What is your source? What are the details?

Quote Originally Posted by Willi View Post
Everyone seems so thrilled that Billionaires are investing in Detroit Land
- why is no one pushing for massive improvement in water ?

People do realize it gets sucked up near Belle Isle for us to drink ?
That swirly stuff shown below isn't "clean" - it's like that gunk on green fish tank walls.
Lots and lots of stuff simply is NOT checked for as it comes to your tap.

Approximately 15,000 new chemicals and biological sequences are registered every day and no sequence of "Filtering" methods can catch everything that exists. An increasingly diverse array of organic and inorganic chemicals are simply slipping thru into the water supply .

Perhaps Detroit is putting the Cart before the Horse;
with a major priority put on the back burner ,
in an endless kick the can on down the road for tomorrow.