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  1. #51

    Default What would Jesus say?

    Jesus says: "Give to Trump what is Trump's and to God what is God's. Now go my son, and sin no more"Name:  1c Jesus and immagration.jpg
Views: 900
Size:  38.0 KB

  2. #52


    Quote Originally Posted by CassTechGrad View Post
    Jesus says: "Give to Trump what is Trump's and to God what is God's. Now go my son, and sin no more"Name:  1c Jesus and immagration.jpg
Views: 900
Size:  38.0 KB

    Thanx CTG for making my morning!

  3. #53


    Quote Originally Posted by Honky Tonk View Post
    How about Obama and Dems people? They had 8 years to put something in place, and just kicked the can down the road. Now they're going to blame this on Trump and his Reps, and people are going to put the same people back in office that caused this in the first place. That being said, something needs to be put in place for people like Mr. Garcia.
    You do remember that the Republicans have ruled the Congress for the last decade?

  4. #54


    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    I have more compassion for US workers who are out of work or have had their wages driven down by labor markets flooded with cheaper foreign labor. Detroit and Flint used to be fine places with good wages. One has to make a choice whether to prioritize fellow U.S. citizens or the interests of non-citizens and their profiteering employers. One also has to prioritize the rule of law with unconstitutional executive orders and enforcement of the law with whatever feels good.

    Still, I think there is room for compromise. For instance, why not count illegal non-citizens with good histories like Mr. Garcia toward meeting Mexico's annual legal quota of immigrants and visa recipients. Of course, that wouldn't be fair to the over million Mexicans who are waiting in line to legally cross into the U.S.. Or how about cutting immigration/visas to countries who send us terrorists offset by expanding legal immigration and visas from Mexico? Again, compassions have to be prioritized and that is Congress and the President's job.
    there's room in this economy for anybody and everybody. We're at full employment. WHAT job exactly was this Mexican taking away from an American? Do you know any Americans who are landscapers -- and can do the job as good as Mexicans? I don't.
    We have a major landscaper in Chicago and she's always complaining about NOT finding good "American" workers, and she doesn't have enough mexican workers because of the immigration laws.

  5. #55


    Quote Originally Posted by DetroiterOnTheWestCoast View Post
    Its not like it was when your grandparents or great-grandparents hopped on a boat in Europe, arrived here broke and stifled their coughs at Ellis Island to appear healthy.
    You got that right, now they cut open chain link fences and bypass all those pesky health checks.

    By the way, Ellis Island was more comprehensive than what you claim. For instance, they had devices used to check incomers eyelids for signs of Trachoma[[contagious eye disease).

    You see, your comparison is apples to oranges, legal vs ILLEGAL. Don't compare my ancestors to some border jumpers...

    Are you being intellectually dishonest to fit your political narrative or are you just uninformed?
    Last edited by Dbest; January-17-18 at 10:07 AM.

  6. #56


    Quote Originally Posted by mikeg19 View Post
    I was going to comment, but there's no use trying to talk to Trump supporters without it reverting to prepubescent name calling.
    Where was there any name calling in the thread before you posted that comment?

    The only name calling up until that point was Bham, with the typical "Trump is a white supremacist" comment.

  7. #57


    Quote Originally Posted by Chicago48 View Post
    there's room in this economy for anybody and everybody. We're at full employment. WHAT job exactly was this Mexican taking away from an American? Do you know any Americans who are landscapers -- and can do the job as good as Mexicans? I don't.
    We have a major landscaper in Chicago and she's always complaining about NOT finding good "American" workers, and she doesn't have enough mexican workers because of the immigration laws.
    Pay attention, you may learn something...
    Last edited by Dbest; January-17-18 at 12:59 PM.

  8. #58
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Dbest View Post
    Where was there any name calling in the thread before you posted that comment?

    The only name calling up until that point was Bham, with the typical "Trump is a white supremacist" comment.
    You realize that this is a "typical" comment, because it's true, right? There are only like a bajillion examples of Trump acting like a virulent racist, spanning the last half-century.

