Quote Originally Posted by bailey View Post
I'm being a bit facetious here, but if it's a city and people are supposed to walk everywhere within the PM's circle, then why have a PM in the first place? It seems weird to me to say, "ignore that elevated train with a stop grafted to the front of your building, just walk a mile over to the RPTC and use those buses".... and of course once on the bus, ignore the shiny new trolley that runs along side that bus for 3 miles.

Why invent and implement ANOTHER bus system out of whole cloth? Why is this BRT...which is just buses dressed up to look like rail... stuff even being discussed if the M1 is supposed to be the foundation of regional rail?
Hey, this is true, I'm not gonna argue with that. And ditto on what ghettopalmetto says. SEMCOG knows shit. I've always wanted to stand up in those transit meetings and berate them for what they do. They know nothing and SEMCOG's existance is tragic; it could be used for such good but instead is the United Nations of Metro Detroit. Great idea, bad outcomes.