Quote Originally Posted by leapfrog View Post
A harsh lesson to learn, but he is right where he needs to be IMO
Totally disagree. The mandatory minimums set up by politicians in the 80s trying to sound tough on crime did nothing good for this country. We now have 25% of the WORLDS prison population while we are only 5% of the worlds population, because of the war on drugs. Now we have privatized prisons moving in making billions off locking up non violent offenders and then putting them to work for $2 a day. I call that modern day slavery. There is no place for corporations to be handling the duties of justice, thats just sick and wrong and corrupt from the very start. You can bet your ass that these privatized prison companies and their many investors are all trying to keep and put away as many people as they can all in the name of the war on drugs and with the help of mandatory minimums.