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  1. #101


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Satire? Seems to me it's a site that posts world news articles.

    I would hardly call events going on in the world that effect people's lives satire.
    Russian Proxy “News” Site Exposed: YourNewsWire

    Bottom line. YourNewsWire is not a news site, it is used by the Russians as a proxy site to spread disinformation. They throw in just enough legitimate news stories to establish a cover and when the opportunity to promote Russia, denigrate the West, or sow divisiveness against a Western country or alliance arises, they will publish Russian disinformation and misinformation through lies, fabrications and otherwise bogus stories made to look like news. Only this guy, Sean Adl-Tabatabai, who seems to write most of the “stories” at YourNewsWire, is lazy and cheap.
    Another Russian Proxy “News” site exposed. Liar. Cheat. Fraud.

  2. #102


    Quote Originally Posted by bust View Post

    What classes of people are protected under law?

    Federal law protects against discrimination based on the following:

    • Race
    • Color
    • Religion or creed
    • Sex or gender
    • National origin [[includes those with limited English proficiency)
    • Disability [[physical or mental)
    • Familial status [[families with at least one child under 18; pregnant women; people in the process of adopting or gaining custody of a child)

    Some state and local jurisdictions have added other protected classes.

    What did Obama change?

    That was already covered by archfan and above. You can find an executive summary of the changes here:


    There's nothing in there about relocating refugees.

    I sincerely encourage you to reconsider your sources.

    Please let us know if any of this information is incorrect.
    Come on and read between the lines.
    I know the government can never go against the will of the people

    What if a city were to refuse the presidents mandate to re-settle a large population of refugees, like the Obama admin wants to do.
    Simple solution, withhold funds based on the fair housing act.
    Any time you are beholden to the gov for funds they have you over the barrel.
    Look at Germany and tell me that mass immigration is a good thing.
    That is why Hungary built a wall. Granted they were just a pass through country but the wall reduced the strain on their resources and people.
    Britain is leaving the EU because they can't handle the influx of population in their villages and cities.
    French people are protesting the migrant camps at the port of Calais because of the crime and trash.
    What ever happened to dealing with problems in the country of origin?
    Oh wait people claimed the west was intervening where they shouldn't be.
    But now the west is being called to just open it's doors and let a large uninvited house guest into its home permanently.
    The outcome won't bode well for us if we do.

  3. #103
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by emu steve View Post
    That may be true that the DNC wasn't as neutral as it should have been, but it is a total stretch to think that it affected the outcome.

    This race wasn't decided in the last minute of the 4th quarter [[to use a sports analogy).

    Quite frankly, it wasn't close. Bernie put up a spirited and good fight, but it wasn't close.
    Check out the election fraud thread on the Non D. page.
    The DNC wasn't the only problem. Many states experienced issues in the primaries. There are lawsuits going on.

  4. #104


    We've accumulated quite a number of conspiracy theories on this thread. And a photoshopped map displaying fake data, a link to infowars, now yournewswire too.

    It bridges hilarity and despair that yournewswire isn't a satire site. But there is nothing funny about how some people trust it for real news. It's hard to imagine it could run so thick with conspiracy theories, paranoia, and other nuttiness, barely diluted with even a small dose of reality.

    On the home page alone there are stories about:

    • Murderous corporate elite, and a media blackout
    • 9/11 government conspiracy
    • The collapse of western civilization
    • ISIS - U.S. government conspiracy
    • Preparation for war
    • Outer space aliens
    • Left-wing media bias
    • More preparation for war
    • Election fraud
    • Vaccination paranoia, and corporate evil
    • The illuminati
    • Government incompetence, and murder to cover it up
    • More vaccination paranoia
    • The end of the world
    • Democratic election fraud
    • Government denial of civil liberties
    • Yet more vaccination paranoia, and murder to cover it up
    • Chemtrails
    • Corporate denial of human rights
    • More democratic election fraud, and murder to cover it up
    • Yet more democratic election fraud
    • Global warming denial, and conspiracy
    • Even more democratic election fraud
    • Even more vaccination paranoia
    • Hitler conspiracy
    • Another media blackout
    • Prince murder conspiracy
    • Education conspiracy
    • Yet another media blackout
    • More chemtrails
    • Israel bashing
    • Even more chemtrails

    And that's without even visiting the "conspiracies" section.

    Richard, really. Please reconsider your sources.

