When it comes to selling warehoused art to purchase police equipment, purchase toilet paper for students, create libraries at the schools, pay obligations that we agreed to in the past, yes, sell it off.

I expected some that would be against selling displayed art to agree that not every piece in storage is indispensable.

It seems that Detroit has limited resources and many problems. Blight, transit, police staffing cuts, fire station closings, etc. Seems as though warehoused art would fall behind police etc., but apparently not.

Indeed, why sacrifice the cultural heritage for basic necessities like police and fire?
Because warehoused art is holding Detroit together and without it, game over.
Whereas, Detroit's major flaw is not having one of the highest crime rates.

Meanwhile, in the real world, crime is forcing singles and families out of the city.
I live in Royal Oak. Why?
I don't even consider getting carjacked, assaulted, or robbed in RO. Ever. Did I mention car insurance?

Property is the accumulation of rights. Property in Detroit is worth less because the crime rate means you have fewer defacto rights. Warehoused art can't compensate for that.

I wanted to go to the movies the other day, but instead, I went to work.
And at one time, when I needed some money, instead of using my credit card or getting behind on my bills, I sold some of my books on Amazon.com.
Philistine, hardly.
Do I prioritize my wants before making decisions, yes.