Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
As long as we are calling out posters,CV starts every post out in response to somebody that he/she does not agree with,with a derogatory remark towards the person that they do not agree with.
Entirely inaccurate. I'll save any derogatory remarks about you for further down the post.

The old saying of do not dish it out if you are not prepared to eat it yourself applies.
Richard, you more than any here, clearly get your feelings hurt when its pointed out that your ideas are almost entirely wrong, without intellectual foundation and that you often resort to bigoted insults and deflection in the face of thoughtful correction.

That is some serious 'snowflakery' if I ever did see it.

If you want respect, be respectful.

It would be a new tack for you, or the other pair.

Try not insulting Democrats or Canadians or Mexicans or people who walk upright....just because they're different from you.

Try accepting correction and learning to apologize for rash and ill-conceived views.

Try learning to say "Thank you, I learned something new today". You'll find it would garner a much more positive response than your current offerings.