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  1. #26
    ccbatson Guest


    First...thank you Ejames for this concise and well phrased question.

    Now the answer, we should fear a threat to our individual liberty just as the citizens of all nations faced with a revolution towards a totalitarian tyranny [[a "soft tyranny" in this case).

  2. #27


    Then we should be vigorously fighting for a repeal of the Patriot Acts.

    Good point, Cc...but it needed expounding.

  3. #28


    You help me make MY point that there is nothing this current administration can do negatively that wasn't initiated by the previous regime.

    I DO think they are two sides of the same damn coin.

  4. #29
    ccbatson Guest


    The Patriot act is/was small potatoes and justifiable as a temporary measure [[which it is). What Obama is doing now...redistributing wealth, growing government, limiting individual property rights, and, now, attacking freedom of expression is straight out of Stalin's/Hitler's/East German Iron curtain era's playbook.

  5. #30


    What tyranny? What evidence is there that we are headed for a totalitarian state? Other than Glenn Beck and people like you, I have not heard a bit of evidence to support that claim.

    Was Bush in on this plot? Obama seems to have kept in place many of the same policies of the Bush Adminstration. What laws have been passed that make you people believe that?

    Quote Originally Posted by ccbatson View Post
    First...thank you Ejames for this concise and well phrased question.

    Now the answer, we should fear a threat to our individual liberty just as the citizens of all nations faced with a revolution towards a totalitarian tyranny [[a "soft tyranny" in this case).

  6. #31


    The Patriot act is/was small potatoes and justifiable as a temporary measure [[which it is).
    You've spoken half-truths, mis-spoken half-lies, and mis-understood most arcane topics...

    ...but this certainly takes the cake, Cc.

    That is a blatant outright lie, and a compound one at that!

    The Patriot Acts are not small potatoes.

    They were never justified.

    They most certainly are not temporary.

    Where the fuck do you get this stuff, Cc?!

    You could NOT be further from the truth.

  7. #32
    ccbatson Guest


    Let's see...turn in people that you think might be spreading "lies" about the health care plan, telling citizens "not to talk loudly"...meaning exercise their freedom of speech. dispatch quasi military thugs to intimidate citizens from speaking freely, rush legislation through too fast for anyone voting on it to read [[let alone understand) it. Conspire to raise taxes on everyone [[consumption/energy/excise) while devaluing the currency, controlling/eliminating choice in health care, surrendering and appeasing enemies that pose known and ongoing threats to our security while choking off military funding, cooking the books to underrepresent the recent unemployment numbers by declassifying 3/4 of a million jobs as no longer being part of the workforce [[whereby the corrected unemployment numbers are really 10.2%, not 9.4%).

    That is just for starters....doesn't sound like a tyrrany to you yet?

  8. #33



    There is evidence that FEMA has been building holding pens throughout the nation, and there was a whistleblower who filmed a human handling facility out west that could only be a final destination. They actually had cremation ovens, too.

    The railway cars designed to hold humans are being built, as well.

    They will introduce, under the guise of the upcoming Swine Flu epidemic in the fall, a way to divide the population quickly between behavors and misbehavors. If one chooses to not take the series of false innoculations, my guess is they will quarantine you!

    Why do you think they've been SELLING the disease to us for so long?! They fully expect it to go bonkers throughout the population, because they designed the virus to do so. The vectors of outbreak do not follow any previous pattern of natural infection, so most in the know have already declared this a man-made phenomenon.

    Build up your own immune system...and learn about multiple-shot vaccines! They can do marvelous things turning OFF the immune system, then turning it back ON with a later shot, after their virus has settled into your system without any reaction in the body whatsoever.

    You won't even KNOW you are sick until it is way too late!

  9. #34


    Where is your source for all of this? I know U didn't come up with all of this yourself.

