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  1. #126


    Quote Originally Posted by Detroitej72 View Post
    I haven't heard anything on a report about him stating a black man breaking into a house. On NPR, which is one of the most reliable and trusted news outlets, they said his report stated he was responding to a possible B & E.
    USA Today

    Whalen called 911 and reported the incident, but never mentioned the men's race. Whalen was standing on the street, with the men's backs to her and she could not see their faces, Murphy says.
    When pressed by the 911 dispatcher, Whalen said she did not want to speculate, but said one of them might have been Hispanic, Murphy says.
    The account differs from a police report written by Sgt. James Crowley, who arrested Gates for disorderly conduct. That report specifically says Whalen "went on to tell me that she observed what appeared to be two black males with backpacks on the front porch’’ of Gates's house.

  2. #127



    Why are you taking this incident so personally?

  3. #128


    The report you provided only says he was responding to a crime in progress, never mentioning anything about the 911 caller saying a black man was committing a crime.

  4. #129


    Quote Originally Posted by detmich View Post
    This untrue, the officer asked Gates to step outside of the home and Gates refused. No one, including Gates, disputes this part of the story. You are lying, or being lied to..
    Yes , after they burst into the house in the first place What don't you understand, that was my point

    Quote Originally Posted by detmich View Post
    No, I have seen them be wrong more than once. Just not this time.
    Oh ! you have , have you ever seen them be wrong when it was a white cop and black private citizen or does your perpective change when its a black cop and white private citizen.

    Its amazing how two people can have different interpetations of the same incident given the same facts. Its all based on life experience and pov. Thats what makes America great !

    Quote Originally Posted by detmich View Post
    You don't know if I am a person of color, you are clearly making racist assumptions. I will assume that you are a person of color. If you are, then there's probably no way you will ever understand what it is like to be white in this society. You may make racist assumptions about white people, but you do not and never will understand them.
    You seem a little angry there, Even though I am a person of color I don't generally play the race card or make racist statements as I sure you can tell by the number of posts I've made on various topics. Even with the white cop, I gave him the benefit of doubt I didn't say he was racist, I said he was unprofessional . I made an assumption about you based on the totallity of your posts on this subject and by your little rant there I see I'm not too far off base.

    What I do understand about you based on your rant is that you feel like the aggrieved white guy, the white guy as victim. Minorities and women get all the breaks, breaks they don't deserve. Statements like Yale is not what it used to be, code for, since they let minorities in, its not as good. Before you tell me you didn't say that this was your quote.
    "Do you mean Yale today or do you mean Yale then? "

    So tell me what's it like to be white in America ?

    Yes, tell us so we can see you in all your bigoted glory.

  5. #130


    Quote Originally Posted by Detroitej72 View Post
    The report you provided only says he was responding to a crime in progress, never mentioning anything about the 911 caller saying a black man was committing a crime.
    That police report had the other officers narrative not Crowley, the point I'm making is the quote from USA Today states that there was a difference in the 911call and Crowleys police report.

  6. #131
    detmich Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by firstandten View Post
    Yes , after they burst into the house in the first place What don't you understand, that was my point
    No, they did not burst into the house. When the officer arrived, he stood outside and asked Gates to come out as well. Gates refused. That is not contested by anyone but you, even Gates admits this. If you do not have the facts concerning the incident then how can you claim to understand it?

    Quote Originally Posted by firstandten View Post
    Oh ! you have , have you ever seen them be wrong when it was a white cop and black private citizen or does your perpective change when its a black cop and white private citizen.
    Again a racist assumption on your part. For someone who claims never to play the "race card" as you put it, you sure are using it often in this discussion. To me, actions speak louder than words. maybe you should reflect on how often you fall back on race as an explanation or excuse in your life.

    Quote Originally Posted by firstandten View Post
    Its amazing how two people can have different interpetations of the same incident given the same facts. Its all based on life experience and pov. Thats what makes America great !
    I could not agree with you more!

    Quote Originally Posted by firstandten View Post
    You seem a little angry there, Even though I am a person of color I don't generally play the race card or make racist statements as I sure you can tell by the number of posts I've made on various topics. Even with the white cop, I gave him the benefit of doubt I didn't say he was racist, I said he was unprofessional . I made an assumption about you based on the totallity of your posts on this subject and by your little rant there I see I'm not too far off base.

