Quote Originally Posted by GP For Life View Post
Detroit is a great place to find yourself, but it can be an even better place to lose yourself. I don't know this for sure, but I would venture to guess that anyone who has found them self in Detroit came close to losing them self.

Couple things you might want to know. Detroit is east of the Rockies.

Second, it's Wayne State University and while the education you'll get there, at least from the professional schools, is top notch the degree has limited value. I hate saying that, as I am proud Tartar [[we were Tartars before the communist PC machine that runs the school made them switch to Warriors) but sadly it's true.

Finally, come visit before you move here.
While I very often disagree with GP, he is totally correct that Detroit is a fantastic place to find yourself, but equally as dangerous when it comes to losing yourself. You will meet all types of people, from all walks of life and get to experience all manner of things. Just make sure to keep your head straight, eyes on the prize of growing yourself to be a better human all around and enjoy your time here.

If you have any specific questions though, ask away. That's the best way for us to get you the info you want.