    Quote Originally Posted by ccbatson View Post
    Let's see...turn in people that you think might be spreading "lies" about the health care plan, telling citizens "not to talk loudly"...meaning exercise their freedom of speech. dispatch quasi military thugs to intimidate citizens from speaking freely, rush legislation through too fast for anyone voting on it to read [[let alone understand) it. Conspire to raise taxes on everyone [[consumption/energy/excise) while devaluing the currency, controlling/eliminating choice in health care, surrendering and appeasing enemies that pose known and ongoing threats to our security while choking off military funding, cooking the books to underrepresent the recent unemployment numbers by declassifying 3/4 of a million jobs as no longer being part of the workforce [[whereby the corrected unemployment numbers are really 10.2%, not 9.4%).

    That is just for starters....doesn't sound like a tyrrany to you yet?

  10. #35
    ccbatson Guest


    Yep, all by myself....amazing what a clear and rational person can see and understand. You really should try it sometime.

  11. #36



    That all sounds like business as usual for all angles of government in our land and beyond...in the 21st century.

    We sounded warnings with the previous administration, and you not only ignored it...you and those like you actively fought against the revelations! Your fear-mongering is falling on deaf ears now, oh well, sorry for you. Are you going to yell louder so we don't miss it?!

    Why do you make such noise NOW, when the fix is already in? Nobody should take political sides in this, rather you should join everyone who is doubtful that any current government is NOT in the public's best interest.

    Again, it is NOT a republican or democratic thing...the entire government has been acting against the general population for many, many years. The decline has been happening ever since the end of World War II...and from my studies it exactly tracks the acceptance and ascendence of the Nazi war criminals our government brought over for 'research'.

    They've just become radically more obvious with their plans lately...there is no real democratic/republican divide...they ARE the same head with two faces.

    Neither of them pretty.

  12. #37


    I agree completely that they are all the same head.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gannon View Post

    That all sounds like business as usual for all angles of government in our land and beyond...in the 21st century.

    We sounded warnings with the previous administration, and you not only ignored it...you and those like you actively fought against the revelations! Your fear-mongering is falling on deaf ears now, oh well, sorry for you. Are you going to yell louder so we don't miss it?!

    Why do you make such noise NOW, when the fix is already in? Nobody should take political sides in this, rather you should join everyone who is doubtful that any current government is NOT in the public's best interest.

    Again, it is NOT a republican or democratic thing...the entire government has been acting against the general population for many, many years. The decline has been happening ever since the end of World War II...and from my studies it exactly tracks the acceptance and ascendence of the Nazi war criminals our government brought over for 'research'.

    They've just become radically more obvious with their plans lately...there is no real democratic/republican divide...they ARE the same head with two faces.

    Neither of them pretty.

  13. #38


    Quote Originally Posted by thatguy123 View Post
    A good counter question is what makes people like you so radically support him as a president. I can't possibly be what he has done, because he has done next to nothing so far besides spend a LOT of money. .
    First 100 days
    Passing the "largest" economic stimulus bill in American history.
    Ordering the closing of Guantanamo Bay military detention facility and abolishing "enhanced interrogation techniques."
    Setting a fixed timetable for withdrawing U.S. combat forces from Iraq.
    Ordering 21,000 additional troops to Afghanistan and enlisting, with modest new assistance, European allies in a new multi-layered strategy there and in Pakistan.
    "Returning science to its rightful place" by lifting the Bush restrictions on federally funded embryonic stem cell research.
    Signing laws to expand children's health insurance [[financed by a 61-cent per pack cigarette tax)
    Signing a law meant to improve the ability of women who allege pay discrimination to sue their employer.
    Diminishing the role of lobbyists in the White House
    "Forge a meaningful statement from the United Nations" criticizing North Korea's launch of a ballistic missile.
    Lifting travel and remittance restrictions for Cuban Americans who seek to travel more frequently to the island and send more US currency to their immediate family.
    Engaging world leaders in Europe, Turkey, Latin American and the Caribbean with "strength and humility."

    In the mainsteam media he was compared to FDR as to accomplishments for the first 100 days in office

    He will sign a health care reform bill this year, that in itself will secure his legacy!

