Quote Originally Posted by 48009 View Post
I mean that is a pretty accurate statement. With that said, it's far from the only school in the state that's stealing $400 an hour from students who shouldn't be at a university. Just read any paper and see the RECORD enrollment at all of the universities right now. They all know the gravy train could end soon so the cash grab, i.e., anyone with a pulse can enroll, is out of control. No surprise that with record enrollment comes huge construction projects.

As for what a Wayne undergrad degree is worth; well, tell me what companies recruit there? Of course there are exceptions, but we all know the truth.
WSU is a research institution with an urban mission. They excel in research. That has more bearing on graduate students than undergrads. Of course, undergrads in a lot of fields seem to have a lot of success after graduating from WSU, in spite of the conflicting mission in a city with horrible K-12s.

But then, you're talking about the value of an undergrad degree. It's 2013. That's long been the new high school degree. You also seem to have absolutely no idea of how Higher Ed works. Do they not explain that in your MFA program?