    And gman, I prefer to read actual words rather than let my imagination run wild dreaming up extra things they supposedly say. It's especially important with laws. That's the thing about laws: it's only what they actually say that matters. When an interpretation is needed it's clarified by the judiciary. And then it's only what their words actually say that matters too.

    There are no words in the Fair Housing Act that require anyone to resettle refugees. Property owners who receive HUD money must only allow them an equal chance. If they don't want to they're ineligible for federal assistance. Do you see anything wrong with that?

    If property owners were being coerced to accept refugees ahead of better qualified residents, don't you think we'd have heard about it? If you believe we haven't because the mainstream media has a "blackout" on the information, don't you think it would be picked up by the right wing media? They'd be parading the coerced property owners around like gold medalists after the olympics. Can you provide any evidence that's ever happened? Or is everyone staying silent because the government will murder them if they talk? That would be perfectly in keeping with the kind of wacky conspiracy theories infowars and yournewswire try to promote.

    Don't you ever wonder why those conspiracy peddlers lie to us?

    I've said it before and I'll say it again, the Trump campaign has shrewdly realized many of his supporters would rather believe and repeat conspiracy theories than care about actual facts. It's one of the scariest things about his bid for the presidency that so many americans are willing to be duped.

    I'm far from enthusiastic about Hillary Clinton, but I will enthusiastically vote for her in order to do my part to try to keep Trump out of office. All these crazy conspiracy theories help illustrate why.
    Last edited by bust; September-07-16 at 01:25 AM.

  5. #105


    Quote Originally Posted by bust View Post
    We've accumulated quite a number of conspiracy theories on this thread. And a photoshopped map displaying fake data, a link to infowars, now yournewswire too.

    And gman, I prefer to to read actual words rather than let my imagination run wild dreaming up extra things they supposedly say. It's especially important with laws. That's the thing about laws: it's only what they actually say that matters. When an interpretation is needed it's clarified by the judiciary. And then it's only what their words actually say that matters too.

    There are no words in the Fair Housing Act that require anyone to resettle refugees. If that were the case, don't you think we'd have heard about it? If you believe we haven't because the mainstream media has a "blackout" on the information, don't you think it would be picked up by the right wing media? They'd be parading the coerced property owners around like gold medalists after the Olympics. Can you provide any evidence that's ever happened? Or is everyone staying silent because the government will murder them if they talk? That would be perfectly in keeping with the kind of wacky conspiracy theories infowars and yournewswire try to promote.

    Don't you ever wonder why those conspiracy peddlers lie to us?

    I've said it before and I'll say it again, one shrewd thing the Trump campaign has realized is many of his supporters would rather believe and repeat conspiracy theories than care about actual facts. It's one of the scariest things about his bid for the presidency that so many americans are willing to be so duped.

    I'm far from enthusiastic about Hillary Clinton, but I will enthusiastically vote for her in order to do my part to try to keep Trump out of office.
    The words are clear in the law. What isn't clear until it happens, [[and then it is too late, ) is that the P.U.S. can Circumvent the will of the people using the seemingly innocuous "WORDS" in the fair housing act to do it. All he has to do is threaten to withhold funding based on the "WORDS" But I know, you want to wait until it happens before you pass judgement. After all I'm sure it is for the common good for him to want to bring refugees into the cities that have high unemployment. I mean after all it's just a conspiracy theory that the government would use the words of law to make money for the insiders that fund their campaigns. We all know that the congressmen go into office out of the goodness of their hearts to help mankind and leave poorer knowing they've done their duty.
    Let's talk about the extra burden placed on cities to comply with the new "WORDS" in the fair housing act. But hey, as long as it sounds fair to the public who cares if I drop a burden on the public. Hell my friends and I have already made a buck on it.

  6. #106


    You can take a video and tape it to a frogs ass and it will still has the same content,nothing changes,to go on and on about the site hosting the video is really pointless.

    The differences between Mrs Clinton and Mr. Trump on immigration policies that I have found on THEIR web sites clearly posted are the following.

    Mrs Clinton.

    Removing the 3 and 10 year re-entry ban.[[Which would apply in my situation) that currently can only be overturned by the United States Attorney General,which never happens.

    Applicants that apply for citizenship must learn the English language.

    She uses the words physical barriers verses stating we are going to build a wall.

    Personally,until it comes to the un-vetted immigration issues,I agree with her immigration policies 100%.

    I do not agree with anybody's policies that are unsafe or detriment to the US citizen.

    Mr Trump.

    We are going to build a huge wall.But his immigration policies are the same as Mrs. Clinton's.

