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  1. #1

    Default Shooter left 17 dead in six short minutes of terror

  2. #2


    It got mixed in with the 50+ thread,same thing as always though,ban guns and use C130s to sprinkle pixie dust across the country and we will be in utopia.

  3. #3


    So many 'killing' things abound. Some are endorsed and welcomed to stay, others must go... sigh.

    I do think that assault level weapons should be banned, as we cannot have tanks for personal use. Is the second amendment absolute?

    But who'll be determining/ defining what constitutes an 'assault weapon'?

    Well ok, here we go....
    Last edited by Zacha341; February-17-18 at 02:01 PM.

  4. #4


    lol,actually it is leagle to own a tank,they just demilitarized them or make it so they do not fire.They are just a bit pricey to buy so they have a limited market,and only get like 4 miles to the gallon so not very practical for the typical soccer mom.

    AR-15 is not a assault weapon it is a semi-automatic weapon,military assault weapons have both semi-automatic and fully automatic selections.

    Fully automatic is when you pull the trigger it will continue to fire until the magazine is empty,semi-automatic will fire each time you pull the trigger,1 pull 1 round.

    Fully automatiac weapons in most states require a dealers license and a special restrictive license to own and purchase,having said that I hear fully automatic weapon fire in my neighborhood so even if there was a ban,they are still out there.

    Semi automatic is any weapon that fires as fast as you can pull the trigger,so what is left 1850s flintlock,shotguns etc. But England has made owning semi automatic weapons illegal but yet the underworld has plenty so what is the point.

    Look closely at the shooters pictures of him holding the gun notice the red tip? He is holding a fake gun.
    Last edited by Richard; February-17-18 at 06:42 PM.

  5. #5


    FBI got tip on alleged Florida shooter Nikolas Cruz in January, but didn’t ‘follow protocols’

    Last edited by Zacha341; February-18-18 at 07:45 AM.

  6. #6


    It's going to hard for Cruz to claim an insanity defense per his attorneys comments:

    'Cruz's court-appointed defense lawyer, Broward County Assistant Public Defender Melisa McNeill, called him "a broken human being" and said he was "mournful, remorseful" and "fully aware of what is going on."'

    From this article:

    Last edited by Zacha341; February-18-18 at 07:45 AM.

  7. #7


    Problem is the FBI gets over 1000 calls a day and their hands are tied because they cannot just arrest somebody Willy nilly without public outcry.

    FBI had 2 warnings.

    The school warned staff.

    All the neighbors knew he had issues.

    All of his friends knew he had problems.

    On march 24 the students want to march for gun control as a community,but where was the community when they all knew this guy had serious issiues before it escalated,did they avoid him because he was trouble or did they reach out and try and get him help.

    They said that he went further over the edge when his mother passed away,was the community there when they knew he was troubled and on his own?

    Anybody ever deal with somebody that is manic depressant? They are fine under meds,but once they take the meds and feel okay,they stop taking them and all hell breaks loose.

    You cannot end gun violence,even if you remove every gun from the country if somebody wants to do voilence they will find away,it is proved on a daily basis in other country's.

    You cannot remove the guns for action today but today people can start careing about others in the community and when they see someone troubled like this maybe offer a hand to help?

  8. #8


    Here's a thoughtful, balanced article from the National Post looking at whether Canada's gun laws would have made a difference in some high-profile U.S. mass shootings.


  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Canadian Visitor View Post
    Here's a thoughtful, balanced article from the National Post looking at whether Canada's gun laws would have made a difference in some high-profile U.S. mass shootings.


    Thoughtfull maybe but it is is hard to compare the two countries when it comes to gun control,the right to bear arms is in our constitution,where as yours are more geared towards you can have them if we allow it so you can use it more so as leverage.

    I am not familiar with your school system but is it based on political correctness,safe spaces,participation trophys where everybody is a winner,the public shows little support towards the teachers,kids confused about what sex they are or what bathroom to use,etc.

    Some of the math my grandkids bring home is insane,it seems like they are trying to be little computers before the second grade,they do not even get to be kids anymore,no wonder they freak out with the stress.

    I see a lot of the younger generation literally freaking out when they do not get their way,that would have been unheard of years ago.

