Quote Originally Posted by bust View Post
Happy to reply to that.
It's been done, countless times over. Except it never seems to work best for the restaurants or the tax base. Detroit's a great example.
Robert Moses did it to parts of New York like the South Bronx, and tried to do it to Greenwich Village.
Greenwich Village presents a great example of community organizing to defeat a proposal.
Compare the results.
Good thing they're not opposed to restaurants.
The key is to advocate good ideas, not wrong ones.

SLOW CHILDREN Sigh, It really doesn't matter what you think, or what I think, and it sure as shit doesn't matter what the would be restaurateur thinks. It doesn't matter what happened in Greenwich Village, Indian Village, or with the Village People. What matters is what the people that actually live there, pay into the neighborhood and it's upkeep want, and they want a continued residential area. Everything else is just angry monkeys flinging poop. There are SO many already existing restaurants where one can "go into Detroit" and order gourmet fried balogna appetizers, why this obsession with opening another place where it's not wanted? Are peoples lives that damn boring?