Quote Originally Posted by EGrant View Post
NYC may have lots of lines and stops on its public transit system, but it is probably the single worst-managed system of any major city.

That being said, I'm not really interested in hearing the Koch brothers' opinions on mass transit when the research they cite was funded by....drumroll... The Koch brothers, who also have business interests in auto and highway transit.
I believe in the Times I recently read that the MTA spend TWICE as much per mile on new construction as the Paris Metro. The labour loving French in their capital only do half as good a job of fleecing taxpayers and transit users as NYC's MTA. They should be ashamed!

As to Koch brothers, the Times article [[on Nashville transit vote, which you probably read) is pretty off-base.

Kochs believe new technologies, like autonomous vehicles, offer a better option. Its not about cashing in. They are unabashed classic liberals and libertarians who are not impressed by how gov't runs things -- see the MTA cost per mile note in first paragraph.

To suggest that their motive is to profit from roads is wrong.