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  1. #76


    Non-political reasoning for why it is best to prepare for whatever is coming our way. So far, in China, only one person of every 16,250 people has a confirmed case of coronavirus. On a per capita basis it would be like the U.S. having 4,000 confirm cases...so far.

    A doctor wrote this to me a couple of days ago. The attached article expands on part of the doctor's notes-

    "My summary of Coronavirus: we don’t know much about it yet, it will almost certainly arrive, it will probably be worse than influenza but most young healthy people will be fine, we probably don’t have sufficient healthcare resources to manage it as well as we’d like [[influenza season alone can strain the system), it may disrupt supply lines and infrastructure due to quarantines and absent employees. If we can contain it and slow its progress, it’ll be helpful in terms of resources.

    ve started working on my supply of non perishable food, water and household supplies. I’ve noticed many stores are low on bleach and hand sanitizer. N95 masks are not available. I'm getting things that we're going to use anyway, just stocking up in advance so we have a buffer. I'm trying to stock for a month worth now."

    Preparing for Coronavirus to Strike the U.S.

    Getting ready for the possibility of major disruptions is not only smart; it’s also our civic duty

    In Hawaii and California, the lines are getting longer at Costco as residents stock up. I don't understand buying bottle water when one can just fill up empty gallon milk containers with tap water. If we all just buy stuff we are going to eventually use, there won't be much waste and we can avoid possible chaotic scenes at the store when coronavirus numbers increase. This is like preparing for a hurricane but with a much longer prep time. There is little excuse for not preparing for most of us.

    Below: Going to work or school in Taipei. Almost everyone has a surgical mask. Taiwan has only 39 confirmed cases despite its close ties and proximity with China.
    Attached Images Attached Images  
    Last edited by oladub; March-01-20 at 10:09 AM.

  2. #77


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  3. #78


    Well that CD would raise awareness for sure!

    A COVID-19 vaccine is in the future but will take months at least to
    bring to market. In the meantime there are several medications
    that can be given that should help someone who has just caught COVID-19.
    The most specific is remdesivir from Gilead, currently provided on a compassionate basis, hence is not readily available, or a very
    similar compound.

    The list of recommended medicines provided by the Chinese also includes chloroquine, which is readily available, and Kaletra, which is a drug combination intended to treat HIV that is also available.

    The persons most likely to be hard hit by COVID-19 are older current smokers who reside in areas with high amounts of air pollution.

    However the news has many examples of patients who don't fit this profile such as the Diamond Princess cruise ship passengers and crew.
    Last edited by Dumpling; March-02-20 at 06:04 AM.

  4. #79
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Why the need for bottled water? I haven't heard anything about viruses traveling through water pipes.

  5. #80


    This is beginning to sound like a ramp-up for the walking dead. I don't get the bottled water or some other things. On one hand they're telling us to dooms-day prep in case we're all quarantined and on the other hand they're telling us that kids under the age of 10 don't get the disease, that it's no worse than a bad cold for normal, healthy adults and that the worst of it will be for the elderly or those with compromised immune systems. So which is it: we're all gonna die or it's no real big deal???
    Quote Originally Posted by Pam View Post
    Why the need for bottled water? I haven't heard anything about viruses traveling through water pipes.

  6. #81


    They are trying to tell everybody that they need to have an emergency stock on hand,if not for this at least you will have it for the next emergency whatever it may be.

    It never fails in Florida,call a named hurricane out in the ocean 500 miles away and 3/4 of the population will wait until the day before it is expected to hit then go stand in line for 5 hours for a case of water or to inspect already cleared grocery store shelves.

    You have to be self supporting for at least 72 hours before expecting government help in an emergency.

    A couple extra cans of food every time you go shopping,a couple cases of water and a cheap first aid kit.

    In theory one could survive a 14 day emergency lock down with a bag of rice and some dried beans,survival food.

    Difference between the US and China is no way the US could pull a lockdown like China did.

    Even at that it still has not reached the level of the 15 teenagers a day that were dying from distracted driving cell phones,no cellphoneavirus was declared back then.

    When you are prepared you control your personal situation,when you are not others are in control and you cannot always rely on them and they will be in panic and disorganized mode.

    I am guessing that next somebody will try to link this to climate change.
    Last edited by Richard; March-02-20 at 03:31 PM.

  7. #82


    Quote Originally Posted by jcole View Post
    ... So which is it: we're all gonna die or it's no real big deal???
    I can guarantee that we're all gonna die — not necessarily of coronavirus though.