    What I do understand about you based on your rant is that you feel like the aggrieved white guy, the white guy as victim. Minorities and women get all the breaks, breaks they don't deserve. Statements like Yale is not what it used to be, code for, since they let minorities in, its not as good. Before you tell me you didn't say that this was your quote.
    "Do you mean Yale today or do you mean Yale then? "
    Asking a poster for clarification about the time period he was discussing is racist? Are you really a moron or do you just play one on the internet? Yale of the 1960s, when Gates applied there, was a much different place than it is today. It was much more conservative and excluding. My daughter will be attending Yale, I have many friends and family who attended Yale, Yale today, post 60s liberalization, is a much better place than it was. You really should look at yourself with serious introspection and be sure that you are what you say you are, and that you actually respond and react as you say you react because so far you appear to be a racist who flies off the handle when ever someone disagrees with you on any issue. You also seem to have a problem getting and keeping the facts straight, which seems to cause you to respond with the race card again.

    Quote Originally Posted by firstandten View Post
    So tell me what's it like to be white in America ?

    Yes, tell us so we can see you in all your bigoted glory.
    Again with the racism and assumptions. You assume I am an "aggrieved white guy", and you assume that I am bigoted, because I think that Gates was in the wrong. You also imply that the white experience is somehow false and manufactured. You appear to have serious issues with race, and it seems to permeate your thoughts on many levels, probably most of it subconcious. I can't help you with that here, but I can recommend that you work to increase and improve your self awareness. Every person should try to understand who they really are, not just who they think that they are. You would be well served by such an exercise, it would only make your life better.

    Now, let me restate what I said, the statement that commenced this angry attack and the racist assumptions. Gates acted like a foolish, petulant child, and he deserved to be arrested, in my opinion.

  7. #132
    lilpup Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by detmich View Post
    Now, let me restate what I said, the statement that commenced this angry attack and the racist assumptions. Gates acted like a foolish, petulant child, and he deserved to be arrested, in my opinion.
    Being foolish and petulant is not an arrestable offense. Crowley and Cambridge PD should be damned happy they aren't being sued for false arrest.

  8. #133
    detmich Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by lilpup View Post
    Being foolish and petulant is not an arrestable offense. Crowley and Cambridge PD should be damned happy they aren't being sued for false arrest.
    I believe that Gates acted in a manner that the police felt justified in arresting him. That is my opinion. It may be wrong, but as of now I think it is correct. In addition, I think that Gates is happy that he is not be sued for defamation.

  9. #134


    Yes it is.

    Quote Originally Posted by lilpup View Post
    Being foolish and petulant is not an arrestable offense. Crowley and Cambridge PD should be damned happy they aren't being sued for false arrest.

  10. #135


    Quote Originally Posted by detmich View Post
    No, they did not burst into the house. When the officer arrived, he stood outside and asked Gates to come out as well. Gates refused. That is not contested by anyone but you, even Gates admits this. If you do not have the facts concerning the incident then how can you claim to understand it?.
    Ok, whether Crowley was inside the foyer or not asking Gates to come outside this is the bigger point from the Cambridge paper


    Quote Originally Posted by detmich View Post
    Again a racist assumption on your part. For someone who claims never to play the "race card" as you put it, you sure are using it often in this discussion. To me, actions speak louder than words. maybe you should reflect on how often you fall back on race as an explanation or excuse in your life.
    Now I never said never play the race card go back over my statement. At least in this case you mistake race card for lack of professionalism of the white cop. Now if you extract racism from that then I can't help you.

    Why is it a lack of professionalism ? two reasons
    1) Bogus arrest
    2) questionable [[being nice he really lied) write up on the police report

    Quote Originally Posted by detmich View Post
    Asking a poster for clarification about the time period he was discussing is racist? Are you really a moron or do you just play one on the internet? Yale of the 1960s, when Gates applied there, was a much different place than it is today. It was much more conservative and excluding. My daughter will be attending Yale, I have many friends and family who attended Yale, Yale today, post 60s liberalization, is a much better place than it was. You really should look at yourself with serious introspection and be sure that you are what you say you are, and that you actually respond and react as you say you react because so far you appear to be a racist who flies off the handle when ever someone disagrees with you on any issue. You also seem to have a problem getting and keeping the facts straight, which seems to cause you to respond with the race card again..
    Thank you for that clarification, I was wrong on that account. Congrats to your daughter I hope she enjoys and does well at Yale

    Quote Originally Posted by detmich View Post
    Again with the racism and assumptions. You assume I am an "aggrieved white guy", and you assume that I am bigoted, because I think that Gates was in the wrong. You also imply that the white experience is somehow false and manufactured. You appear to have serious issues with race, and it seems to permeate your thoughts on many levels, probably most of it subconcious. I can't help you with that here, but I can recommend that you work to increase and improve your self awareness. Every person should try to understand who they really are, not just who they think that they are. You would be well served by such an exercise, it would only make your life better..
    Go back over your statement I didn't feel you were the aggrieved white guy because I diagree with you about Gates, I said that because of your rant about
    You don't understand what its like to be white in society and I can never understand how it is to be white.

