Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
And you guys grew up with the concept that any second the bomb could drop.

The solution is indicative of what created the problem,we were taught to respect and not question our elders or there would be consequences.

We really had no rights as a kid,now a 6 year old is treated and considered as an adult and everything is geared to not upset them,when you do the consequences are directed towards the adult.

You see on national media little children with thier middle finger up and people find it funny and approve of it because it is toward somebody they do not like.

Look at what happens when parents remove media devices from thier children,full blown temper tantrums,they watch the adults,if you do not get your way act out and make enough noise until you do,we did not have the right to be triggered over everything.

We also did not have attention getting school shootings like they do now either.

Heck they put a 16 year old in charge of world climate change, I did not think I knew everything until I was at least 17.

They have some of her followers on suicide prevention and drugged up because she convinced them the world is at end.

There also seems to be a stark difference in urban verses suburban schools and how the children react to situations.

Having said that,the media tends to highlight the most extreme cases,there still are a lot of respectful kids out there in both realms being raised as they should be,but they do not deserve recognition.

It is more accurate to say that the 16 year old stepped up because the adults are too busy arguing over whether or not climate change is a Chinese hoax....but nice try at minimalizing all the work that the 16-year old has accomplished while we "adults" have done next to nothing