The stories indicate they were shot outside Cody 9th grade academy...
How is it all the schools in Detroit become reincarnated as academies? Cody was merely Cody when we were coming up.
As if adding the word "academy" after the name suddenly gives it some higher esteem. Merriam Webster defines academy as:

Main Entry: acad·e·my
Pronunciation: \ə-ˈka-də-mē\
Function: noun
Inflected Form[[s): plural acad·e·mies
Etymology: Latin academia, from Greek Akadēmeia, from Akadēmeia, gymnasium where Plato taught, from Akadēmos Attic mythological hero
Date: 1549
1 a: a school usually above the elementary level ; especially : a private high school
b: a high school or college in which special subjects or skills are taught
c: higher education —used with the<the functions of the academy in modern society>
2 capitalized
a: the school for advanced education founded by Plato
b: the philosophical doctrines associated with Plato's Academy
3: a society of learned persons organized to advance art, science, or literature
4: a body of established opinion widely accepted as authoritative in a particular field

Things that make you go hmmmm....