    It's like calling the Pope Catholic, or water wet. It's kinda self-evident to most folks. Not too many people have his resume of racial animus.

  9. #59


    Quote Originally Posted by Chicago48 View Post
    there's room in this economy for anybody and everybody. We're at full employment. WHAT job exactly was this Mexican taking away from an American? Do you know any Americans who are landscapers -- and can do the job as good as Mexicans? I don't.
    We have a major landscaper in Chicago and she's always complaining about NOT finding good "American" workers, and she doesn't have enough mexican workers because of the immigration laws.
    Your first sentence is a cliche. Supply/demand is now finally pushing wages upward for American workers thanks, in part, to pressure Trump is exerting on trying to keep surplus illegal non-citizens out. Black unemployment and the percentage gap between white and black employment is at 20 year lows. Trump's immigration policy of following laws is beginning to work. If you understood supply demand, you would realize that worker shortages drive up wages. Workers can demand rather than grovel [[the Democratic Party model) for higher wages and better working conditions. The race is on between the media and establishment coup attempt to take Trump down and working Americans realizing their pay is increasing while their taxes are decreasing under Trump.

    "About twice as many African American men as women gave Trump positive marks [[since the election). In all, 23 percent of black men approved of Trump’s performance versus 11 percent of black women... black men are one of the few groups for which Trump’s 2017 average approval rating significantly exceeds his 2016 vote share." -Atlantic 1/11/18

    My first paycheck job was when I was 16 working for the Dewey Santora landscape company in Detroit. We had a-hole redneck foremen and high school student laborers. It helped me save money for college. But you are right, thanks to open border supporters, landscapers no longer hire high school students saving for college or a car. American high school students today have fewer summer job opportunities and go deeply into debt to go to college. Why should I feel sorry for your "major landscaper" who wants to pay illegal non-citizen caste wages instead of paying more to hire Americans? Americans will do any kind of hard and dirty work if the pay is good. Consider the smells and orifices doctors deal with and the work that still gets done in places without Mexican labor. Try to avoid cliches.

  10. #60
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Dbest View Post

    You see, your comparison is apples to oranges, legal vs ILLEGAL. Don't compare my ancestors to some border jumpers...
    I hope your ancestors came in recent decades, because there was no illegal/legal distinction until relatively recently. You could just walk right in. If you're of Irish, British, Italian, German, Polish descent, you almost certainly are a hypocrite.

    Do you really care about the legal/illegal divide, or just have a problem with certain skin colors? Are you calling for the First Lady to be deported, and Trump arrested, or do they get a pass? She was an illegal immigrant.

  11. #61
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    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    Your first sentence is a cliche. Supply/demand is now finally pushing wages upward for American workers thanks, in part, to pressure Trump is exerting on trying to keep surplus illegal non-citizens out.
    This is funny stuff. Wage gains have declined under Trump. Illegal immigration has actually grown under Trump. Or are you going to claim that the feds under Trump are publishing fakestats?

    There has been a huge worker shortage for years. The country has too few immigrants, not too many. We have half the proportional immigration flow of most first world countries, hence the worker shortage.

  12. #62


    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
    You realize that this is a "typical" comment, because it's true, right? There are only like a bajillion examples of Trump acting like a virulent racist, spanning the last half-century.

    It's like calling the Pope Catholic, or water wet. It's kinda self-evident to most folks. Not too many people have his resume of racial animus.
    Let me guess, his supposed recent comment about Haiti as more proof?

    Except one thing: He financially backed a group of doctors from America -a group including Sen. Dr Rand Paul- to perform hundreds of surgeries in Haiti before he was even a presidential candidate.

    You can run with fake news talking points all you want but most Trump supporters are truly engaged and want what is best for the CITIZENS OF THIS COUNTRY. We see right through you and your ilk.

    Last edited by Dbest; January-17-18 at 12:22 PM.

  13. #63


    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
    I hope your ancestors came in recent decades, because there was no illegal/legal distinction until relatively recently. You could just walk right in. If you're of Irish, British, Italian, German, Polish descent, you almost certainly are a hypocrite.

