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  1. #51


    Quote Originally Posted by bust View Post

    CNN: Mostly, but I agree, not great. They sensationalize. A lot.
    Washington Post: Hell yes.

    But criticism about reliability from you is hilarious.
    You typically spew your ridiculousness without citation, and when you do cite a reference, it's usually from a site like conservativefighters.org.
    Are you capable of independent research on content verses propaganda,do you know the difference?

    I am assuming that you have internet service and can google news source retractions,and yes even Washington Post has thier share.

    Name one news source that has no history of retractions.

    So your citation holds water because it comes from a liberal source but you automatically reject anything that may come from a conservative source?


    I post my personal views and opinions on a topic and occasionally provide a link,if you do not agree with me then you need to post your opinion.

    I can find and post 1000 links to enforce my opinions and views,just as you can find 1000 links to disagree with my opinions and views,at the end of the day it is a discussion,not a court of law and anything I post or anything that you post is not going to change the world.

    If I said you,Carol and Maof should run down and Vote Trump 2020,I am not going to hold my breath waiting for that to happen and me saying it is not going to encourage you guys to do it.

    If you are sitting around haveing a beer and a conversation do you provide links to everything you say?

    We are just providing links to bring those who are unaware of what you are referring to and bringing them up to speed,we are individuals and should be capable of thoughts and opinions not based on,because it is on the Internet or some paper printed it,it must be true.

    How exactly does one “spew” words? Is that kinda like when people are in grammar school or high school and they say Ralph?
    Last edited by Richard; September-28-18 at 10:03 PM.

  2. #52


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    How exactly does one “spew” words?
    How? Precisely like that.
    But I didn't say words, I said ridiculousness, and I was holding back from saying idiocy.

  3. #53
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Actualy his yearbook and friends confirmed that he was in the Ralph club,or could not hold his beer without puking.Which would kinda put a damper on the heavy drinking aspect.
    His Yale roommate confirmed he was a heavy, belligerent drinker prone to blackouts, which directly contradicts his testimony under oath. And your bizarre "He can't be a rapist because he pukes too much" is definitely a new one.

    In other words, if you believe Kavanaugh, you also have to believe his college roommates and friends are lying, alongside all the women, and all his college associations were a secret cover [[member of Yale's secret tits and clits sex association and the like). If you believe such things, you definitely qualify as a cultist.
    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Considering the amount of sports he was involved in,it would be doubtful he could be a running back or attending pratice without puking halfway through.
    Except Kavanaugh played no sports at Yale. And I know plenty of college athletes who had plenty of time for drinking and screwing.

  4. #54


    Bust ..
    Yes,because you are a grown up.

    Like they say,if ya got nothing lash out a sad attempt of discredit.

    You make a good little democrat,but tomorrow is another day,maybe somebody will come along that you can throw under the bus to further the agenda and make yourself feel superior.

    But it does not matter,you are no different then me no matter how you spin it,just another brick in the wall.

  5. #55


    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
    His Yale roommate confirmed he was a heavy, belligerent drinker prone to blackouts, which directly contradicts his testimony under oath. And your bizarre "He can't be a rapist because he pukes too much" is definitely a new one.

    In other words, if you believe Kavanaugh, you also have to believe his college roommates and friends are lying, alongside all the women, and all his college associations were a secret cover [[member of Yale's secret tits and clits sex association and the like). If you believe such things, you definitely qualify as a cultist.

    Except Kavanaugh played no sports at Yale. And I know plenty of college athletes who had plenty of time for drinking and screwing.

    Notice how you added the word rapist in there for the dramatic effect?

    So you wrote that he played no sports at Yale.


    He was also a marathon runner,I bet that was fun after a night of black out drinking.

    Because you know plenty of collage athletes that get drunk and screw that means every single one does it. Got it.

    Does that pertain only to male collage athletes or do female college athletes also get drunk and screw?

    I know a few collage and pro also,thier routines are pretty strict and in the interest of keeping in shape and stamina they are not out getting black out drunk every night like Kavanagh is portrayed as doing.