    Quote Originally Posted by thatguy123 View Post
    He claimed we would never see 8% unemployment as a nation and now we are looking at 10% .
    You're right about that one too optimistic, I guess Bush left us in worst shape than we first thought

    Quote Originally Posted by thatguy123 View Post
    He socialized our biggest auto manufacturer and let another one be sold to a foreign company.
    Wow, is that how you see it. What would you have done? Do you actually know what a socialized auto maker is ? Has the gov't told GM to make all cars white get 50 mpg and produce 500 cars/day.

    Because of Rick Wagoner and his boards head in the sand approach is the reason the gov't has an investment in GM.
    Obama let Chrysler be sold ! How about Chrysler had a subpar business plan and would have gone out of business ,again what is your answer

    Quote Originally Posted by thatguy123 View Post
    You know the free trade so many of you complain about on here? Has he made any type of move to make changes to it? I didn't think so. He would rather change corporate tax laws so US based international businesses have to pay taxes on money made overseas even if it never comes back to US soil. [[many corporations have said they will leave if this happens including companies like Microsoft).
    The damage by your right wing heroes was already done. you don't shut the barn door after the horses are already gone. Were in a recession, you want to start up a trade war too ?

    Quote Originally Posted by thatguy123 View Post
    Has he ended the illegal wars so many here talk about? No he is considering sending even more troops to Afghanistan.
    He never campaigned on ending the war in Afghanistan, he always said he would increase the troops in Afghanistan, "we the people" were ok with that

    Quote Originally Posted by thatguy123 View Post
    How about saying he is willing to have diplomatic relations with a nation like Iran regardless of what they have done before? There is no good political relation you can have with that type of Regime and he knows it. The will smile to his face and continue doing what ever they want.

    I know maybe it was his super quick reaction to the Somali pirates holding that captain hostage. How many days did they let them sit out there again?

    These things listed alone give the naysayers a lot more ground to stand on then the supporters, especially the ones who seem to run rampant on this form with very little knowledge except that they made "history" by voting for him.
    With 4 posts I don't think you can take anykind of high ground on this issue since you and your ilk refuse to provide anything other than distorted knowledge or false knowledge or no knowledge at all other than the daily e-mails you get with right-wing talking points straight from Rush, Beck and the other entertainers.
    Last edited by firstandten; August-08-09 at 02:01 AM.

  14. #39


    Being a alleged Republican as many of my Democrat friends and family would like you to belive. I myself am not terrified of President Obama. As a white male I am not upset at all that he is not a white President. If I am right he is mixed. Party lines and race have nothing to do with my growing thought that this era in politics is rapidly becoming a terrifing era in politics to say the least.I can say that I am becoming to distrust anything any elected official has to say.
    There are many problems that this country faces and I think of this situation in the manner of when I bought my house. '' I'm gonna do this and that, that will be replaced with this, ETC." I myself should have know better with having to deal with what my cousin went through getting her 1st house.
    When I think about it Obama faces the weight of being called the SAVIOR or Messiah and his supporters are expecting to much too soon from this man

  15. #40
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Interesting clip from the Rachel Maddow show:


  16. #41


    Yes! The election broke their brains. What a great way to put this in a nutshell.

    I don't believe myself that anyone should be silenced. That means the stridence of these protests needs to stop. They are just trying to silence others themselves. Once they start yelling, discourse stops. There need to be some kind of rules for public meetings enforced. When it is time to have your say, you can have your say. But you only have as much time and as much mike as anyone else. You cannot monopolize a meeting. That is dictatorship, not democracy. If you would compare what is being shrieked about as "snitching on your neighbors" with what the protesters are doing, you will see that it is asking for information to understand what is behind the overblown and hysterical charges being made. Battle has been opened and it is up to any general to develop information for an opposing campaign.

    Having a discussion about what others are saying is not "snitching" on your neighbors. It is putting information into the flow of conversation that needs to be processed.