    What I could not find is the specific stance on the points I brought up.

    I will say it again I will not support any candidate that would even think of allowing the relocation as it is happening now.

    Anybody that cannot see what is happening in Europe and the ramifications of,is either blind or has zero respect for the lives of their fellow Americans.To think that this will not or is not happening in this country already is being naive or refuses to see the present and future impact.Until it happens to them and theirs then it becomes an issue to late.

    The days of the government being your personal friend and savior are gone,it has become a business to them and we are the commodity.

    My point is forget republican and democrat in terms,look at what each one is offering and vote for who you feel you are comfortable with,if they get elected hold them to their word.

    Enough of the banter of if somebody does not agree with you or your beliefs they are a racist or a lessor person,if that is the way you feel maybe try moving to Venezuela or Cuba or Russia and leave poor Canada alone,I highly doubt that they would even want all the ones that have said they were moving there.

    The other countries are easy,you do what the Government says and believe as they wish you to believe,the citizens for the most part live in poverty while the leaders live in luxury,if you do not like it,you end up dead or in prison.Maybe that is the preferred situation for some because it is easy or less complicated.

  7. #107


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    You can take a video and tape it to a frogs ass and it will still has the same content,nothing changes,to go on and on about the site hosting the video is really pointless.

    The differences between Mrs Clinton and Mr. Trump on immigration policies that I have found on THEIR web sites clearly posted are the following.

    Mrs Clinton.

    Removing the 3 and 10 year re-entry ban.[[Which would apply in my situation) that currently can only be overturned by the United States Attorney General,which never happens.

    Applicants that apply for citizenship must learn the English language.

    She uses the words physical barriers verses stating we are going to build a wall.

    Personally,until it comes to the un-vetted immigration issues,I agree with her immigration policies 100%.

    I do not agree with anybody's policies that are unsafe or detriment to the US citizen.

    Mr Trump.

    We are going to build a huge wall.But his immigration policies are the same as Mrs. Clinton's.

    What I could not find is the specific stance on the points I brought up.

    I will say it again I will not support any candidate that would even think of allowing the relocation as it is happening now.

    Anybody that cannot see what is happening in Europe and the ramifications of,is either blind or has zero respect for the lives of their fellow Americans.To think that this will not or is not happening in this country already is being naive or refuses to see the present and future impact.Until it happens to them and theirs then it becomes an issue to late.

    The days of the government being your personal friend and savior are gone,it has become a business to them and we are the commodity.

    My point is forget republican and democrat in terms,look at what each one is offering and vote for who you feel you are comfortable with,if they get elected hold them to their word.

    Enough of the banter of if somebody does not agree with you or your beliefs they are a racist or a lessor person,if that is the way you feel maybe try moving to Venezuela or Cuba or Russia and leave poor Canada alone,I highly doubt that they would even want all the ones that have said they were moving there.

    The other countries are easy,you do what the Government says and believe as they wish you to believe,the citizens for the most part live in poverty while the leaders live in luxury,if you do not like it,you end up dead or in prison.Maybe that is the preferred situation for some because it is easy or less complicated.

    I wish these other countries you mentioned had as many prisoners [[say 1 in 300 citizens) as the U.S. of A has. Poverty and despair versus the one percenters. The great unwashed versus the Filthy Few? I don't know. The land of opportunity has become a Promised land of incarceration and mass shootings, it doesn't appeal to my sense of justice and emancipation.

    I am not convinced Trump is going to win back all the jobs he promised he would to that Detroit congregation, either. He can whine all he wants about the despair and lost opportunities in Black and lower class US [[ I never say America, because America is bigger than the US) but at the end of it, his rump is sitting in New York, staring at a grinning trophy wife until he gets tired of her looks, shops for another in Central Europe.

  8. #108
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    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post

    The differences between Mrs Clinton and Mr. Trump on immigration policies that I have found on THEIR web sites clearly posted are the following.
    Trump has no "policies"; he just spouts out whatever he feels. He has variously claimed a hundred different contradictory things re. immigration, just like every other policy. There is no "plan", obviously; he's appealing to the dumbest/most bigoted among us.

    Immigration isn't even in the Top 1000 most important issues this country faces, but unfortunately we have a ton of racists, so I guess we'll have to hear more crap about those horrible Mexicans until November.

  9. #109


    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
    Trump has no "policies"; he just spouts out whatever he feels. He has variously claimed a hundred different contradictory things re. immigration, just like every other policy. There is no "plan", obviously; he's appealing to the dumbest/most bigoted among us.

