Quote Originally Posted by ordinary View Post
Was it really? You know I've been following all this stuff about widening the expressways, especially I-94 between Conner and I-96, and I kept wondering about the bridges. I guess I just can't visualize how they're going to widen it [[the expressway) without tearing a lot of those bridges down.
Every single bridge along I-94 basically has to be torn down and rebuilt. MDOT already has done so for all the bridges east of Connor and west of I-96. They've all been rebuilt, even the larger bridges such as Moross and Vernier. Now all that remains are the bridges in the path of the future widening.

Van Dyke has been rebuilt not only wider, but with a new design. In 2014 the Gratiot bridge is next, with others to follow and be completed before the actual freeway widening starts. Even though the actual freeway widening has been pushed out, the bridges can no longer wait. And yes, some bridges will not be rebuilt, but just torn down.

Here's an article about the decrepit state of the bridges between Conner and I-96....