    I suspect I'll die from being a smartass.

  8. #83


    Quote Originally Posted by Jimaz View Post
    I can guarantee that we're all gonna die — not necessarily of coronavirus though.

    I suspect I'll die from being a smartass.
    I've no doubt I'll go passive aggressively myself

  9. #84


    ^ speaking of the walking dead,why did they fight zombies trying to cross the country,it always showed them walking down the train tracks,they could have just hotwired a train,they could have crossed the entire country in two days.

    There is an abandoned prison close to where they filmed that in Georgia,push comes to shove I am thinking a go fund me to buy it,once people survive the 14 days outside the gates they can be let in.
    Last edited by Richard; March-02-20 at 03:42 PM.

  10. #85

  11. #86


    Taking caution here: The cases are variable, some latent without immediate symptoms [[accurate info is scarce, redacting and tied to politics).

    The virus is popping up w/o explanation [[now in Folton county GA - Atlanta area). It is highly lethal in many cases, with some becoming reinfected.

    China's 'Chernobyl' like response and penchant for down-playing in public a crisis [[this one specifically) informs me to err on caution. Goodness knows what's going on over there off-camera!

    Especially as we don't know how the Coronavirus will adapt or mutate.

    Lysol wipes and spray prices are going up weekly. I work in a lab setting - in the public, keyboards and the like. Yep, we're wiping down and washing our hands more, including washing the back of hands.

    We've ordered disposable gloves to use when doing shopping [[touching carts, ATM machines, gas pumps etc.). The clear ones are fairly discreet and I'm seeing more check out staff using them over the last six months. The price is going up on all of these items!

    The gloves make for great items for heavy cleaning anyway.

    Limbaugh, Pelosi, et al, blah-blah say no worry, as they retreat to their gated communities when the cameras and mikes go off.

    My family will take basic caution.
    Last edited by Zacha341; March-03-20 at 09:26 AM.

  12. #87

  13. #88


    The word "uncanny" really doesn't belong in a research paper title IMO. It lends emotion to something that can be stated as pure fact.

  14. #89


    I am not aware of there being some known terror group that made a threat
    against a populace then carried it out in the form of COVID-19 then claimed credit.

  15. #90


    If someone is going to make a bioweapons claim for COVID-19, there has to be a warfare mentality around that, which is not evident at this time.

  16. #91


    Quote Originally Posted by Dumpling View Post
    The word "uncanny" really doesn't belong in a research paper title IMO. It lends emotion to something that can be stated as pure fact.
    I have learned through the years sometimes “uncanny” has purpose.

    Years ago NYC suffered a blackout because of a power plant failure.

    At the same time there was a squadron of EA6B military aircraft flying across.

    EA6Bs were electronic warfare planes that had the ability to jam and shut down power plants,or jam all forms of electronic communications over a large population center, so much equipment that they were encased in 24kt gold casings and the canopies had gold flecks in them.

    How do you know if something works and the impact it creates without testing it in real world conditions?

    I would not put it past the Chinese to use their own people as scenario test subjects but in this case I think they would have picked their much hated Muslim population that they keep stored up in their north.

    With the 14 day delayed response period if anything it could have been a lab worker that got complacent and carried it into the public.

    If we were going down that road.

    Where I am at they are saying if you feel sick,do not go to the hospital,go to the public health centers,which are normally reserved for low income care,so I am thinking that is what the federal funds that were recently released is covering,to encourage everyone to seek treatment regardless of income or insurance.
    Last edited by Richard; March-03-20 at 09:25 AM.

  17. #92


    One reason why flu shots are recommended is not just because
    influenza can be harmful is that there are only so many lifesaving
    ECMO units to go around for the sickest patients and the fewer
    the influenza cases that have to be treated the more the COVID-19
    patients can be treated. Right now it looks as though the COVID-19
    will be here in the spring and summer months when there is usually a
    lull in influenza activity. So that's a small silver lining.

  18. #93


    Here's a handy tip.

    Preventing Coronavirus: How To Make Your Own Hand Sanitizer

    Hand sanitizer is disappearing from local store shelves as people stock up on supplies to prevent getting infected with the coronavirus.

    If you can't find hand sanitizer, you can actually make your own....
    May contain vodka. LOL!

  19. #94


    Watch the old westerns,Everything was sanitized with rot gut whisky.

