard down in how they behave feeling the mask protects them. Also people generally will touch their face far more often in order to adjust a mask [[or scarf).
    Last edited by 401don; April-03-20 at 06:43 PM.

  23. #198


    Make Your Own No Sew Mask

    A whole new meaning to roll your own. I like the idea because you can throw it in the wash and it's good to go.

    Last edited by Honky Tonk; April-03-20 at 09:39 PM.

  24. #199


    Quote Originally Posted by Honky Tonk View Post
    A whole new meaning to roll your own. I like the idea because you can throw it in the wash and it's good to go.

    I did this yesterday and wore it to Krogs during senior hour this morning...LOL. Comfortable too.

  25. #200
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Honky Tonk View Post
    Make Your Own No Sew Mask

    A whole new meaning to roll your own. I like the idea because you can throw it in the wash and it's good to go.

    I don't have any bandanas. What if I put a plastic bag over my head? Would that work?

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