Quote Originally Posted by cla1945 View Post
i have not seen nor have I heard one retiree voice those sentiments toward Detroit or the residents. The city deserves decent services but the retirees also deserve their pensions to remain intact. Personally, I didn't work 30 years for Detroit, only to have them reneg on their "obligation" to me. I had nothing to do with raiding city coffers, stealing funds, hiring family and friends, pay to play, Navigators, etc. That and many other things caused the city's demise; and to constantly blame retirees is irresponsible. Put the blame squarely where it belongs.
This is exactly what he/she is talking about.

You do realize that if the retirees get paid 100% then that's money that's not going toward roads, streetlights, cops, etc., right?

And that citizens have received far less than 100% for a long time?

Unless you clarify, you're part of the "most" of retirees that's the problem.