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  1. #176


    Quote Originally Posted by Pam View Post
    Bernie has also said in the past to vote your conscience. That's what I am doing. He might really believe Trump is worse than Clinton. I'm not so sure....
    I encourage you to vote your conscience. But Sanders wants us to vote for Clinton. He's traveling all over the country campaigning for her:

    At Iowa City rally, Sanders urges his supporters to back Clinton

    Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders to campaign for Hillary Clinton in last full week

    Bernie Sanders Goes 'All In' for Hillary Clinton With an Eye Toward Post-Election Goals

    Sanders rallies Clinton, Hassan supporters in NH

    Predicting close election, Bernie Sanders drums up support for Hillary Clinton in South Omaha

    Bernie Sanders to Campaign for Hillary Clinton in Phoenix on Sunday

    And so on....

  2. #177
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by bust View Post
    I encourage you to vote your conscience. But Sanders wants us to vote for Clinton. He's traveling all over the country campaigning for her:

    At Iowa City rally, Sanders urges his supporters to back Clinton

    Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders to campaign for Hillary Clinton in last full week

    Bernie Sanders Goes 'All In' for Hillary Clinton With an Eye Toward Post-Election Goals

    Sanders rallies Clinton, Hassan supporters in NH

    Predicting close election, Bernie Sanders drums up support for Hillary Clinton in South Omaha

    Bernie Sanders to Campaign for Hillary Clinton in Phoenix on Sunday

    And so on....
    I know that. So what? It doesn't change my opinion of Hillary or clear her of crimes. Bernie is an independent. When he decided to run as a Dem. the party made him agree to support the eventual nominee. He is upholding his end of the bargain. Not a popular decision among his many supporters though. The bulk of the Bernie people are going Green.

  3. #178


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    He's stepped on the 'third-rail' quotient of race and culture [[he's a racist, and exploiter of women). Done deal. Let the third run of the Clinton's begin! Then again Trump may win after all!!!
    Do you mean he dares to talk about it? The other candidates just danced around issues that are at the heart of dividing this country and Trump dared to address them.

    I always distrust someone who eloquently speaks their promise to me while they sit back and do nothing or worse, engage in the same behavior that they condemn publicly.
    Trumps not polished but he isn't the demon that the media makes him out to be.
    H.R.C. well we continue to learn what a polished turd she is.

  4. #179
    Join Date
    Mar 2009



    As secretary of state, Hillary Clinton routinely asked her maid to print out sensitive government e-mails and documents — including ones containing classified information — from her house in Washington, DC, e-mails and FBI memos show. But the housekeeper lacked the security clearance to handle such material.
    Who needs Russian hackers when you have sloppy Hillary?

  5. #180


    At one candidate's rally, a person with the opponent's sign shows up. Crowd boos, president Obama stops them and points out that we have freedom of expression and the protester should be treated with respect. The other candidate blatantly lies, telling his crowd that the President verbally attacked the protester. Then at another Trump rally, a protester with a Republicans Against Trump sign is attacked, wrestled to the ground and someone yells: "gun". No gun was found. And so it goes...
    Last edited by Bobl; November-06-16 at 08:57 AM.

  6. #181


    Hillary Clinton's going to take Michigan absolutely, no Repub has since H. Bush!

    If, IMO, you choose to vote indie or nil you're sending a message from your own reasoning and that is what some plan to do. And yet many not expected will vote for Trump and I can see the reasoning of that as well.

    Some I've talked to locally will not sway their vote towards an indie, or NOT voting for a presidential candidate, or Trump no matter what evidence against Clinton is presented.
    Last edited by Zacha341; November-06-16 at 09:20 AM.

  7. #182


    I think you present some compelling points. But in evaluating the base Clinton vs. Trump election narrative without looking below the surface [[and most will not), Trumps 'baggage' is bright red and bloody on the turnstile as this THING [[election) spins down!

    On the other hand, IF [[emphasis on 'IF') you question this particular presidential election process, you have to see beyond what's being presented, mainstream. You don't have to be a 'conspiracy nut' to question WHY these two are even before us as a 'choice' in the first place!

