That is why immigration reform is such a no go topic,to much profit off of it.

When it comes to child support each state represents the person receiving the child support as a client,the more clients the state has the more fed money they get.

Based on that,years ago there was a convention in Las Vegas of child support district supervisors,the topic was the signing up of illegals for collection as a client and how to give them assurance that they would not be charged with being an illegal in the process.

Common sense would be that it would be difficult if not impossible to collect from somebody that was not in the system,but that was not the goal,the goal was to sign up as many clients as possible to generate revenue from the federal government.

If a local jail hold somebody for over 8 hours they are reimbursed by the state and then the state is reimbursed by the federal gov,it kinda gives incentive to jail.

They say the ratio of those in prison or jail of African Americans to Caucasians is uneven,but if one looks at income levels is it a case of African Americans committing more crimes or is it because more are at the poverty level and cannot afford a private attorney.Public defenders are more so negotiators verses defending guilty or not.

If you cannot afford a private attorney you are already guilty and it becomes a case of how much time you will do.

I guess it boils down to everybody head has a value,and there are some who figure out how to collect that value,one way or another,even if they need to create a situation in order to do that.