  6. #56


    “My name is Christine Blasey Ford, I am a professor of psychology at Palo Alto University and a research psychologist at the Stanford University School of Medicine.”

    Just for fun: Does anyone have a link establishing that Professor Ford is credentialed as a "research psychologist" in California or any other state? If she isn't and California requires credentials before someone can claim to be a research psychologist, Professor Ford lied to Congress before she finished her first sentence. She does have a Masters degree in psychology and teaches psychology, Wikipedia and most other credible sources refer to her as research psychologist but which state credentialed her to meet California requirements? What I'm getting at is that she could call herself a barber because she cuts hair as well as anyone but she might get in trouble if California required certification to cut hair. Her witness free and document free testimony could be in trouble if she began her tale by misrepresenting herself.

  7. #57


    Option A. A great face to feign/ profligate a lie [[before or after the near tears)? Option B. He did NOT assault Dr. Ford - so I suppose bit of a scowl, angst and a tear might also be applicable?

    Umm, step down please. It's over either way. Further for some he's now the summation repub-ba, hetero, Christian white men [[hate all men crowd). Just in time for Halloween masks!

    What's more bizarre is the VIRGIN claim if he assaulted Ford. Sexual chasteness on any level, already scorned will be especially mocked. Why'd he have to go there if untrue?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimaz View Post
    Last edited by Zacha341; September-30-18 at 07:29 AM.

  8. #58


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    Option A. It's great face to feign/ profligate a lie [[before or after the near tears)? Option B. He did NOT assault Dr. Ford - so I suppose bit of a scowl, angst and a tear might also be applicable?

    Umm, step down please. It's over either way. Further for some he's now the summation repub-ba, hetero, Christian white men [[hate all men crowd). Just in time for Halloween masks!

    What's more bizarre is the VIRGIN claim if he assaulted Ford. Sexual chasteness on any level, already scorned will be especially mocked. Why'd he have to go there if untrue?
    Totally agree Zacha. Might want to for the sake of his daughters as well. The damage is done and it just might curtail years of harassment/embarrassment for them.

  9. #59


    Quote Originally Posted by Maof View Post
    Totally agree Zacha. Might want to for the sake of his daughters as well. The damage is done and it just might curtail years of harassment/embarrassment for them.
    I hear the daughters have an alias for their dad picked up from years of liberal-ass tv fare: they call him "Family Guy".

    They call their mom "Poison-apple Eve", but it's all in jest.

    So, there's no real embarrassment really, just a sense of this family's dirty laundry might be an opportunity for syndication.
    Last edited by canuck; September-29-18 at 08:59 PM.

  10. #60
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    What I don’t understand is: how did Kavanaugh’s candidacy get this far? How did his bid last long enough to get to the point where it was imperiled by #MeToo-related personal misbehavior? Why didn’t it founder first on the rockier shoals of his insane ideology?
    As a judge the nominee was quoted saying that the NSA’s mass surveillance of every American’s emails, phone calls and texts is “entirely consistent” with the Constitution. As a lawyer once told me, that is not and cannot be true. “In my view, that critical national security need outweighs the impact on privacy occasioned by this [NSA] program,” Kavanaugh wrote. It is impossible to overstate the importance of this issue. The NSA programs exposed by Edward Snowden transformed the United States from the supposed “land of the free” to an authoritarian Orwellian dystopia. Surely Senate Democrats might have found something to object to there.

    As George W. Bush’s White House lawyer Kavanaugh worked on Alberto Gonzalez’s notorious “torture memos,” the flimsy legalistic covers Bush used to justify waterboarding and murdering innocent Muslim kidnap victims at Guantánamo concentration camp and CIA dungeons around the world. We don’t know what he told other lawyers when the memos were written but even if he opposed them he had a legal and ethical obligation to resign, contact the World Court and speak publicly about these brazen war crimes. He did not.