    Your health care system is a bit more prepared to deal with those with issues.

    There is also a population difference between the two countries where you may only have 1 application to deal with compared to our 10,000,which takes resources and manpower.

    We have state regulations outside of federal regulations that vary from state to state,but at the end of the day it is illegal to murder somebody but that does not stop murder.
    Last edited by Richard; February-19-18 at 05:54 PM.

  10. #10
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    Mar 2009



    A group of Washington, D.C., teenagers staged a “lie-in” outside the White House on Monday to show their support for the victims of last week’s mass shooting at a Florida high school — and to demand action from President Trump on gun control.

  11. #11


    How ironic that Washington, D.C. students are so concerned about the Florida shooting when Washington, D.C. which already has strict gun control also has a higher per capita homicide rate [[24.2/100,000) by far than any state. Or, if fetuses even counted as 3/5 of a person, the seventh highest abortion rate in the country [[2013); 15/1,000 women between 15-44 or a rate of 15,000 abortions per 100,000 women 15-44. Correct me if my math is wrong. Or from another perspective, policies deriving from Washington, D.C. have left hundreds of thousands of mid-east residents dead during just the last two presidencies.
    Last edited by oladub; February-19-18 at 09:08 PM.

  12. #12


    I wonder if we should tell them that the President cannot rewrite the constitution,or let them figure it out on their own.

  13. #13

    Default proportionality again

    I've been addressing proportionality lately or its lack. Since students are now marching out of expressed concern for their safety instead of sitting through math class, here are some relatively uneditorialized statistics related to homicides, gun homicides specifically, and the numbers of students and teachers gunned down.

    -The average gun homicide rate in the U.S. of pre-K - 12th grade students and teachers at school is .017/100,000 students and teachers.

    -The U.S. gun homicide rate is 3.5/100,000

    -The U.S. homicide rate from all causes is 4.2/100,000.

    -Washington, D.C.'s homicide rate is 24/100,000.

    -New Hampshires homicide rate is 1.1/100,000.

    -There have been 79 homicides this year in Chicago as of 3/14/18. That homicide rate, if continued, would work out to 14/1000,000

    -Twelve Democratic cities account for 25% of all US homicides.

    -55% of U.S. homicide victims are black.

    -Of the 2.6M deaths in the US in 2013, 1.3% were from firearms. 2/3 of those firearm deaths were suicides.

    -Fewer than 1% of gun murders reported by the FBI in 2010 involved mass murders.

    -If abortions were considered homicide, Washington, D.C.'s annual abortion rate is 29.9/1,000 women ages15-44 [[2,990/100,000). That includes non-pregnant women.

    -Shooting deaths in schools have been declining since peaking in the 1990s. Including school shootings below the threshold of a mass shooting, four times as many children were fatally shot in schools in the 1990s compared to the present day. As of 2015, of all the shootings listed on CNNs Deadliest Mass Shootings in U.S. History list committed by young males since 2005, only one was raised by his biological father.

    -26 students and teachers were shot and killed at Sandy Hook in December, 2012. 17 were killed at Parkland. In addition, another 24 students and teachers have been killed by gunfire since Sandy Hook. That’s a total of 67 gun homicide deaths of students and teachers in schools in a little over six years or an average of about 10.1 students and teachers killed in schools per year. There are a total of 55.9M pre-K - grade 12 students in the US and 3.5M teachers. The average gun homicide rate in the U.S. of pre-K - 12th grade students and teachers at school is .017 deaths/100,000 students and teachers.
    Last edited by oladub; March-15-18 at 01:49 PM.

  14. #14


    11 teenagers are killed everyday with distracted driving while useing a cell phone,that does not include the innocent lives that they take in the process.

    Lets make the streets safe for teenagers and their victims by implementing a cell phone age limit of 21.

  15. #15


    Hah! That requires a good civics class and well that's too corny to teach today!

    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    I wonder if we should tell them that the President cannot rewrite the constitution,or let them figure it out on their own.

  16. #16


    I think there's enough liein' in the White House as it is.

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    Hah! That requires a good civics class and well that's too corny to teach today!