    To the issue of Trump: Duh! He had to know you have to at least be a politician FIRST before you can get away with his comments and views [[disclosed or not). Not BEFORE becoming a politician!

    To the issue of Clinton:
    Duh! Does she expect upon becoming president instant impermeability sealing her off from future evaluation and criticism [[investigations etc.). How much of her energy/ attention will be in 'defense mode' onward?

    Once the Trump vs. Clinton teeter/ totter factor is no longer present, Ms. Clinton will have to stand on her own record sans Donald Trump.

    Quote Originally Posted by GMan View Post
    Do you mean he dares to talk about it? The other candidates just danced around issues that are at the heart of dividing this country and Trump dared to address them.

    I always distrust someone who eloquently speaks their promise to me while they sit back and do nothing or worse, engage in the same behavior that they condemn publicly.
    Trumps not polished but he isn't the demon that the media makes him out to be.
    H.R.C. well we continue to learn what a polished turd she is.
    Last edited by Zacha341; November-06-16 at 10:13 AM.

  8. #183


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    I think you present some compelling points. But in evaluating the base Clinton vs. Trump narrative without looking below the surface, Trumps 'baggage' is bright red and bloody on the turnstile as this THING [[election) spins down!

    If you question the whole process you see beyond what's being presented mainstream, and you don' have to be a 'conspiracy nut' to question WHY these two are even before us as a

    To the issue of Trump: Duh! He had to know you have to at least be a politician FIRST before you can get away with his comments and views.

    NOT BEFORE becoming a politician!
    HaHaHa... Yes you certainly can get away with more once your a politician and your crimes being reviewed by your fellow inmates, er politicians, but the fact that Trump is an outsider is an affront to the establishment. The minor accusations against him have had to be heard in the civilian world and haven't stood up to the test. H.R.C.'s crimes have been in sealed grand jury investigations and in voluntary meetings with the F.B.I. She hasen't given a "on record" account before the US populace. We just hear from her accomplices in the government or media that there's nothing to see here folks. Just another "vast right wing conspiracy."

    The political structure does not want to let D.T. in. Why? He will shake up their game. Not saying that all will go well and smooth, but we need to shake up the political parties as they exist now. They are no longer answerable to the people. Just their own pocketbooks.
    Last edited by GMan; November-06-16 at 04:14 PM.

  9. #184


    ^^^ All apposition is a "... right wing conspiracy".... so goes that standard narrative, blah-blah. But more voices and information sources are starting to break up that convenience!

    I hear you, particularly on the 'structure' issue. I don't even know how much of an outsider Trump is sometimes, but I know he'd shake it up were he to win and that would not be all bad, IMO. Even the repubs are concerned.

    I revised my comment after you posted. Note what I say about Clinton relative to her issues, onward should she become president. Does all of that just disappear?
    Last edited by Zacha341; November-06-16 at 11:43 AM.

  10. #185


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    ^^^ All apposition is a "... right wing conspiracy".... so goes that standard narrative, blah-blah. But more voices and information sources are starting to break up that convenience!

    I hear you, particularly on the 'structure' issue. I don't even know how much of an outsider Trump is sometimes, but I know he'd shake it up were he to win and that would not be all bad, IMO. Even the repubs are concerned.

    I revised my comment after you posted. Note what I say about Clinton relative to her issues, onward should she become president. Does all of that just disappear?
    The issue of Clinton doesn't go away if she is elected. There are still opposition voices in the government that haven't been bought out.

    There are ongoing investigations into her pay to play using the foundation to launder the money as well as the renewed interest in classified docs being sent to her daughter who is not a representative of the US and has no reason or security clearance to view them.

    Bill also might be held accountable for the $1mil dollar gift from Qatar he received.

    The only quest that remains is do we get to watch the folly happen to a sitting president or just a disgraced former government official.
    Tues will tell.

  11. #186


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post

    To the issue of Clinton:
    Duh! Does she expect upon becoming president instant impermeability sealing her off from future evaluation and criticism [[investigations etc.). How much of her energy/ attention will be in 'defense mode' onward?