  11. #61


    The main outcome of is the nation splitting down the middle on male vs female, right vs. left levels. No variance of opinion or view will be allowed!
    Last edited by Zacha341; September-30-18 at 12:13 PM.

  12. #62


    They must really be deplorable Trump cultists!


    From article:

    “I’m very empathetic to women who’ve been through this type of situation,” said Mace, 40. “But on the other side, we have laws in this country that protect individuals from being wrongfully accused.”

    Emma Scott, an 18-year-old University of South Carolina freshman from Charleston, South Carolina, said that, while she doesn’t doubt Ford endured a trauma of some kind, she wasn’t convinced it could be tied to Kavanaugh.

    “If you’re going to use sexual assault to slow somebody down, it had better be the truth,” Scott said. “Even if Brett Kavanaugh is innocent, he is still going to live with this the rest of his life.”

    Mace said that she viewed the testimony as an “at all costs” effort by Democrats to win back control in Congress and possibly hold the seat open until a future Democratic president can fill it.....

  13. #63


    Graham 'goes in' during hearing... [[transcript)


    From article:

    Lindsey Graham said the Democrats are trying to paint Judge Kavanaugh as the Bill Cosby of high school at a hearing on Thursday following the testimony of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, a woman accusing him of sexual misconduct. Graham called the event the "most despicable" thing he has witnessed in his time in politics.

  14. #64


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    Graham 'goes in' during hearing... [[transcript)


    From article:

    Lindsey Graham said the Democrats are trying to paint Judge Kavanaugh as the Bill Cosby of high school at a hearing on Thursday following the testimony of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, a woman accusing him of sexual misconduct. Graham called the event the "most despicable" thing he has witnessed in his time in politics.
    It was a despicable show designed to divide the sides. The commentators of major news outlets trumpeted days before the Ford hearing that 11 white males could not possibly be fair. Sowing the seeds for unrest amongst the public, unless the committee burned Kavanaugh at the stake. Right there and now. So the 11 white men capitulated and brought in a women to ask questions for them. She did a lousy job of it by most accords.

    Why do this? His record of service is right in front of all.
    His background has been checked and rechecked. Why no pattern?

    Grab something from the distant past. Assault the character.

    It's a well known smear tactic the same which has a new twist and has been used on Trump.
    "Guilt by white, privileged, male."

    The whole hearing proceeding the Ford sex showcase should have been the forum to discuss Kavanaugh's shortcomings which there are many, but the Dem's didn't. Instead they waited till the end to drop a sexual accusation against him that was in the hands of a senior committe member for months. An accusation that cannot be resolved 35yrs later with any certainty.

    Why? Because that is the only tactic the Dems know. "Rule by division."
    The radical socialists are wetting themselves with glee over the use of this tactic and it's apparent media success.

    I beg to differ as most women I've heard found the hearings disgusting and did not automatically side with Ford.

    Sad day for America indeed.

    Kavanaugh may not be the right choice for the S.C. but this did nothing to aide the process. Well history does repeat itself.

  15. #65
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    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by GMan View Post
    It was a despicable show designed to divide the sides. The commentators of major news outlets trumpeted days before the Ford hearing that 11 white males could not possibly be fair.
    And those commentators were 1000% correct. Those "11 white males" hid behind a woman to ask stupid questions of an assault victim, then watched their beloved drunkard rapist scream, cry and rage at those who would dare deny him his God-given right to the SC.

  16. #66


    ^^^ Many FACES BEING REVEALED [[in response to GMan).

    In my community I'm not hearing alot of African American/ Black men ultra ecstatic either [[thinking beyond the get TRUMP and other members of his 'brass' ensemble at-all-cost narrative).

    You'll really, REALLY like this:
    Hirono to men: 'Shut up and step up'

    Honorable, ethical men [[and I believe one or two exist --) cannot step up, to speak out against rape as it occurs, or defend themselves against false accusations IF they cannot at least SPEAK!

    If not a husband or boyfriend or son, doesn't Hirono have male cousins, brothers, a father, uncles?

