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  1. #1

    Default Welcome to the 2020 Biden Ascension...?

    Who was the vegan person rushing the stage?
    Maybe she can run for president! Thank goodness Biden's wife moved into action fast!! INSANE. Where was security?

    Biden can finish Bernie off in Michigan

    All the photos, all the time, DMail...
    Last edited by Zacha341; March-05-20 at 12:21 PM.

  2. #2


    Yes, it looks certain the Dems will hoist another corporatist shill on us.

  3. #3


    At a recent Sanders rally, one woman ran up to him and grabbed a mic, saying, “Bernie, I’m your biggest supporter, and I’m here to ask you to stop propping up the dairy industry and to stop propping up animal agriculture. I believe in you.” Other protesters joined her onstage, including at least two who were topless [[three women were eventually arrested for indecent exposure).

    Geez I really have to start hanging out at Bernie’s rallies,it looks like quite the party.

  4. #4


    ^^^ Yes, some are passionate about animal treatment and the rapacious consumption of declining and sentient species [[China leads in this area), but their message is TOO often lost in their clownery!

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by rb336 View Post
    Yes, it looks certain the Dems will hoist another corporatist shill on us.
    But he's better than most of them. There are many who are much worse.
    I'll vote for him in the general, for sure. And I won't in the primary, for sure. Even if by then it's a symbolic vote.

    Too bad people seem to be casting their votes based on whom we're told is most "electable."
    And too bad the people telling us are the real corporate shills.
    We should ignore that and vote based on policies, principles, and ideas.

    And too bad what states vote early in our nominating contests.
    Are they really a fair representation of our country?
    Two white rural states, then a slew mostly South of the Mason-Dixon line?
    There must be a better way.

    I'm disappointed more young people haven't showed up at the polls.
    Voting is the most important thing.
    While I'll grant that for many it's not easy to vote.
    How long is reasonable to wait in line?
    How far is reasonable to drive? On a working day?
    How exact and thorough must our documentation be?
    We must also overcome voter challenges by malicious design.

    Meanwhile voting is only part of what it takes to win.
    We need to mobilize, persuade, and organize.
    Core Biden voters are pretty up in their ages.
    Biden primary voters, are you up for that legwork?
    You'd better be, or that's a big dent in his electability.

    I would have strongly preferred someone, anyone more appealing to younger voters, those more energized to go knock on doors.

    A reason for optimism: core Trump voters are up in their ages too.
    This demographic has dominated for too long!

    Trump's ruse can't last.
    More and more will see through it over time.
    The young have already proven they're mostly unfooled.
    Their time arrives through the natural process of renewal.
    History will be Trump's judge.
    I just hope it comes soon enough.

    I'm Gen X, and our time may never come. There aren't enough of us.
    Gen Y, Gen Z... Get off your asses!
    You have the numbers. You can do so much more with them!
    Last edited by bust; March-06-20 at 01:06 PM.

  6. #6


    ^ 1 in 10 Bernie supporters voted for Trump in 2016

    I do not believe age categorized candidates,watch the rallies and town hall meetings and every candidate has a mix of age groups.

    To tell the gen Y,and Gen Z to get off their asses and vote for Bernie is the whole reason of why they would vote for Bernie,so they do not have to get off of their asses and still get paid.

    Voting is a civic right,many have paid a heavy price and fought hard to obtain that right in the past,to say I am not voting because I do not like the choice of candidates is a disservice.

    How long the line is should never be a factor,people camp out overnight for Black Friday or to get the latest IPhone or hours to see a concert,but stand in line for an hour to place a vote and democracy is destroyed.

    But yea at the end of the day,the party of the people like to be ruled by old white folks and the women should be at home cooking and doing the laundry.

    How can one complain when you guys are the ones voting them in.

    Sense when did Bernie not become one of those hated old white politicians or is he exempt?

    You guys knew from the start Bernie would never be brought in over Biden,they are 10,000 miles apart.

    Well I have to go,I think there may be a tide pod still in the back of the cabinet somewhere that I can chew on while thinking of running for office.

    It is like anything else,when you are young,you think you have all of the answers,it takes years of experience to learn that you do not and how to acquire them.

    The difference between Bernie and Biden,Outside of the 10,000 miles?

    Bernies 40 years in politics has not taught him how to negotiate Washington whereas Biden has,he can actually say he’s been there done that.

    Bernies stumbling block has always been my way or the highway attitude,I really hope he stays in and continues to split the vote with Biden,it makes it that much easier for Trump.
    Last edited by Richard; March-05-20 at 04:36 PM.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    ^ 1 in 10 Bernie supporters voted for Trump in 2016

    I do not believe age categorized candidates,watch the rallies and town hall meetings and every candidate has a mix of age groups.