    Do you really care about the legal/illegal divide, or just have a problem with certain skin colors? Are you calling for the First Lady to be deported, and Trump arrested, or do they get a pass? She was an illegal immigrant.
    Back to skin color eh? Dwell on things much?

    This is about legal vs illegal, stay on task.

  14. #64


    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
    This is funny stuff. Wage gains have declined under Trump. Illegal immigration has actually grown under Trump. Or are you going to claim that the feds under Trump are publishing fakestats?

    There has been a huge worker shortage for years. The country has too few immigrants, not too many. We have half the proportional immigration flow of most first world countries, hence the worker shortage.

    You realize that you can go to the ICE site and see the numbers ,border arrests are down,interior arrests are up.

    Illeagle immigration has not grown under the currant president and you can also see what countries people are deported to,which is pretty much every country on the planet,including Canada,there are also 7 countries that will not take the deported ones back.

    I am not sure what happens to them then.

    Our skilled labor force has had a severe shortage from way back into the 1990s and that cannot be fixed by importing immigrants as a solution,but that is some people's preference over training fellow Americans.

    As the X Disney tech guys that had to train their replacements from the eastern side of the world,why were they replaced?

    Because their replacements were hired at 50% of the salary that they were makeing.

    The excuse is,we do not build any products in America anymore so we are forced to import cheap junk.

    We cannot find skilled labor so we need to ramp up immigration to fill that need.

    What is the common denominator there?

    A few corporations increasing their bottom line for profit while throwing the country and fellow Americans under the bus and turning this country into a third world country so they can add a dollar to their pocket.

    They are loved for it because people can now fill their house with cheap crap that they will be lucky if it lasts a year and call for compassion or look in discust at the guy standing on the corner with a cup in his hand.

    We do not have a labor shortage,we have an excess of greed and want it now no matter what the cost,as long as it is cheap.

    When Amercians start showing compassion for their fellow Amercians and their quality of life and opportunities then we are in a position to expand the border and show compassion for others,until then the argument that we need immigrants to fill a labor void is just an excuse to throw our next door neighbor under the bus for a dollar.

    Why did the major corperation CEOs walk away from the manufacturing council who's sole purpose was to implement training programs,collage students with apprentice programs in their field of study so when they graduated they would be ready for the workforce with a job in their trained field instead of haveing to shoulder the burden of loans with no job in site.

    They walked away because they saw the impact of Amercians working with a livable wage and how it would effect their bottom line,then they stand on their soapbox and cry about no workforce and get everybody worked up over how immigration is needed to fill that void.

    It is not compassion it is excess to a cheap labor supply,we are better then that.
    Last edited by Richard; January-17-18 at 12:40 PM.

  15. #65


    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
    I hope your ancestors came in recent decades, because there was no illegal/legal distinction until relatively recently. You could just walk right in. If you're of Irish, British, Italian, German, Polish descent, you almost certainly are a hypocrite..
    States chose whether or not they were willing to accept additional foreign migrants prior to federal legislation.

  16. #66


    I would like to see something akin an adverse possession* doctrine be applied to such long-time law-abiding undocumented aliens. What would be your thoughts if one who had lived here, say ten years, crime and violation free [other than their illegal entry or visa overstay violation] be allowed to apply for citizenship?

    *Adverse possession is a doctrine under which a person in possession of land owned by someone else may acquire valid title to it, so long as certain common law requirements are met, and the adverse possessor is in possession for a sufficient period of time.

  17. #67


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Did you read the article that was posted by any chance?

    He is to old to qualify for DACA.

    He has spent $125,000 on trying to obtain leagle status,he was givin several extensions buying time hopeing his status would change.

    He is married to a woman that is retired with a pension that meets the minimum requirements to sponsor a marriage.

    He has wasted $125,000 because he waited to be deported.

    His option was before that point,paid the $2500 fine and self deport back to Mexico,for $200 a month he could have lived comfortable.

