Quote Originally Posted by coracle View Post
Unfortunately for Bernie supporters, people don't get elected based on poll results manipulated by a Media that produces the "news" to satisfy their agenda.

Get used to living with an un-indicted Crooked Clinton and a welcoming slightly belligerent President Trump; rattling all our "friends", building walls, expelling invaders, and finding jobs for Bernie's supporters that don't want to work [[and of course walking away from bad deals like debates when there's nothing to be gained)

Or would you rather have your man in and pay to educate the invader's kids and kids that are conceived only to produce the Child Allowance, and all the other freebees - you know the Socialist paradise where the majority gets everything for doing nothing and the few who do everything get the shaft because they earn too much?

Right now Bernie's talents are really really [[two reallys) needed in Venezuela. I guess their money's run out. Get ready for a flotilla!
Coracle are you a billionaire? I didn't know right wing trolling paid that much.
Have you ever heard of the working poor and the shrinking middle class? These are the people that Bernie wants to help. And if it means the billionaires have to pay a little more, I won't shed any tears. Trickle down economics has been tried, it doesn't work.

Here are a couple of videos for you:

