Quote Originally Posted by believe14 View Post
Nobody that rides public transit for work or school in NYC, DC or Chicago enjoys the experience. It's miserable and gross. Services like Uber have made it extremely easy to avoid mass transit. Detroit is a more miserable, dangerous and unemployed city than those three, and you somehow expect the mass transit experience to be sexier? Until you fix the crime and illiteracy problems, it will just be a really expensive vessel unemployed people ride around the city.
What?! This makes no sense. I don't enjoy driving a car, but I have to in order to get places around this town. I find driving to be miserable and frustrating at times especially when I go to an area I'm unfamiliar with. Transit isn't supposed to be the Disney Monorail, it's supposed to be convienant and connected. And I've never been on a transit system that I find to be too gross. Yes, the cliche of dank subway stairs is sometimes true, but for the most part those are minor problems.

So unemployed people have to be regulated to what? Walking from the east side to the west side? I really don't think you know first hand what it's like to be poor and/or unemployed or even not have a car. It's not fun. It's expensive. It's degrading [[especially without a car, waiting for a SMART bus, I would get so many weird looks where in other cities waiting for the bus shouldn't be so taboo). The unemployed and poor also need transit options just the same as the working and economically-abled, so to speak.

Crime and illiteracy, crime and illiteracy!, I hear you yell, but again we aren't talking about those issues. They are valid issues that also must be addressed. But again, so is transit.