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  1. #26


    Sigh.... yes, grand teacher: If you really READ what I wrote you'll see I did not ignore what you wrote. I just refused to participate in an argument that will not be settled, line by line, thread after thread [[unjustified et al).

    In any event you can EVEN have the last word, snark, snipe or whatever.

    Other things are taking precedent, and priority, right here locally. TTL.
    Last edited by Zacha341; March-13-20 at 02:56 PM.

  2. #27


    Quote Originally Posted by rb336 View Post
    ^^^ show me anything radically different about what Sanders is proposing than what Eisenhower, Truman, and either Roosevelt proposed. The notion that he is soooo radical is utter BS. It is something foisted on you by the corporate media, and is more a reflection of how far to the right our politics have moved over the past 40 years of neo-liberal and neo-con rule. Exit polls have shown fairly uniformly that a large majority of voters - including republicans and Biden backers - support most of Sanders' policies.

    Bernies campaign is a self described revolution how much more radical can you get.

    The reality of it is if Bernie is proposing what Eisenhower,Truman or Roosevelt did none of them
    would have survived.

    Roosevelt during the depression refused to give direct cash relief because according to him,once you start giving people free money they lose the will to work for it.

    His wife was the one that suggested and implemented a majority of the social programs,I guess she won a lot of arguments.

    No way you can compare any of those to Bernie.




    • 1.synonyms

    a forcible overthrow of a government or social order, in favor of a new system: "the country has had a socialist revolution"synonymsrebellion, revolt, insurrection, mutiny, uprising, ... more

  3. #28


    Quote Originally Posted by Pam View Post
    I didn't think this election could be worse than 2016 but it is. Last time the DNC propped up a candidate under investigation by the FBI, this time they are propping up one with dementia. They would rather lose to Trump than win with Bernie.
    I agree, Biden is a horrible candidate. He can barely put together three coherent sentences.

  4. #29


    Has he figured out which ones his sister and which ones his wife yet?
    Attached Images Attached Images  
    Last edited by Honky Tonk; March-15-20 at 02:11 PM.

  5. #30
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Sen. Sanders has done several live stream events about the corona virus crisis. Meanwhile Biden is MIA.


  6. #31


    Quote Originally Posted by Pam View Post
    Sen. Sanders has done several live stream events about the corona virus crisis. Meanwhile Biden is MIA.

    He's probably back in the home having his green Jello until the party takes him out for a walk again in front of the cameras.

  7. #32


    Just when we thought Richard ______________________.
    First off, when Bernie talks about a revolution, he is talking about THIS definition of the word:
    "Activity or movement designed to effect fundamental changes in the socioeconomic situation."

    Second, know history much? Roosevelt's New Deal was literally designed to use the power of the government to create a fairer economy. His idea of a minimum wage:

    “No business which depends for existence on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country.
    “By living wages, I mean more than a bare subsistence level — I mean the wages of a decent living.” [[1933, Statement on National Industrial Recovery Act)
    “Do not let any calamity-howling executive with an income of $1,000 a day, who has been turning his employees over to the Government relief rolls in order to preserve his company’s undistributed reserves, tell you – using his stockholders’ money to pay the postage for his personal opinions — tell you that a wage of $11.00 a week is going to have a disastrous effect on all American industry.” [[1938, Fireside Chat, the night before signing the Fair Labor Standards Act that instituted the federal minimum wage)

    Now you clearly have NO concept of history and NO concept of what Sanders is proposing, apart from the idiocy your right-wing goons scream at you.. The vast majority of what Sanders is talking about - at least 90% - were positions held by one of the two Roosevelts.

    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Bernies campaign is a self described revolution how much more radical can you get.

    The reality of it is if Bernie is proposing what Eisenhower,Truman or Roosevelt did none of them
    would have survived.

    Roosevelt during the depression refused to give direct cash relief because according to him,once you start giving people free money they lose the will to work for it.

    His wife was the one that suggested and implemented a majority of the social programs,I guess she won a lot of arguments.

    No way you can compare any of those to Bernie.




    • 1.synonyms

    a forcible overthrow of a government or social order, in favor of a new system: "the country has had a socialist revolution"synonymsrebellion, revolt, insurrection, mutiny, uprising, ... more

  8. #33


    ^ you really need to show some kind of consistency in your thinking.

    Post a list of countries that you view as examples that the us should model itself as,including some that have a zero minimum wage or protection for the workers.

    Post example of a policy implemented by a president that provided a minimum wage and worker protections.

    If you want to discuss history and Roosevelt we can.

    After his wife’s insistence,he created a hand up program to provide temporary financial assistance to those in need,it was never designed to become a way of life for many.

