Quote Originally Posted by Lowell View Post
They could care less about Trump, other than using him as PR foil. Here is the real story of why they are not building a new Focus plant but are building a new addition to Hermosillo. Focus sales are cratering.

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Ford is making lemonade out of lemons. As mentioned above, the Flat Rock hiring is not something they do on the spot. Combining it with a totally unrelated cut back [and Not a cessation] to building new plant space in Mexico is pure PR.

Mark Fields announced back on 9-16-16, that Ford would be moving all small car production to Mexico, citing cost prohibiting production here in the States. That means one of two things, either this PR show was setup 3 months ago figuring Donald would be the next President, or, Ford's marketing and sales department was totally unaware of your declining small car sales chart. Perhaps Mark and Bill should start reading DetroitYES! posts instead?
