Quote Originally Posted by 48009 View Post
Living in Detroit when you have other options on the menu is a sacrifice. Again, that's not an opinion, that's a fact. I simply struggle with why someone that has alternatives would even bother.

My roommate and I recently interviewed 10+ people to move in to our extra room at our place in Woodbridge. Out of those roughly 10 people, only 2 were from the Metro Detroit area. Saying no one wants to move here from out of state, saying it is a death sentence, etc is just flat out wrong. It might be a death sentence for an old fart from Birmingham such as yourself, but not for someone in their 20s-30s.

You seriously need to stop posting about your unabashed hate for Detroit. It is a tired old schtick that we have all heard for years and years and years, especially those of us who moved from the suburbs to Detroit. Its old, you're old, Birmingham is old, get over it. Things are changing.