    To tell the gen Y,and Gen Z to get off their asses and vote for Bernie is the whole reason of why they would vote for Bernie,so they do not have to get off of their asses and still get paid.

    Voting is a civic right,many have paid a heavy price and fought hard to obtain that right in the past,to say I am not voting because I do not like the choice of candidates is a disservice.

    How long the line is should never be a factor,people camp out overnight for Black Friday... [[I stopped reading here)
    Where did I say vote for Bernie? I didn't.
    My top choice was Warren.
    I urged the young to mobilize, persuade, organize, and most importantly to vote.
    Let their voices be heard!
    I trust them so much more than you.

    I wish I hadn't started reading your post, and I'm glad I didn't finish it.
    Such a waste of time.
    Even as responding to it must be too... But here goes.
    If you think hard working people have hours to wait in line to vote you don't understand hard working people.
    It's our civic duty, the core act of our democracy, and it should not be so difficult.
    By making it so difficult republicans have proven time and time again they don't respect democracy, they'd rather obstruct it, in order to win.
    They've admitted it.

    When later I have time to find the data that shows how young people overwhelmingly did not vote for Biden, and old ones did, I will.
    I've already shown how republicans have enacted a decades-old strategy of suppressing the democratic vote. There is plenty of proof here.

    Why Younger Democrats Are Overwhelmingly Rejecting Biden
    Last edited by bust; March-06-20 at 01:40 PM.

  8. #8


    I simply posted that when you watch any of the candidates at town hall meetings or rallies there is no definitive age group attending.

    I do not dispute that younger voters do not vote for Biden,because he does not target his campaign towards them.

    If he did he would be saying FReeeeeeee vote for me.

    Show me at what age group Bernie loses support,it’s when the young ones start to acquire wealth,age 35 and up.The young ones are easy to manipulate,just tell them what they want to hear.

    I already knew you preferred Warren but she was targeting the same group as Bernie.

    But unlike others,I do not attack you personally because of your choice of candidates because I believe you have a right to support any candidate of your choice.

    Or simply put,your choice of candidate sucks but I do not hold it against you.

    She came in 3rd in her own state,if your own state does not believe in you who else is expected to?

    They are not going to win an election by using scapegoats and promises that the majority are smart enough to figure out that they will never happen.

    Biden is correct,people do not like radical change and after they start raising families they definitely are not stepping out to join a revolution.

    Kids to raise,mortgages to pay the last thing anybody wants is to stand on the doorstep of uncertainty and risk it all on a gamble,they worked hard to get there and they figured out who actually pays for it all in the end.

    Biden is comfortable and people know what to expect from him,even if he does nothing while or even if he gets there,in office it will not matter.

    Because you can predict comfortable,you cannot predict a revolution and it scares the hell out of people.

    On a different scale look at the placement of the freeways through the cities in the 50s,radical social change

    On a local scale Poletown Radical social change

    Those were examples of radical change designed for the betterment of the community as a whole,a lot of people get hurt in the process of social experiments,when they fail they fail bad.

    Now apply that to a countrywide scenario,Obama care was intended to help millions but ended up hurting millions because it was not thought out and rammed through because of political 4 year shelf life.

    Baby steps has always dominated US politics.

    On a personal note,to advertise that you should have known better then to read my post and then tell the rest of the world that you read it anyways kinda shows that you might have a weakness in the knowing better department.

    You might want to keep that to yourself next time,just a suggestion.
    Last edited by Richard; March-05-20 at 05:34 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by rb336 View Post
    Yes, it looks certain the Dems will hoist another corporatist shill on us.
    A corporatist shill with dementia! Say hello to four more years of Trump.

  10. #10


    No argument from me,hello Trump 2020

    Then it will be,hello Ivanka 2024.
    Last edited by Richard; March-05-20 at 09:13 PM.

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Pam View Post
    A corporatist shill with dementia!
    Well, yeah, but look at all the financial support and endorsements Joe Biden has. Not only are former Democratic candidates lining up to show their fealty, Bloomberg has his wallet open, and Deep State magnates are endorsing Biden. With the latter's support, Biden need only smile. Others can make policies and interpret and decide which laws to observe. Just as long as Biden doesn't stray from the teleprompter, it will work! When I came across an article saying that John Brennan, James Comey and Susan Rice had all jumped on the Biden bandwagon, I checked to see if I was reading the Babylon Bee. Then there was Donna Brazile acting like she had already won and she doesn't have to be handing out cheat sheets to her favorite candidates anymore or be civil with her Republican counterparts.
    Last edited by oladub; March-06-20 at 12:15 AM.

