I was a jr in highschool. we loaded up our VW bus and went to head into the city to hang out. a bus full of suburban teens at the "indestructible age". we were stopped on the NW side by police who made it very clear we should turn around and go home. our parents were outraged we had even attempted the trip, we were grounded for a week. for me, the reality of the 67 riots didn't really hit home until I met my husband a few years later. my mother.in.law brought out some pictures to go through. burned out buildings, sad faced people, guys in various uniforms. so I asked her how these pictures were part of her life......my in.laws owned a bait and tackle shop, called the yellow front store on 14th & Seldon. key word was "owned". it was burned out and looted. nothing left, no way to support the family. Too much for father.in.law to deal with, a few months later he died of a massive heart attack. it's just empty corner now, with fading memories from my husband and brother.in.law.....and a profound sense of shame on me for being a kid who wanted to be cool and see what was happening. a kid who hadn't a clue about the properties, lives, families who were devastated by the those riots that us kids thought we should go to the city and hang out around. lily