    She won't go into defense mode if she wins. Her ego will not allow it. There is still alot of money to be made and a world government view to sell.

  12. #187


    You're right, there will be others to handle all of that. It's good to always have 'buffers'.
    Last edited by Zacha341; November-06-16 at 06:36 PM.

  13. #188


    This just in from the Russian news. [[Those pesky Russians I know)

    A Q&A with Julian Assange.


  14. #189


    Well more news from the Ruskie site:
    FBI clears Hillary again......


    Untouchable. Unbelievable but Untouchable....

    Stop the insanity!

  15. #190


    Oh and in case you hear a whopper from Wiki leaks....
    It's all a plant says Hillary's handlers....


  16. #191


    That's what chu' get for reading that foreign press stuff.............

    Quote Originally Posted by GMan View Post
    Well more news from the Ruskie site:
    FBI clears Hillary again......


    Untouchable. Unbelievable but Untouchable....

    Stop the insanity!
    Last edited by Zacha341; November-07-16 at 12:14 PM.

  17. #192


    The anthem for Tuesday election - ENJOY:

    Buffalo Springfield - Stop Children What's That Sound


    "For What It's Worth"

    There's something happening here
    But what it is ain't exactly clear
    There's a man with a gun over there
    Telling me I got to beware

    I think it's time we stop
    Children, what's that sound?
    Everybody look - what's going down?

    There's battle lines being drawn
    Nobody's right if everybody's wrong
    Young people speaking' their minds
    Getting so much resistance from behind

    It's time we stop
    Hey, what's that sound?
    Everybody look - what's going down?

    What a field day for the heat
    A thousand people in the street
    Singing songs and carrying signs
    Mostly saying, "hooray for our side"

    It's time we stop
    Hey, what's that sound?
    Everybody look - what's going down?

    Paranoia strikes deep
    Into your life it will creep
    It starts when you're always afraid
    Step out of line, the men come and take you away

    We better stop
    Hey, what's that sound?
    Everybody look - what's going down?

    We better stop
    Hey, what's that sound?
    Everybody look - what's going down?

    Last edited by Zacha341; November-07-16 at 12:15 PM.

  18. #193


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    That's what chu' get for reading the foreign press stuff.............
    It's just one of my many sites for info. They have had stories quicker then the US press.

    Pretty sad when a general gets convicted for the crime but Hillary dosen't.

    It's a SAD day indeed.

    Nothing to see here folks, just move on and pay your taxes.......

  19. #194


    ^^^ I hear that. Sometimes you get less partisan favoritism from the foreign press sources.

  20. #195


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    ^^^ I hear that. Sometimes you get less partisan favoritism from the foreign press sources.
    Yes, It's a great idea to read the foreign press. Like the Guardian, the Toronto Star, the Irish Independent, the BBC, the CBC, Haartez, el Pais, many others... But not Russia Today. Unless you prefer official Russian propaganda as part of your news diet.

    Don't think you'll find partisan favoritism there? Here's what the Columbia Journalism Review has to say:

    What Is Russia Today? The Kremlin's propaganda outlet has an identity crisis

    One paragraph:

    "Russia Today was conceived as a soft-power tool to improve Russia’s image abroad, to counter the anti-Russian bias the Kremlin saw in the Western media. Since its founding in 2005, however, the broadcast outlet has become better known as an extension of former President Vladimir Putin’s confrontational foreign policy. Too often the channel was provocative just for the sake of being provocative. It featured fringe-dwelling “experts,” like the Russian historian who predicted the imminent dissolution of the United States; broadcast bombastic speeches by Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez; aired ads conflating Barack Obama with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad; and ran out-of-nowhere reports on the homeless in America. Often, it seemed that Russia Today was just a way to stick it to the U.S. from behind the façade of legitimate newsgathering."

    Before you read Russia Today again, read the rest of the CJR's article so you're equipped with a prudently large dose of skepticism.

    C'mon guys.
    Last edited by bust; November-07-16 at 11:13 AM.