    His wife then applies for a fiancé visa for a legal marriage in immigrations eyes after 6 monthes tops he would have been back leagly while the rest of the process played out.
    So we're all teary-eyed over someone who after $125,000 couldn't figure out there was a legal way to immigrate?
    It would have cost him $2500 fine
    $1200 living in Mexico
    $800 in application fees.

    Add that up,that was his route but he did not want to do that because he did not want to be separated from his family,which is Totaly understandable.
    No, its not understandable. Men from the third world regularly migrate to the west, leaving their families behind, in order to make money to help them. They leave for extended periods of time. Six months separation? Nothing.
    What is 6 months compared to a lifetime.I used to go on nine month tours without seeing my family,people in the military do it all of the time.
    But we are not playing god where we pick and choose who to support,millions of undocumented and there is no way you are going to fund the manpower to take each case outside of the path that is already provided.
    Pity liberalism is based on everyone's feelings. But when you have to put the machine in place to judge feelings, its a lot harder.

  18. #68


    Quote Originally Posted by Lowell View Post
    I would like to see something akin an adverse possession* doctrine be applied to such long-time law-abiding undocumented aliens. What would be your thoughts if one who had lived here, say ten years, crime and violation free [other than their illegal entry or visa overstay violation] be allowed to apply for citizenship?

    *Adverse possession is a doctrine under which a person in possession of land owned by someone else may acquire valid title to it, so long as certain common law requirements are met, and the adverse possessor is in possession for a sufficient period of time.
    That is kinda the thoughts in Hillarys plan and others,which I agree with.

    How it worked before and I am not shure if it had changed with the internet and meeting people overseas.

    You were on vacation,met somebody and fell in love,you make additional visits and provide documentation hotel receipts,plane ticket stubs etc.
    to show that it is a continuous relationship.

    Even better he or she vists here with documentation,while she is still in her country you file for a fiancé visa which gives her permission to enter the states so you can get married,once you are married in the eyes of immigration she can stay here while you are applying for her citizenship.

    That part they can set aside for the ones that have been here long term without changing the whole process.

    Then it goes back to Hillary.

    Pay the $2500 fine
    Apply for citizenship like everybody else,$5000 or so and it takes 5 years approx.

    In the meantime you get permission to work.

    The only part before that was required is the US citizen had to make equal or above to minimum poverty leval or show ability to support while the wife was waiting on her work permission.

    I would think that if they have survived here 10 years already then that in it self shows ability to support.

    That is the most cost effective,quickest to implement and does not cost the taxpayers.

    But the left says no,we want total amnesty,well it is the government and immigration is a revenue source so the right says screw it send them back then.

    There is a solution in the middle but because it will be presented by the currant president it will never be excepted and the cherry picking of cases will come up to keep the hatred flowing which is really what it is about in the first place.

  19. #69


    Quote Originally Posted by Wesley Mouch View Post
    So we're all teary-eyed over someone who after $125,000 couldn't figure out there was a legal way to immigrate?

    No, its not understandable. Men from the third world regularly migrate to the west, leaving their families behind, in order to make money to help them. They leave for extended periods of time. Six months separation? Nothing.

    Pity liberalism is based on everyone's feelings. But when you have to put the machine in place to judge feelings, its a lot harder.
    Here illegally less then a year then it becomes a 3 year re-entry ban providing you self deport.

    Here illegally a year and a day and it becomes a 10 year re-entry ban providing you self deport.

    Providing that you paid the fine on exit.

    The only one person in this country that can override that ban is the US attorney general personally.

    You cannot argue that the seperation of family is a hardship because of the military seperation aspect and the counter would be,because his wife derives a pension,his family can join him in Mexico and live comfortably,so there is no hardship.

    Very rarely is a ban overturned,at best 5 in ten years out of hundreds of thousands.

    Immigration law is different and leaves little room for interpretation like civil and criminal.To me 90% of immigration attorneys are frauds,they take money giving false hope while the only thing they can really do is file the paperwork that one can do on their own.

    The other 10% are probably worth their weight in gold when it comes to the criminal deportation aspect.

    But he is really out of options now because he was forced deportation,10 year re-entry ban that he will never be able to reverse so no matter what his only option now is for his family to join him there.

