Quote Originally Posted by aj3647 View Post
I never understood why people get so red in the face about the things that he says. He's a glorified salesman. He says what he needs to say to make his product sound like best thing in the world and to make every competing product sound like utter crap. He's the political equivalent of Leonardo DiCaprio's character from Wolf of Wall Street.

But right on cue, L Brooks trolls Detroit and everyone gets butt-hurt about it. Why do you even care? All the negative attention showered upon him from Detroit's direction is still just that...attention. All you're doing is feeding the troll.

Because if this giant dumpster fire of a region constitutes "Detroit" then he is a national embarrassment. So what do the fine readers of the New Yorker think of the Metro Detroit area? A bunch of jerks like Brooks in glorified trailer park called Oakland County, hmm, they might be right.

What kind of salesmanship is that? He isn't a salesman, he's a politician. He's playing to his audience already living in Oakland County. What about him would ever make anyone say "Wow, this Oakland County place sounds like a really forward-thinking, desirable place, I mean, they're not Detroit and they even have movie theatres." Basically he just keeps hitting home the fact that they're not Detroit, which everyone knows, and doesn't say much.

I never understood why everyone gets butthurt when Kwame does something Kwame-like and it's okay to flip out [[rightfully so) yet when Brooks goes on one of his alcohol and Alzheimers-induced tirades the reaction is "nothing to see here, just Brooks being Brooks." Hypocrisy at its finest. It's good for decent people to get outraged at thugs like Kwame and Brooks.