    There are a lot of Bush-Cheney programs still in effect which upsets me, but I will continue working with our legislators to change things. It isn't as fast or easy as we wished, but I believe it can happen. For the record, I am not fond of Rahm Emanuel either. It is early days yet, and I continue to work and hope for change.
    Last edited by gazhekwe; August-08-09 at 07:54 AM.

  17. #42


    The only people who ever called him the Messiah are people that don't like him.

    Quote Originally Posted by reddog289 View Post
    When I think about it Obama faces the weight of being called the SAVIOR or Messiah and his supporters are expecting to much too soon from this man

  18. #43


    Ok lets look at this perspective:

    during the last thirty years: 1980-2009: three Republican Presidents and how many years of controlled congress? Health care reform : zero Environmental or climate protection: cutbacks and gutting of laws Education: No child left behind except all the children that has been left behind by red tape and regulations [[ no significant stats to support program) welfare: poor were suffering except during Clinton Years where Ta niff actually helped people get back to work, now we are all suffering again.

    I think the jury is out on Obama, but at least he is in-tuned to the needs of America...and by the way:

    He is beefing up in Afghanistan [[why) because it is from there where we were attacked. Iraq is ram ping down [[why? due to the success of our brave soldiers not our chicken hawk politicians) but we broke, we fix it...except that is a unfinished story: The war for oil and Israel is why our budget is busted...His tough line with the Taliban and Pakistan: he is going after the Terrorists not using them as an excuse...proof is in the success of the-joint venture this week.

    I think he has put a lot on his plate: his cook [[bush) heaped a big pile of Potatoes on his plate.
    While he has made some missteps[[ who hasn't the first year on the job) he is far more presidential then his predecessor ...and when He make s a mistake he comes clean with it.

    Oh by the way we needed a little humility in the White House..better than Hubris.

  19. #44
    Lorax Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by ccbatson View Post
    Let's see...turn in people that you think might be spreading "lies" about the health care plan, telling citizens "not to talk loudly"...meaning exercise their freedom of speech. dispatch quasi military thugs to intimidate citizens from speaking freely, rush legislation through too fast for anyone voting on it to read [[let alone understand) it. Conspire to raise taxes on everyone [[consumption/energy/excise) while devaluing the currency, controlling/eliminating choice in health care, surrendering and appeasing enemies that pose known and ongoing threats to our security while choking off military funding, cooking the books to underrepresent the recent unemployment numbers by declassifying 3/4 of a million jobs as no longer being part of the workforce [[whereby the corrected unemployment numbers are really 10.2%, not 9.4%).

    That is just for starters....doesn't sound like a tyrrany to you yet?
    You just described the MO of the Bush Crime Family- thanks for clarifying that.

  20. #45


    At least we know now what the bulldog Palin is doing...she is going around inciting riots.

    What a bunch of freaks...anyone who follows her deserves the karmic backlash.

  21. #46


    Quote: "First 100 days"
    Quote: "Passing the "largest" economic stimulus bill in American history."

    Yipee, he maxed out the nation's credit card and it has done absolutely nothing for what it was intended. Businesses are still closing, jobs are still being sent overseas. People are freaked out because of the staggering national debt and the inevitable coming collapse and further exacerbating the problem by their fear to spend.

    Quote: "Ordering the closing of Guantanamo Bay military detention facility and abolishing "enhanced interrogation techniques."

    Big deal. And this has done WHAT? for our economy?

    Quote: "Setting a fixed timetable for withdrawing U.S. combat forces from Iraq."

    That they are now saying they cannot adhere to. I proclaim I'll be a millionaire in six months. It's meaningless until it happens.

    Quote: "Ordering 21,000 additional troops to Afghanistan and enlisting, with modest new assistance, European allies in a new multi-layered strategy there and in Pakistan."