    In the south we have an ample supply of moonshine for sanitizing,push comes to shove if the virus does not get you,it will.

    Also seeing lots of empty shelves down here.

    I wonder how MD2020 would work in a spray bottle.

  20. #95


    The latest Diamond Princess stats I read were 705 cases and 6 fatalities.

    More on the Diamond Princess outbreak studies:


    This is about one death per 118 infected persons. [[Also 0.85%).

    [[Influenza is said to be 0.1%.)

    This virus is kind of wimpy and can be disinfected with soap and
    water. Probably various household cleansers and homebrews will
    also work well.

    However at the same time, it also seems to be quite infectious
    and contagious. For the Diamond Princess population it is believed
    that if no measures were taken to curb the virus among those on
    the cruise ship, then about 80% of those on board would eventually
    have become infected.

    There will be a strong impulse to quarantine places and individuals
    where this virus is known to be present.
    Last edited by Dumpling; March-04-20 at 05:16 PM.

  21. #96


    Well okay. Onwards to discuss water and wastewater aspects of the new
    coronavirus. Although it looks as though respiratory secretions are
    its main mode of transmission, it doesn't seem as though fecal-oral-nasal pathways of transmission are ruled out yet.

    Drinking water that came from a deep underground spring way
    back in the hills would seem preferable to drinking the treated surface
    water that is our tap water. Doing this virtually certifies that, if it is
    your only source of drinking water, if you do get the coronavirus, you
    did not get it from your drinking water. At this point in time coronavirus case clusters will be investigated for pathways of transmission. If by some
    unlikely chance the bottled water is the pathway for transmission
    this will be made known. There will still be bottles of water that
    someone has on hand, perhaps with lot numbers and bottling dates,
    that will be confirmed beyond any doubt to have contamination.
    Furthermore the bottled water supplier will have "deeper pockets"
    if one wishes to sue in civil court after being harmed by coronavirus
    from drinking bottled water.
    Last edited by Dumpling; March-04-20 at 07:06 PM.

  22. #97


    So stocking up on bottled water is a really logical hoarding behavior
    under these circumstances.

    Note that a lot of bottled water is bottled tap water. Even so due
    to the aforementioned factors like contamination tracing and "deeper
    pockets" it may be preferable to drink purchased bottled tap water
    as compared to tap water.

    A strong focus at the time that GLWA was being formed was reducing
    costs, and a subpart of that was reducing the quantity of chemicals
    being added to the water. The goal was to add just the bare minimum
    of chemicals that would be needed to accomplish the desired outcomes.

    To be clear there are trade-offs - if the bare minimums of chemicals are
    added, then there is less money paid for chemicals, then the water and
    sewer bills should be a little bit less.

  23. #98


    The tap water these days should contain roughly one part per
    million of free chlorine. [[Can verify what it is today for this facility.)
    How well should just using tap water containing one part per million
    work for killing coronaviruses on relatively clean hard surfaces?

    In other words, for example, if a cleaning person came through once
    a week and cleaned all the hard surfaces in the home with all the
    usual cleaners that are sure to kill the coronaviruses, then would a daily
    spritzing of tap water keep surfaces decontaminated in between visits
    from the cleaners?
    Last edited by Dumpling; March-04-20 at 07:48 PM.

  24. #99

  25. #100


    I have not been able to find anywhere yet that says corona can swim.

    8 drops of bleach per gallon of water,put the drops in shake the water,wait 30 minutes and if you can smell a faint odor of bleach then you are good to go if not 8 more drops.

    That works weather you pull water out of a puddle in the street or river or bottle,regular bleach,not scented.

    The lawyer in New York infected 5 in his familyand the neighbor who drove him to the hospital,they do not know how many in his office or how many others he came in contact with.

    I went to lunch today with a guy and he hears somebody cough way on the other side of the restaurant and he wanted to immediately leave.

    In the store yesterday a 6 year old tells her little sister ... no do not touch that,it may be infected and you will die.

    A tornado blasted through Tennessee last night and killed 25 in their sleep.

    The paranoia is almost as bad as the virus.

    The CDC worker in California was testing airline passengers for the virus now has it.

    My suggestion

    People are switching to private flights at $7000 per flight.

    Lease a private jet,hire a pilot and make some money.

    Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca, a Democrat, enthusiastically responded last week to a tweet that featured a graphic that said, “For the record, if I do get the coronavirus I’m attending every MAGA rally I can."

    Last edited by Richard; March-04-20 at 08:12 PM.

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