    140,000 plus Mexican origin deportees so far and you hear about 5 at best or the ones that best impact furthering the cause.

  20. #70


    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
    This is funny stuff. Wage gains have declined under Trump. Illegal immigration has actually grown under Trump. Or are you going to claim that the feds under Trump are publishing fakestats?

    There has been a huge worker shortage for years. The country has too few immigrants, not too many. We have half the proportional immigration flow of most first world countries, hence the worker shortage.
    "Wage gains have declined under Trump."
    Wrong - Blue collar wages are surging.
    Don't you just hate it as a Democrat when working Americans' wages go up and taxes go down under Trump? Argue with the Economist if you will.

    "Illegal immigration has actually grown under Trump."
    Actually, 2017 illegal crossings at the Mexican border hit historic lows. If federal judges in Hawaii and California would quit legislating their approval for Obama's unconstitutional executive orders, Trump's attempt to protect US workers would be even more successful.

    You sound like the US Chamber of Commerce clamoring for more cheap foreign labor. ATM's, self checkouts, robotization, computerization, McDonald's self order kiosks, self driving cars and trucks will eliminate large percentages of unskilled and semi-skilled jobs in the next decade. Looking forward, it will be a challenge to find jobs even for semi-skilled and unskilled American workers. Who wants to have the problems Germany and Sweden created for themselves? Most of their millions of refugees are unemployed. Sweden had to reduce its aid to third world nations, increasing deaths there, to redirect that money to sustain all its refugees.

    Remember when Democrats used to prioritize American workers? Those days are over. You prove it.
    Last edited by oladub; January-18-18 at 10:42 AM.

  21. #71


    Quote Originally Posted by Lowell View Post
    I would like to see something akin an adverse possession* doctrine be applied to such long-time law-abiding undocumented aliens. What would be your thoughts if one who had lived here, say ten years, crime and violation free [other than their illegal entry or visa overstay violation] be allowed to apply for citizenship?
    Lowell, I feel the warm fuzzies, and I share them. Seems like there ought to be a way for the good ones out there to get a good result.

    The downside is that its a band-aid applied, rather than a real fix to the law, as well as the Moral Hazard -- people will be encouraged to stay illegal below the radar for 10 years, or whatever. There'll be a cottage industry erupting to get people to the 'adverse citizenship' date.

    Why not just fix the problem? Make it a little easier for the good ones to get in.

  22. #72

  23. #73


    Snapshot from my Twitter feed

    Name:  Screenshot_20180118-052144.jpg
Views: 805
Size:  134.5 KB

  24. #74


    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
    I hope your ancestors came in recent decades, because there was no illegal/legal distinction until relatively recently. You could just walk right in. If you're of Irish, British, Italian, German, Polish descent, you almost certainly are a hypocrite.
    This is simply not true. Arrivals at Ellis Island were asked 29 questions regarding name, occupation, the amount of money they had, and who they were going to stay with. You had to have at least $18 [[$500 adjusted for inflation) on you to be admitted and you had to have a "sponsor" - someone to stay with until you were gainfully employed. They also performed medical screenings and based on that, would paint a symbol on your clothes such as "PG" for pregnant, or "X" for mental deficiency. They were all screened for 3 specific defects: Mental, Physical, and Moral. If they failed any of these, they were held in detention until they were deported and sent back from whence they came.

  25. #75


    Quote Originally Posted by JoeGeds View Post
    This is simply not true. Arrivals at Ellis Island were asked 29 questions regarding name, occupation, the amount of money they had, and who they were going to stay with. You had to have at least $18 [[$500 adjusted for inflation) on you to be admitted and you had to have a "sponsor" - someone to stay with until you were gainfully employed. They also performed medical screenings and based on that, would paint a symbol on your clothes such as "PG" for pregnant, or "X" for mental deficiency. They were all screened for 3 specific defects: Mental, Physical, and Moral. If they failed any of these, they were held in detention until they were deported and sent back from whence they came.
    Facts don't matter to anti-Trump cultists suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome. For far too many people today their fragile feelings are more important than facts.

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