  21. #196


    Quote Originally Posted by bust View Post
    Yes, It's a great idea to read the foreign press. Like the Guardian, the Toronto Star, the Irish Independent, the BBC, the CBC, Haartez, el Pais, many others... But not Russia Today. Unless you prefer official Russian propaganda as part of your news diet.

    Don't think you'll find partisan favoritism there? Here's what the Columbia Journalism Review has to say:

    What Is Russia Today? The Kremlin's propaganda outlet has an identity crisis

    One paragraph:

    "Russia Today was conceived as a soft-power tool to improve Russia’s image abroad, to counter the anti-Russian bias the Kremlin saw in the Western media. Since its founding in 2005, however, the broadcast outlet has become better known as an extension of former President Vladimir Putin’s confrontational foreign policy. Too often the channel was provocative just for the sake of being provocative. It featured fringe-dwelling “experts,” like the Russian historian who predicted the imminent dissolution of the United States; broadcast bombastic speeches by Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez; aired ads conflating Barack Obama with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad; and ran out-of-nowhere reports on the homeless in America. Often, it seemed that Russia Today was just a way to stick it to the U.S. from behind the façade of legitimate newsgathering."

    Before you read Russia Today again, read the rest of the CJR's article so you're equipped with a prudently large dose of skepticism.

    C'mon guys.
    Well Bust, do you prefer to just look at the local media that has it bias's and don't even bother publishing events that don't fit their message?

    I have been made aware of events on RT and others like BBC that the "expert" graduates of Columbia school of journalism don't even bother reporting on because it paints current US policies in a bad light.

    I would rather read about the event and weed through the motivations of the author then not knowing at all.

    But that's just me.

  22. #197


    Well yeah, you must be discerning with all. This is my first time reading anything from RT.

    Quote Originally Posted by bust View Post
    Yes, It's a great idea to read the foreign press. Like the Guardian, the Toronto Star, the Irish Independent, the BBC, the CBC, Haartez, el Pais, many others... But not Russia Today. Unless you prefer official Russian propaganda as part of your news diet.

  23. #198


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    Well yeah, you must be discerning with all. This is my first time reading anything from RT.
    With anything, you have to be aware of biases. The US media tries to portray itself as independent reporting agencies but they like others use clearing houses for their information, that is why many of the stories shown on the variety of major networks align so well. The source is the same.
    The story about Assange on RT news was of an Australian interviewers transcript of his Assange interview. From there you can do a quick search and see that his work is credible but perhaps damning of the west's policies. Then you can surmise that is why it is on RT news. Never the less, you can't dismiss the validity of the information revealed in the story, just perhaps the motivations.
    Last edited by GMan; November-07-16 at 01:55 PM.

  24. #199
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    Speaking of propaganda- the US mainstream media colluded with the Clinton campaign. [[As revealed by Wikileaks.) They can't be trusted.

    Remember kids, don't vote for Killary.

    Last edited by Pam; November-07-16 at 07:06 PM.

  25. #200


    “Hillary brought us Libya almost singlehandedly.” "And she has said that she will lead the charge with a no-fly zone in Syria, and that basically amounts to a declaration of war against Russia, who is there under international law, having been invited by the sitting government. Like it or not, Russia has the sanction of international law to be there. For us to go in and declare a no-fly zone means get ready for war with Russia. Both of us have 2,000 nuclear weapons on hair trigger alert. This is the most dangerous moment— according to the former president of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev, who, two weeks ago, said this is the most dangerous nuclear moment ever." -Jill Stein

    I must be more of an optimist than Jill Stein. I'm guessing that cooler heads will prevail in the Kremlin. That's a probably. Russians still remembers what war is like. I admit to liking Russians and preferring détente to the cold war. I'm expecting Hillary's presidency will be more like that of Eva Peron and that our Constitution, economy, and culture will just continue to bleed moderately although at a faster pace. Glowing relatives probably won't be the last thing we see. Most likely we will survive a Hillary presidency. That's how positive I am about a Hillary victory. Still, Hillary just came out for registering women for the draft. Women's bodies apparently belong to the state too.

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