    Immigration isn't even in the Top 1000 most important issues this country faces, but unfortunately we have a ton of racists, so I guess we'll have to hear more crap about those horrible Mexicans until November.

    Well you could always lead by example and put in a request to the Birmingham city council to be next in line to welcome a couple thousand Somali refugees,it is not hard to do,just have the mayor contact Catholic charities and they will pass it on to homeland security.

    It may take a couple of weeks but I am thinking the residents of Birmingham would be waiting in anticipation.

    To have a better chance of being accepted as a relocation city you could go door to door and aquire signatures in support of.Please let us know how well it went.

    Both of them flip flop like a lizard on a hot tin roof,so you cannot really tell who actually is the lessor of two evils.
    Last edited by Richard; September-06-16 at 11:48 PM.

  10. #110


    Quote Originally Posted by canuck View Post
    I wish these other countries you mentioned had as many prisoners [[say 1 in 300 citizens) as the U.S. of A has. Poverty and despair versus the one percenters. The great unwashed versus the Filthy Few? I don't know. The land of opportunity has become a Promised land of incarceration and mass shootings, it doesn't appeal to my sense of justice and emancipation.

    I am not convinced Trump is going to win back all the jobs he promised he would to that Detroit congregation, either. He can whine all he wants about the despair and lost opportunities in Black and lower class US [[ I never say America, because America is bigger than the US) but at the end of it, his rump is sitting in New York, staring at a grinning trophy wife until he gets tired of her looks, shops for another in Central Europe.
    I agree,this country believes more in incarceration then rehabilitation and has become more of a monetary source.

    Jobs ? I do not believe any president can win back jobs because of the insatiable appetite and mentality of this country where cheaper is better.

    There is no way we can compete with low income countries when it comes to wages without becoming a quasi third world country on our own.

    It does not mean as country we cannot produce goods for this market,and the overseas market that prefers quality built US goods.

    Yes it would raise the cost of goods localy but wages would also be raised because everything becomes relevant.

    Before all of this global economy became popular and multiple trade deals came into effect was not this country a productive one?

    We have one of the largest consumer markets in the world,countries come to us,I really do not see the need for whoreing ourselves out.We were and are better then that.

  11. #111


    Quote Originally Posted by GMan View Post
    The words are clear in the law. What isn't clear until it happens, [[and then it is too late, ) is that the P.U.S. can Circumvent the will of the people using the seemingly innocuous "WORDS" in the fair housing act to do it. All he has to do is threaten to withhold funding based on the "WORDS" But I know, you want to wait until it happens before you pass judgement. After all I'm sure it is for the common good for him to want to bring refugees into the cities that have high unemployment. I mean after all it's just a conspiracy theory that the government would use the words of law to make money for the insiders that fund their campaigns. We all know that the congressmen go into office out of the goodness of their hearts to help mankind and leave poorer knowing they've done their duty.
    Let's talk about the extra burden placed on cities to comply with the new "WORDS" in the fair housing act. But hey, as long as it sounds fair to the public who cares if I drop a burden on the public. Hell my friends and I have already made a buck on it.
    Did you read the "WORDS" in the links above? The recent change to the Fair Housing Act was to give tools and data to help with assessments that were already required under the Act. It almost sounds like your disagreement is with the original 1968 Fair Housing Act.

  12. #112


    Quote Originally Posted by Danny View Post
    It's too late for that. Trump has lost of lot of African American support. He can go with Carson and tour the Ghettos of Detroit. I hope that don't get shot and robbed while they are out there.
    Elections aren't about 'winning' the support of communities, just about votes. Trump doesn't need most black votes, he only needs some movement. A few percent of black voters who stay home, or vote Trump might be all they need.

    Of course that's not all they need, but you win by making small changes in many voting groups.

    Elections are almost always decided by a relatively small number of voters. Most people are solidly in one tribe or the other. I think as the Hillary Coronation became more likely, more people realized just how much they don't like her. That's her biggest risk.

    Trump actually telling Black Democratic voters that they've been getting screwed by their party is quite a bold move. Is the black community of one mind? Or is there a small percentage who think 'hey, we've been screwed -- let's give this wacko a try -- after all nothing else has worked. 50 years of voting for Democrats hasn't made flowers bloom at Mack and Chalmers.