    During the depression he refused to give cash directly to the millions out of work,saying if you provide money for no work,people will grow accustomed to it and expect it and not want to go to work anymore.

    Roosevelt was more pro business then most presidents,it was his wife that pushed the social programs after driving through the immigrant slums of New York City of the day.

    Do you believe that providing a social program that providing free housing and a monthly stipend to somebody is the best course of action?

    Plenty of gettos and generations bear witness to the end result.

  9. #34


    Biden to woman - Do you know how I am?

    Woman-No but let me get a nurse for you so she can tell you who you are.

  10. #35


    Some type of a sexual assault allegation against Biden dredged up from 1993. This women has said she’s been trying to tell her story for 27 years. My knee jerk reaction is this is a stunt from the Dems to try and get Biden out - I don’t see how DNC could actually run that guy anyway, he seem out of it, can hardly put together a couple of coherent sentences.

  11. #36


    ^ they really do not have many options and they are not about to go full Socialist.

    They are just playing the cards they were dealt with,I do not think they are going to be seriously back in the game until 2024.

    With all that has been going on sense 2016 I think there has been more damage to the party intentionally and they are struggling to keep control of it.

    Get Trump at any cost came at a heavy price at a time when they should have been rebuilding the party.

    I do not think the assault allegations from 30 years ago will go far,they all ready played that card and it backfired.

    Stormy Danials finally admitted that she had made that up,people are more “woke” to what is going on.
    Last edited by Richard; March-27-20 at 11:54 AM.

  12. #37


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    ^ you really need to show some kind of consistency in your thinking.

    Post a list of countries that you view as examples that the us should model itself as,including some that have a zero minimum wage or protection for the workers.

    Post example of a policy implemented by a president that provided a minimum wage and worker protections.

    If you want to discuss history and Roosevelt we can.
    That would be very difficult to do, as you have a seriously deficient, narrow, and hopelessly distorted concept of history.

  13. #38


    Quote Originally Posted by rb336 View Post
    That would be very difficult to do, as you have a seriously deficient, narrow, and hopelessly distorted concept of history.
    or maybe you should do a little research on the examples that you are posting and how they actually apply.

  14. #39


    After all the billions of dollars and the usual looniness and after all the dust settles, it'll be Biden 51-45 +/- on Nov. 3---not only in Michigan, but probably nationally. Moderate Americans like myself, who have typically voted the man/woman and not the party, simply can't stomach the lazy, ignorant, blowhard, treasonous, lying cocksmoker in the WH. It's really as simple as that.

  15. #40


    ^ so if he wins again are you moving to Canada?

    How do you know he is a c****ucker? Let me guess,you have a locker room video that you are going to release just before the election along with your book release that provides the bombshell,along with all of the allegations presented in the past 3.5 years that have ended up in the trash.

    My guess is that you did not vote for him to begin with,and were not planning on voting for him this time either.

    Why does everybody always speak with a singular voice as representing an entire group of people nationwide,I actually know quite a few moderates that are quite happy with the current president,who in-spite of the failed best efforts is still there.

    There must be be a good reason.

    You wrote billions when it is actually Trillions,kinda curious as to how you figure he single handed spent that,being that it was a bi-partisan package.

    You are figuring that it was best to let this thing run its course while millions die and millions of companies go bankrupt forcing this country into a depression like 1929,probably so,so people can say it was Trumps fault.

    So they must be also included in the name calling triad.

    Look at the bright side,if he wins again you guys have another four years to constantly use him as a whipping post while spending millions of taxpayer dollar trying to remove him.

    It is probably much easier that way to continue down the path of looking like one is doing something,while actually not doing anything to make this country a better place.

    Plenty of videos out there of people that were voted in who they thought were the best candidates.

    They make fools of themselves on the house floor and in the press screaming like raving lunatics.

    With some of the displays as of recently,who the president is should be the least of your worries.

    I think you will find it is not as simple as that.

    If you had said in all of the name calling he acts at times like an arrogant prick then I would agree with you because that is A-typical of a New Yorker that was raised in the Bronx,Harlem etc. we deal with them all of the time with the whole - I was raised in the Bronx,we do not have to wait in line,we just go to the front,even the alligators spit them back out.

    But that is a regional thing and I do not even think they notice it.

    But I also notice people get caught up in the theatrics of it all while choosing to ignore the accomplishments that he has actually achieved,like they say,it’s where the rubber meets the road is what counts,the rest is just window dressing.
    Last edited by Richard; March-30-20 at 02:40 AM.

  16. #41


    No surprise here, but now it's official.

    Obama endorses Biden’s White House bid
    President Barack Obama endorsed Joe Biden’s White House bid Tuesday, formally throwing his support behind his former vice president and the now-presumptive Democratic nominee.

