The buzz is Ambassador Christopher Stevens was involved in gun running to Qaddafi opposition in Libya, arms were ending up in the hands of Al Qaeda. It would have been game over for the US Presidential election if the US public found out the United States was inadvertently supplying Al Qaeda with arms during an election year.
So why would the whole Benghazi story get swept under the radar?
The answer is obvious.

The “plan was based on abduction and exchange of high-level prisoners,” the terrorist wrote on the prominent jihadist Web forum Ansar al-Mujahideen Network. “However, the operation took another turn, for a reason God only knows, when one of the members of the jihadist cell improvised and followed Plan B.”Dhu-al-Bajadin’s claim of assassination also was copied to the Ansar al-Mujahidin website from the al Qaeda-accredited website Shumukh al-Islam. That site is open only to members, and the claim initially was posted for Dhu-al-Bajadin by a member identified as Adnan Shukri.

The reference to Shumukh al-Islam has boosted the credibility of the claim among some U.S. intelligence analysts. A Western intelligence official said Dhu-al-Bajadin is a well-known jihadist and a key figure behind a magazine called Al Qaeda Airlines.

U.S. officials gave instructions for Benghazi Medical Center to use a "John Doe" pseudonym on the death certificate of Ambassador Christopher Stevens after he died of asphyxiation in the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attacks on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya. That's according to a U.S. official speaking on condition of anonymity because the official isn't authorized to speak publicly on the matter.

Is this a partisan one party attacking the other story?
I think not. I think this is the USA involved in stuff we have no business in, trying to backhandedy stick our noses in other people's business. Which is exactly the reason the Middle East is pissed off at us for in the first place.

This Administration is no better than any other. Lying in front of the cameras like very Administration before it.

What makes this bad is people are covering up for it.

If people turn a blind eye to bad politics and corruption because "their guy" is in charge, they are setting the status quo for when the other party's guy is "in charge"
.... as well as not weeding the bad eggs and bad politics out of their own party of choice.

We have to hold our Government to a higher standard.

Country first,
Political party 2nd.
That used to be America's way and it should be that way again.