  13. #113


    Quote Originally Posted by archfan View Post
    Did you read the "WORDS" in the links above? The recent change to the Fair Housing Act was to give tools and data to help with assessments that were already required under the Act. It almost sounds like your disagreement is with the original 1968 Fair Housing Act.
    The "Words" provide tools to withhold funding for non-compliance of various issues. One being acceptance despite National Origin.

    The unintended consequence of this seemingly innocuous wording provides a mechanism to lead to the disruption of funds if a violation is determined by a government appointed agency, HUD in this case. An appointed position with no accountability to the public other than changing the president who can appoint another director.

    Example; Drop a population of refugees into an area that already receives federal funding. [[I know, who doesn't receive federal funds...) Local residents opposition riles their elected representatives to do something about the increase in school population, crime, joblessness, etc.
    Representatives protest to Washington bureaucrat which argues that the
    influx is legal as that demographic is under-represented in that area.
    If the local area dosen't comply they face the risk of losing federal funds for other housing interests. Basically it's about federal planners dropping the unfunded mandate onto the burdens of local populaces.
    The locals are left to pick up the pieces or try to move out to get away from it all.
    But hey, it says fair in the label.

  14. #114
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    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by GMan View Post
    nst the will of the people

    What if a city were to refuse the presidents mandate to re-settle a large population of refugees, like the Obama admin wants to do.
    But this is a fantasy scenario as A. There is no "large population of refugees" [[the U.S. is taking 1/10 the refugees of Sweden, a country of 9 million people compared to the 330 million in the U.S., so essentially the U.S. has 1/400 the refugee flow of other rich countries) and B. Localities obviously don't have veto power over federal policy, nor should they.

    Puny Windsor is getting more refugees than the entire U.S. Midwest, and Canada has much looser refugee policies than here. Somehow I doubt Windsor is worried.

    When did people in the U.S. get so Goddamn bigoted? Were we always this awful? What do you care if a few dozen refugees arrive to your area, after a good 3-4 years of background checks by nine different federal agencies?

    Trump has really exposed the slimy underbelly of the American voter.
    Last edited by Bham1982; September-07-16 at 07:20 PM.

  15. #115
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    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Well you could always lead by example and put in a request to the Birmingham city council to be next in line to welcome a couple thousand Somali refugees,it is not hard to do,just have the mayor contact Catholic charities and they will pass it on to homeland security.
    I absolutely, 100% support refugees coming to the U.S. and have ZERO problem having them in my neighborhood. In fact my only problem is that the U.S. takes in so few compared to other nations, and the vetting process is so ridiculously convoluted.

    And I suspect the vast majority of my neighbors would agree. Where I live is NOT Trump territory. People with assets and education aren't going to be voting for Trump, for obvious reasons. You don't drop a bomb on the country when you have much to lose.

    I have never met a voter in the Birmingham-Bloomfield area who likes Trump. I know plenty who hate Hillary, but I've never heard even one voter indicate they'll vote for Trump. Most Republicans I know are absolutely besides themselves this election, as there is no Republican candidate, really.
    Last edited by Bham1982; September-07-16 at 07:27 PM.

  16. #116


    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
    ...When did people in the U.S. get so Goddamn bigoted? Were we always this awful? What do you care if a few dozen refugees arrive to your area, after a good 3-4 years of background checks by nine different federal agencies?
    Nothing is simple here, but one problem is that let our southern border go. For years, we ignored the massive illegal immigration. Some like it. Farm businesses mostly. And others like it because they think everyone should be free. But regardless of why, it happened.

    So the USA got 12 million illegal immigrants from Mexico. Pretty much a fact.

    Why are people so bigoted? Its no so much bigotry, and a recognition that we let a big group of mostly uneducated people illegally enter, and now we're trying hard to give them every benefit we can find, and create so-called Sanctuary Cities.

    The public was lied to, and they resent it. That's not bigotry.

    [[for the record, I'm in favor of increasing Syrian immigration to meet Canada's rate. Canada = 25,000 / yr. USA = Canada x 10 thus USA should admit 250,000 per year.

    It would be great thing for our country. And I think nearly everyone would agree if we just made the clear statement that immigrants are expected to assimilate and live under our rules. If you want the benefits of western life, you need to blend in. Keep your traditions. But respect those with open arms.

  17. #117


    If this were 12 Million Brits or French they'd be talking about how cute their accents are.

  18. #118


    I'm for building a wall [[that the US pays for) AND for a path to citizenship for those that already made it here.

    However, the wall shouldn't be built until after the US invests in energy independence on renewable resources. That is far more important than illegal immigration from Mexico.