  12. #12


    ^^^ Yep. He [[Biden) cannot speak extemporaneously off the cuff! Epic fail when does. He sinks his own battle ship every time - including cutting off word endings/ sentence fragments etc.

    His running mate will be crucial as they WILL run the show - if he wins.
    Last edited by Zacha341; March-06-20 at 07:30 PM.

  13. #13


    ^ off script Biden said he was dropping out of the race and backing Joe Biden for president.

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    I simply posted that when you watch any of the candidates at town hall meetings or rallies there is no definitive age group attending.
    Sure, "curating" the attendees is beyond the sophistication of the organizers.
    They'd never be so cynical to think of that.
    Must be real. So real.

  15. #15


    Hallelujah! There's hope for us all!

    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    ^ off script Biden said he was dropping out of the race and backing Joe Biden for president.

  16. #16


    Biden urges Sanders and his supporters to get behind him as he crushes him in Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri etc.

    All eyes were on Michigan a state that gave Bernie Sanders a surprise win in the 2016 primary against Hillary Clinton
    Last edited by Zacha341; March-11-20 at 05:34 AM.

  17. #17


    Bernie is finished,Biden takes the nomination.

    What happens if he decides to call Michael Obama to be his running mate and Vice President?

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    What happens if he decides to call Michael Obama to be his running mate and Vice President?

    The US will have it's first male, transgender, VP.
    Last edited by Honky Tonk; March-12-20 at 02:55 AM.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    I didn't think this election could be worse than 2016 but it is. Last time the DNC propped up a candidate under investigation by the FBI, this time they are propping up one with dementia. They would rather lose to Trump than win with Bernie.

  20. #20


    ^^^ In part this is because Sanders presents too far left/ marxist/ bolshevik for most. Sure, there's a percentage of fetching college students, and other youth who've come up thru the soil of those ideas! But there remains a percentage who know history and not so be-dazzled. This includes even some immigrants who fled countries where socialism is practiced.

    The struggling middle-class do not want his type lecturing them on how to feel guilty for their eh' 'wealth' and jig-dance to the leveling of their efforts.

    "They" the democrat and repub establishment [[even those who gave lip-service to socialistic policies) now having acquired their own riches and wealth do not want to see that bull-dozed, disassembled, redistributed.

    Having said this I am NOT saying that Trump or Biden are great candidates. They are not. But neither is Bernie Sanders.
    Last edited by Zacha341; March-12-20 at 10:16 AM.

  21. #21


    ^^^ show me anything radically different about what Sanders is proposing than what Eisenhower, Truman, and either Roosevelt proposed. The notion that he is soooo radical is utter BS. It is something foisted on you by the corporate media, and is more a reflection of how far to the right our politics have moved over the past 40 years of neo-liberal and neo-con rule. Exit polls have shown fairly uniformly that a large majority of voters - including republicans and Biden backers - support most of Sanders' policies.

  22. #22


    Corporate media, et al? This thinking is mainly a result of analysis cast only in spectrum of the Sanders vs. TRUMP narrative. I guess that is all we have.

    Having said that, were Trump not in the picture Sander's wouldn't even be this far. In a way this is his PERFECT Storm as do most accessions occur - historically speaking.

    Sanders does not even attempt to conceal is agenda - we've just shut our ears to listen as anything is BETTER than Trump. I get that sentiment. I do. And yes, parts of Sanders narrative has been seen in previous presidents, but he is far further left.

    Anyway, Sanders 'really' looks good in contrast to Trump. Sigh.... thus we have what we have. Tit for Tat..... Sad actually.

    Especially in that I'm not even far right but per the limited 'Anyone vs. Trump' rubric: if I am not 100% for one I must be the other.

    Soooo... so, SO tiresome.
    Yet so unsurprising. Really.

    I accept the rules [[I'm not for Bern so I must be for Trump), in a way [[knowing what battles I'll bother with). Not interested in a full-on blood bath of defense within the Rubric [[and presenters therein). It will not make any difference.
    Last edited by Zacha341; March-12-20 at 11:32 AM.

  23. #23


    That response:
    a) Ignores everything I said.
    b) Makes unjustified extrapolations regarding what I just said.
    c) Provides nothing that actually contradicts what I said.

  24. #24


    That's your opinion. Enjoy.

  25. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    That's your opinion. Enjoy.
    Nope. It is fact. Learn the difference.

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