  17. #42


  18. #43


    Quote Originally Posted by rickbak View Post
    After all the billions of dollars and the usual looniness and after all the dust settles, it'll be Biden 51-45 +/- on Nov. 3---not only in Michigan, but probably nationally. Moderate Americans like myself, who have typically voted the man/woman and not the party, simply can't stomach the lazy, ignorant, blowhard, treasonous, lying cocksmoker in the WH. It's really as simple as that.
    You've got that right. And that fiasco/rally/covid19 briefing yesterday was just plain weird. The guy has got to go.

  19. #44


    Quote Originally Posted by Lowell View Post

    What's shocking is he wasn't snuggling up to a white baby while giving his endorsement.

  20. #45


    I think this is, uh, huh. How many candidates did the democrats start out with. This is it? I hope it works, but it’s a long shot. Honestly, this was Hillary v Trump.
    A lot of people held their nose and voted for Hillary, but a lot of people didn’t, and Trump won. I could see it happening again. People want change, and I guess they prefer bad change over no change. It’s a sad scenario, but it might be reality. God help us.

  21. #46
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    Dec 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by rickbak View Post
    After all the billions of dollars and the usual looniness and after all the dust settles, it'll be Biden 51-45 +/- on Nov. 3---not only in Michigan, but probably nationally.

    Or,.. Pres Trump wins 70% - 30%,... making for the biggest landslide since Reagan's re-election. One or the other.

    For so many years I didn't vote for president,.. because there wasn't a candidate worth my vote. Usually I think both finalists for pres deserve to be in prison,.. and I don't want to feel guilty having voted for the one destroying the country.

    I think that's how the Dem's will feel this November. Biden has been such a vegetable all his career,... sucking on the government teat his entire adult life,.. horrifically corrupt, and now with obvious mental issues,.... as a result,.. I THINK many Dem voters just aren't going to be enthused about him enough to go and vote.

    I think we're going to see low-ish turnout from the Dem side.

    Another scary point for the Dems,.. notice the turn-out in the primaries? In some cases Pres Trump got more primary votes than all the Dems. In the third state he got more than everyone but Biden. WHY ? He's running almost unopposed. That Tom Styer guy had like 2%? Why all these Republicans leaving work or standing in lines to vote for a guy that's OBVIOUSLY going to run away with the primary? NOW THAT'S SOME ENTHUSIASM ! Enough to make Bernie jealous.

    That's a REALLY BAD sign for the Biden camp. NO ONE is enthused about Biden.

    A lot of people in Detroit live in a bubble. All the people around them are Dems,.. and they watch CNN every day,.. and they just PRESUME the rest of the country thinks like they do. But they don't.

    You're in for a disappointing LANDSLIDE. Perhaps if you start preparing for that now mentally,.. it won't hurt so much on Nov 4.

    A second reason I believe this is,... people do a lot of talking,.. but when they go into the booth,.. they usually vote their wallet,.. and in their hearts,.. everyone knows Biden is a disaster, and Trump is great for the economy. Which candidate is most likely to see us rocket out of this artificial recession? There's only one answer to that question.
    Last edited by Bigdd; April-15-20 at 06:57 AM.

  22. #47


    I’m concerned that turnout is going to be very low. Who knows if people are going to feel comfortable voting in November? You still have to in most cases, wait in line and be around other people.

  23. #48
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    Dec 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by softailrider View Post
    I’m concerned that turnout is going to be very low. Who knows if people are going to feel comfortable voting in November? You still have to in most cases, wait in line and be around other people.

    In my case,.. I've never seen a line in my life. You always hear about them though.

    I vote at a bld on Woodward in the Boston Edison area. I have NEVER had more than one person in front of me.

    A couple months ago when we voted,.. I think there were 4 voters in the place. And it's a gymnasium.

  24. #49


    Two Words: Absentee Ballots
    Quote Originally Posted by softailrider View Post
    I’m concerned that turnout is going to be very low. Who knows if people are going to feel comfortable voting in November? You still have to in most cases, wait in line and be around other people.

  25. #50


    Quote Originally Posted by softailrider View Post
    I’m concerned that turnout is going to be very low. Who knows if people are going to feel comfortable voting in November? You still have to in most cases, wait in line and be around other people.
    From what I am hearing people will turn out in a tornado raining **** and wait in line until hell freezes over to vote in this one.

    Biden has a curious asset--low expectations--driven in part by a stuttering disability that he has had since childhood that occasionally slips out and gets confused as being senescence or bumbling. Hillary by contrast had very high expectations and was unable perform up to their levels.

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