    Energy independence on renewable resources should be our next big "thing" we do, like the Interstate Freeway system and "New Deal" initiatives.

  19. #119


    Quote Originally Posted by 48307 View Post
    I'm for building a wall [[that the US pays for) AND for a path to citizenship for those that already made it here.

    However, the wall shouldn't be built until after the US invests in energy independence on renewable resources. That is far more important than illegal immigration from Mexico.

    Energy independence on renewable resources should be our next big "thing" we do, like the Interstate Freeway system and "New Deal" initiatives.
    I agree. and with all the cheap, Mexican, construction laborers, already here and working under the table, it's a win-win situation for owners @ the top. Just like when the US invested heavily in wind and battery power with the Chinese.
    Last edited by Honky Tonk; September-08-16 at 10:30 AM.

  20. #120


    [QUOTE=Bham1982;512511]But this is a fantasy scenario as A. There is no "large population of refugees" [[the U.S. is taking 1/10 the refugees of Sweden, a country of 9 million people compared to the 330 million in the U.S., so essentially the U.S. has 1/400 the refugee flow of other rich countries) and B. Localities obviously don't have veto power over federal policy, nor should they.

    So 10,000 isn't a large number.


    No it isn't a fantasy, it's real.
    Who's paying for them to come? who's subsidizing the their housing?
    Who's left paying once the federal dollars run out? Who pays for the increase in school expenditures to educate them?
    What's their job prospects?
    How soon will they be able to "adopt" our western ways?
    How do they vette them? Do they go to their neighbors in their native country and check their internet usage or travel records?

    We really don't know a lot about them but we sure want to help them.
    Wish we could say the same for our fellow Americans

  21. #121


    Quote Originally Posted by jcole View Post
    If this were 12 Million Brits or French they'd be talking about how cute their accents are.
    Brits have expatriate across the world and I think one would be hard pressed to find one that is dependent on thier host country or has not assimilated and expected the host country to change or bow to thier benefit.

    Totaly different categories.

  22. #122


    I really hate the "we need to help our fellow Americans FIRST" statements.
    Okay, let's help them.
    "They're on unemployment too long; make them get a job cleaning the streets"
    "No, too damn many people on welfare; let's drug test 'em"
    "What do you mean they don't have to pay their water bill? I don't get free water, why should they?"
    Yep, let's help our citizens as long as they don't really need help.

  23. #123


    When people came to America, they did not assimilate over night. Many settled in neighborhoods with people just like them. Some continuing to speak their native language. With each passing generation they become more "American", and American becomes more "them".

    I don't see middle eastern folks being too much different. Yes, they've clustered in places like Dearborn and Hamtramck, but with each passing generation they become more American as their culture does have an effect on America as well, whether it be different local eateries, or a new type of church in the neighborhood, or the local greasy spoon place being halal, etc...

    The neighborhood I live in [[bounded by Rochester Road, Auburn [[21 Mile), John R, and Hamlin [[22 Mile) is a melting pot. My daughter's friends have names I can't pronounce, some of my neighbors wear hijabs, and some of us are Caucasian like me. No one cares except the old, racist, white people, and hell, there's even some of the old people that don't care.

  24. #124


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Brits have expatriate across the world and I think one would be hard pressed to find one that is dependent on thier host country or has not assimilated and expected the host country to change or bow to thier benefit.

    Totaly different categories.
    Barrel of laffs, mate.

  25. #125


    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
    I absolutely, 100% support refugees coming to the U.S. and have ZERO problem having them in my neighborhood. In fact my only problem is that the U.S. takes in so few compared to other nations, and the vetting process is so ridiculously convoluted.

    And I suspect the vast majority of my neighbors would agree. Where I live is NOT Trump territory. People with assets and education aren't going to be voting for Trump, for obvious reasons. You don't drop a bomb on the country when you have much to lose.

    I have never met a voter in the Birmingham-Bloomfield area who likes Trump. I know plenty who hate Hillary, but I've never heard even one voter indicate they'll vote for Trump. Most Republicans I know are absolutely besides themselves this election, as there is no Republican candidate, really.

    Well I wish you well on that one,President of Germany lost the vote because of her immigration policies,check out what is happening in every country overseas.

    You call those who appose your views racist all you want but it just shows how out of touch of what is really going on that you are,and instead of recognizing the threat and finding a resolution to it you are choosing the easy out and just calling racist.

    Education and assets means nothing above health and safety.

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