    Increasing our involvement in a squabble that is not ours. We can't afford to fight other people's battles anymore. We'd do well to defend our own shores militarily. If we were to engage in an all out combat with another force of equal power, we would have to outsource our military production. Anyone think the flow of these imports would be disrupted? We are in a very vulnerable situation. I have a better idea, let the Europeans handle Afghanistan, if it warrants, it's their turn.

    Quote: "Returning science to its rightful place" by lifting the Bush restrictions on federally funded embryonic stem cell research. "

    Great, not only is aborting children legal, now it's legal to ravage the corpse as well. This is a step backwards, not forwards, to put it as mildly as possible.

    Quote: "Signing laws to expand children's health insurance [[financed by a 61-cent per pack cigarette tax)"

    Yeah, smoke up for healthier kids. Any concern in that bill about second hand smoke in the home where children are present?

    Quote: "Signing a law meant to improve the ability of women who allege pay discrimination to sue their employer."

    Another means to harm businesses. This guy is anti-US business, and we can never rebuild our economy without them.

    Quote: "Diminishing the role of lobbyists in the White House"

    Eyewash. They aren't going anywhere. And it's business as usual.

    Quote: ""Forge a meaningful statement from the United Nations" criticizing North Korea's launch of a ballistic missile."

    And? It's like my buddy that turned 40, he wasn't happy. I ask him what he planned on doing about it. Same deal with North Korea. Not a damn thing.

    Quote: "Lifting travel and remittance restrictions for Cuban Americans who seek to travel more frequently to the island and send more US currency to their immediate family."

    Ahh Yes, another avenue for US dollars to exit and not return. And too, oil was recently discovered off Cuba, "Can we be friends?" Cracked down on Lobbyists eh?

    Originally Posted by thatguy123
    He claimed we would never see 8% unemployment as a nation and now we are looking at 10% .

    Quote: "You're right about that one too optimistic, "

    Reply A: Obama doesn't have a clue about the economy.

    Quote: "I guess Bush left us in worst shape than we first thought"

    Reply B: See Reply A

    Quote: "He never campaigned on ending the war in Afghanistan, he always said he would increase the troops in Afghanistan, "we the people" were ok with that"

    I wasn't "ok" with it, and if it were put to a vote, 80% of the population would not be "ok" with it. People are fed up with our involvement over there. What those you refer to accepted was "Pulling out of Iraq" "Ending the war in Iraq"[[Which neither has happened, and neither look they will happen) and staying in Afghanistan and getting it resolved as quickly as possible [[Which they now want to accelerate). They lied about that. Period.
    Last edited by Sstashmoo; August-08-09 at 11:09 AM.

  22. #47


    Quote Originally Posted by Pam View Post
    Interesting clip from the Rachel Maddow show:

    Wow. He nailed it.

  23. #48


    Sstashmoo: Quote: "Signing a law meant to improve the ability of women who allege pay discrimination to sue their employer."

    Another means to harm businesses. This guy is anti-US business, and we can never rebuild our economy without them.

    What a pleasant fellow you are. It is pro-business to allow pay discrimination. That is why we need laws, to protect us from the likes of you.

  24. #49


    Quote Originally Posted by barnesfoto View Post
    perhaps because they are part of a recently discredited sick cult that once was a legitimate political party, and one of the tactics of any sick cult is the use of fear to motivate people.
    Wow, what a nauseating indictment! Any truth to it would be very sad.

  25. #50


    Quote: "It is pro-business to allow pay discrimination."

    No, it is pro-business, to allow businesses to operate in a manner to keep themselves solvent. It's in the country's best interest to maintain these businesses and the jobs they provide. If an employee is an asset to a company they will react in kind with compensation. If they aren't, they won't. Simple math there. If someone feels they are not being paid enough, and they are indeed worth more, they have the freedom to leave to another company that will compensate them accordingly. If they can't find that company, their aptitude, attitude, and work ethic, is probably not worth what they think it is.

    Well, not anymore. Now you can drag your employer through the courts and jeopardize everyone's job that works for said employer if you feel you should get a quarter raise because someone else did. We're screwed.

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