    They may all be taking their turn if this form of j'accuse continues.

    BLACK MEN TOO once the turnstile of intersectional justice demands such!

    And many suspect this -- historically speaking, black men already know what it's like to be falsely accused of rape and more.
    Last edited by Zacha341; September-30-18 at 04:54 PM.

  17. #67


    What's worse one can argue is that they hid behind one poorly qualified to the job at hand... what was all that time-wasting doodling about looking at maps and parsing. I am sure she was sent packing fast!

    What a circus! But the social/ political fallout goes beyond this tent take down!

    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
    And those commentators were 1000% correct. Those "11 white males" hid behind a woman to ask stupid questions of an assault victim, then watched their beloved drunkard rapist scream, cry and rage at those who would dare deny him his God-given right to the SC.
    Last edited by Zacha341; September-30-18 at 12:11 PM.

  18. #68


    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
    And those commentators were 1000% correct. Those "11 white males" hid behind a woman to ask stupid questions of an assault victim, then watched their beloved drunkard rapist scream, cry and rage at those who would dare deny him his God-given right to the SC.
    Such racist comments with the whole white men thing,they did not knock on the door and apply for the job,they were voted in.

    What would have been the bennifit of 11 more people grilling her and postering?

    If you are going to act like a court of law and play judge,jury and executioner kinda makes sense to bring a professional in.

    I guess only a democrat senator is a professional investigator when it comes to alledged sec crimes,how would you react if you had to defend a lifetime of accomplishments while you and your family are drug through the mud?

    The worst scum of the earth ones are the ones making comments about his wife and children,they had nothing to do with what he may or may not have done 36 years ago.

    That is the same mindset as the cartels,they do not kill the one they kill the entire family.

    No wonder public hangings and witch burnings were so popular,people thrive on it and lust for it.

    Project innocence spends 24/7 helping free those who have been wrongly convicted,like the guy just freed after serving 7 years for rape charges,the accuser posted bragging on Facebook how it was faked.

    It is all fun and games,until it happens to you,it takes one second in life to change it forever.

    Notice how Finstien got all defensive when the other senator accused her of leaking the accusations,she did not like it when the shoe was on the other foot.

    In 2012 when Mrs Ford made her discovery while in therapy how come she did not go file formal charges at that time?
    Last edited by Richard; September-30-18 at 12:22 PM.

  19. #69


    ^^^ There you go: man-'splaining! again! ----
    Last edited by Zacha341; September-30-18 at 01:57 PM.

  20. #70


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    In 2012 when Mrs Ford made her discovery while in therapy how come she did not go file formal charges at that time?
    Name:  donkey.jpeg
Views: 249
Size:  8.2 KB

    In recursion.
    Last edited by bust; September-30-18 at 01:32 PM.

  21. #71


    Anyone want to explain why Rachel Mitchell only questioned Ford and not Kavanaugh...hmmmmm

  22. #72



    In case anyone missed Matt Damon on SNL last night...a little long but spot on.
    Last edited by Maof; September-30-18 at 02:00 PM.

  23. #73


    She asked him o'plenty, including questions of specific sexual nature...

    Anyway, read and judge for yourself. Transcripts here [[per questions asked of Ford vs. Kavanaugh:

    Scroll midway down to read more Q and A's for comparison:

    Quote Originally Posted by Maof View Post
    Anyone want to explain why Rachel Mitchell only questioned Ford and not Kavanaugh...hmmmmm
    Last edited by Zacha341; September-30-18 at 05:26 PM.

  24. #74


    Quote Originally Posted by bust View Post
    Name:  donkey.jpeg
Views: 249
Size:  8.2 KB

    In recursion.
    I have to give you credit for finally showing us where your head has been,it explains a lot.

  25. #75


    Quote Originally Posted by Maof View Post
    Anyone want to explain why Rachel Mitchell only questioned Ford and not Kavanaugh...hmmmmm
    See how you put the little red face showing anger over something that you thought verses something that actually happened?

    Is that really the best way to approach things?

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