Not sure about your question exactly but I am guessing you are not talking about floor covering, bur rather what separates the levels of the buildings.

I've lived in both pre-1900 buildings and brand-new buildings made of concrete. Really no difference in terms of sound dampening and such as to your above/below neighbor. If anything, the older buildings dampen the sound better but you get more creaking and groaning.

The bigger deal is internal walls and how well your walls control sound between wall to wall neighbors and sound hallways. New buildings suck in this regard in almost all cases, and I think it borders on fraud to have any new building marketed as 'luxury' or 'upscale' apartments but not have basic sound dampening. My best experience has been with historic townhouses, where thick, plastered walls with brick behind them meet wall to wall. It's like quadruple thickness and you do not hear a thing from next door save for if there is some sort of chute/alley or unintended crack through which limited sound may permeate. Sadly, nothing of the sort is going to be built in Detroit or really anywhere on a going-forward basis.