    Florida just pulled the civics bill funding,it was set up to teach teachers how to teach civics in the classroom.

    Which now totally removes any civics instruction from the classrooms.

    They do not want people to make educated civics decisions.

  18. #18


    One of the local sheriffs has come up with a 23.6 million dollar number on what it would cost to put armed deputies within the school district,clearly not going to happen.

  19. #19


    While there's lots of suitable actions being taken to try to ensure school shootings don't happen again, and rightly so; with fingers being pointed at numerous people and organizations; there's been little/no information yet on the possible culprits of the Florida bridge collapse.

    Wonder why the media is keeping silent on the causes of this tragic loss of 6 other Floridian innocent lives? Does the trail lead back to politicians, persons, corporations etc. that they would prefer not to implicate?

  20. #20


    ^ it was designed by a all women team and company,in these times it is best to go slow and carefull.

    Be cool for 20 hours and I'll pay you 20 grand.

    Fla politics is old school where the Dems like to keep the cities neatly segregated and everybody keeps a tight grip on their little political fiefdoms,rocking the cradle draws attention.
    Last edited by Richard; March-23-18 at 12:06 AM.

  21. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    ^ it was designed by a all women team and company,
    I have read a Fox News report which quotes . “It was an accelerated, joint construction effort by two Florida companies: MCM Construction, a Miami-based contractor, and Figg Bridge Design, based in Tallahassee, who both have worked on dozens of projects nationwide, ranging from military facilities to schools.” How would your statement fit into this scenario?

  22. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post

    -The U.S. gun homicide rate is 3.5/100,000

    The gun homicide rate in Canada is .61/100,000

    -The U.S. homicide rate from all causes is 4.2/100,000.

    The Canadian homicide rate from all causes is 1.68/100,000

    -There have been 79 homicides this year in Chicago as of 3/14/18. That homicide rate, if continued, would work out to 14/1000,000

    Chicago [[City) is just a hair smaller than Toronto in population.

    There have been 14 murders so far this year. or less 1/5 the number in Chicago.

    Last edited by Canadian Visitor; March-23-18 at 07:32 AM.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by coracle View Post
    I have read a Fox News report which quotes . “It was an accelerated, joint construction effort by two Florida companies: MCM Construction, a Miami-based contractor, and Figg Bridge Design, based in Tallahassee, who both have worked on dozens of projects nationwide, ranging from military facilities to schools.” How would your statement fit into this scenario?
    He's a misogynist, so of course he implies [[without a shred of evidence) that women are to blame. He's also a fake news connoisseur who takes any bullshit he reads on whatever Far Right trash website he gets his "news" from as fact without questioning it.

    Snopes Fact Check: Was an All-Female Construction Company Responsible for the FIU-Sweetwater Bridge Collapse?

    Answer: FALSE


  24. #24


    ^ if snoops told you the sky was falling would you duck and cover?
    Talk about following a left wing publisher.



    You should really get out of your cubicle and expirence how it works in the real world.

  25. #25
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    Sep 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    ^ if snoops told you the sky was falling would you duck and cover?
    Talk about following a left wing publisher.


    Lol, your source is some random person's blog?

    Here's a picture of MCM's board of directors, how many women do you see?


    If you need help counting, you can use all your fingers and all your toes.

    Your bullshit blog is cited in the Snopes article and they PROVE it's bullshit.

    The collages featured in these articles show female MCM employees, but not necessarily women who worked on the Florida bridge. Most of these photographs were pulled from the company’s social media posts celebrating women’s diversity and not from a post about the project in Florida.
    So your bullshit blog simply cherry-picked photos of women from these engineering firms social media sites and put them together in a collage. Strike one for your Fake News bullshit.

    Strike two for you: actual images from the bridge construction show a mostly male crew.

    Strike three: Your bullshit Sandra Rose blog FALSELY claims that an MCM engineer named Leonor Flores was the project manager for the bridge. This is false. Proof below from Florida International University's website:


    UPDATE, March 16, 2018, 11 a.m.: To clarify, Leonor Flores did not work on the FIU-Sweetwater UniversityCity Bridge project in any capacity.
    Now, cite your evidence or retract your bullshit claims. If there was an all-female team, prove it.

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