    I know this, white people have been in a position of power and privilege in this society from its beginning and to read that kind of whining is unacceptable in my eyes. So the question comes to me why do you say that ? Is it because minorities are now making some gains in society that I'm losing some. Or maybe the economy is battering white guys as well. I don't know it could be the latter but based on some of your posts I think its the former.

    Quote Originally Posted by detmich View Post
    Now, let me restate what I said, the statement that commenced this angry attack and the racist assumptions. Gates acted like a foolish, petulant child, and he deserved to be arrested, in my opinion.
    Thats a troublesome statement, simply because its not a crime to be foolish and petulant. Thats a major reason police departments across the nation pay out millions of dollars to citizens who sue for false arrest.

    My point is and I going to make it for the last time since I'm sure people are tired of reading it is this.

    I'm not going to be a apologist for police unprofessionalism no matter if that police face is black or white , I don't care if Gates is a a-hole or angel the police are there to protect and serve and I expect them to do their jobs, don't arrest people on trumped up charges or file false police reports its as simple as that.

  11. #136
    ccbatson Guest


    Disturbing the peace is. A violation of the rights of others/neighbours.

  12. #137


    Quote Originally Posted by firstandten View Post
    That police report had the other officers narrative not Crowley, the point I'm making is the quote from USA Today states that there was a difference in the 911call and Crowleys police report.
    And we all know that newspapers never have errors in their stories. I have more faith in the story from NPR than any print or television media and they never said such a charge which makes me question if USA Today is more concerned about facts or just trying to inflame the story.

    BTW, as I said earlier, its a moot point now since both parties are having a beer in the White House today and burying the hatchet.

  13. #138


    Quote Originally Posted by Detroitej72 View Post
    BTW, as I said earlier, its a moot point now since both parties are having a beer in the White House today and burying the hatchet.
    Not so quick, you don't get off that easy. Why is Obama, Gates and Crowley going to drink three separate brands of beer none of which are owned by an American company. I don't know how you explain that. Its got to be a plot to diss the American economic system.[[insert the conspiraracy theory of your choice)


  14. #139
    ccbatson Guest


    All reports, by there nature will not be verbatim word for word historical accounts. However, the report and the evidence of the radio and telephone communications are consiostent with each other in this case.

  15. #140


    Quote Originally Posted by firstandten View Post
    Not so quick, you don't get off that easy. Why is Obama, Gates and Crowley going to drink three separate brands of beer none of which are owned by an American company. I don't know how you explain that. Its got to be a plot to diss the American economic system.[[insert the conspiraracy theory of your choice)

    Your joking, right?

    Only the right wing radicals care about this. I wonder how many of them drive foreign autos. For that matter, they should have outrage toward the Anheuser- Bush family, a notoriously Republican leaning group for selling out to a foreign company.

  16. #141
    ccbatson Guest


    I think he was joking, or being sarcastic at least.

  17. #142



  18. #143


    Quote Originally Posted by Detroitej72 View Post
    Your joking, right?

    Only the right wing radicals care about this. I wonder how many of them drive foreign autos. For that matter, they should have outrage toward the Anheuser- Bush family, a notoriously Republican leaning group for selling out to a foreign company.
    Joking in a sarcastic manner. Its really amazing how the wing nuts will grab at anything

  19. #144
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

  20. #145
    ccbatson Guest


    One instance where conservatives deflect by poor humor in the face of so many liberal examples of hateful versions of the same thing on this forum...true hypocricy.

  21. #146


    Quote Originally Posted by firstandten View Post
    Joking in a sarcastic manner. Its really amazing how the wing nuts will grab at anything
    True that.

    They need something to do with all their free time, instead of helping out at a homeless shelter, hospital, VA, or any other productive activities, they invent these phony stories and whip other simple minded fools into a frenzee.

  22. #147
    ccbatson Guest


    Again, do a quick audit of the sophomoric and immature humor exercised by the libs here on Dyes and compare to this isolated incident.

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