Quote Originally Posted by Pam View Post
I like how Hillary said that about him like it's supposed to be a slam. He's what a Democrat is supposed to be. If he runs again, he should run third party. The Dems will just cheat him again if he runs as a Dem. The Clintonites are still in charge.
I'm still torn on whether Bernie should run 3rd party, if he runs again.

If he were to run on the Democratic Party ticket, because of his charisma and sheer popularity as president, the corporate tools will have no choice but to march along with his agenda for Berniecare, free college and a higher minimum wage as the leader of the party, or risk getting primaried.

This sort of happened with Trump when Republicans suddenly started rallying against Free Trade and Illegal Immigrating after he won the election, but in typical Trump fashion, he's fumbled it.