If you at all believe in the "broken windows" theory of crime prevention, removing or renovating abandoned, dilapidated properties is vital. Cities that didn't tear apart neighborhoods generally didn't because the neighborhoods still maintained a degree of viability. In Detroit, unfortunately, many neighborhoods are long past that stage.

Honestly, if the demolitions bother you so much, start and by buying and fixing up some houses. You don't have the money, you say? Come on, the homes are dirt cheap! If these neighborhoods are viable, you should stand to make a killing with minimal investment!

If a metro area sprawls at a significantly faster rate than its growing in population, and newer properties are generally viewed as superior, it only stands to reason that the core would eventually rot away. To get mad at Detroit for doing the cleanup work is extremely shortsighted. But it's so convenient to blame Detroit for everything, and its corruption makes it all the more easier.

Why, Detroit didn't decline because of our endless pursuit of sprawl! Ludicrous! It's the gangster's fault. It's Kwame's fault. We did everything we could from Troy!