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Thread: GoLeft TV

  1. #1876

    Default Gohmert Rhetoric Echoes Racist Militia Talk

    Rep. Louie Gohmert [[R-Texas) is leading the charge in blocking immigration reform. But if you concentrate on his talking points, you'll find that they are dangerously similar to the appalling talking points of racist "minute men" militias that are sprouting up in areas around the border. Ring of Fire hosts Mike Papantonio and Sam Seder discuss the GOP's xenophobic attitude toward immigration.

  2. #1877

    Default Obama Finally Steps Up Against Climate Change

    Obama's new environmental action plan relies on cuts to carbon emissions that could lead to a greater reliance on renewable energy sources. Ring of Fire hosts Mike Papantonio and Sam Seder discuss this.

  3. #1878

    Default Pharma Corruption Centered on Sex, Drugs, and Bribery

    Ring of Fire hosts Mike Papantonio and Sam Seder discuss the despicable story of GlaxoSmithKline, a pharmaceutical company that was recently caught in a massive bribery scandal.

  4. #1879

    Default Liz Cheney's Crazy Talk Campaign

    Liz Cheney, daughter of the historically frightening Dick Cheney, is running for Senate in Wyoming. But is there anything she will say on the campaign trail that won't reflect the other mindless GOP talking points? Ring of Fire hosts Mike Papantonio and Sam Seder discuss the Senate race in Wyoming.

  5. #1880

    Default Wisconsin Mining Company Hires Armed Guards

    Ring of Fire hosts Mike Papantonio and Sam Seder discuss the story of a northern Wisconsin mining company that recently used masked guards brandishing assault rifles to guard their mines from activists.

  6. #1881

    Default Chevron Wants Your Emails

    A federal judge recently granted a subpoena that allows Chevron to gain access to a decade's worth of metadata from various parties that had previously filed suit against them. This could mean that from this point forward, anyone who chooses to go up against the oil giant could fall victim to NSA-like behavior by Chevron. What does this mean for big corporations in the future? Ring of Fire hosts Mike Papantonio and Sam Seder discuss this.

  7. #1882

    Default Papantonio: Lobbyists Come For Your Retirement Money

    The following segment originally aired on the July 28th, 2013 episode of Ring of Fire on Free Speech TV. Wall Street lobbyists are at full tilt, working to dismantle any and all regulations on greedy bankers. Their latest target is your retirement plan. Ring of Fire host Mike Papantonio discusses this with attorney James Kauffman.

  8. #1883

    Default Are Conservatives Too Stupid To Be Sad?

    The following video is a sneak preview of this weekend's Ring of Fire on Free Speech TV, airing August 4th 2013. A new study says that conservatives rate themselves as being happier than liberals. But there's a lot happening inside the brain of a Tea Partier. Ring of Fire host Mike Papantonio talks about this with Cliff Schecter, the best-selling author of The Real McCain.

  9. #1884

    Default Where The Hell Is The Outrage?

    The following segment originally aired on the July 28th, 2013 episode of Ring of Fire on Free Speech TV. Americans are being put through the ringer by corporate America on everything from the corrupt financial elites on Wall Street to the massive amounts of pollution being spewed by corporations. We're also experiencing one of the worst, do-nothing Congressional bodies in modern history thanks to Republican obstruction. So the question is -- where the hell is the outrage? Ring of Fire host Mike Papantonio tries to answer that question with Richard Eskow from the Campaign for America's Future.

  10. #1885

    Default Right Wing Border Militias

    The following segment originally aired on the July 28th, 2013 episode of Ring of Fire on Free Speech TV. Congress is still trying to come up with an immigration plan that will appease the ultra conservative Republican base. This is difficult, since the fringe members of the Tea Party became overly energized thanks to the hate-filled border patrol groups known as the Minutemen Project. Ring of Fire host Mike Papantonio discusses how the Tea Party latched onto the border patrol with author David Neiwert, author of the new book "And Hell Followed With Her."

  11. #1886

    Default Detroit Outcome A Celebration For Republicans

    Mike Papantonio and David Bender discuss how globalization and bad trade policies from both parties helped Detroit crumble, which is what Republicans have wanted for decades.

  12. #1887

    Default The Koch's Media Machine

    The following segment originally aired on the July 28th, 2013 episode of Ring of Fire on Free Speech TV. The Koch Brothers have mastered the art of the bounce concept. They launch a small idea by way of a fake website and that talking point then climbs the ladder through the conservative echo chamber. They use this to not only spread lies, but to launch personal attacks against journalists. Ring of Fire host Mike Papantonio talks about this with attorneys Howard Nations and David Hersh.

  13. #1888

    Default Obama Removes Whistleblower Protection Website

    Mike Papantonio and David Bender discuss Bradley Manning's verdict, as well as President Obama's removal of specific whistleblower content from his 2008 campaign website.

    As an exercise using archive.org, I located information regarding whistleblowers at change.gov that existed on February 13, 2013. In this video David Bender quoted a portion of it verbatim. That text still exists unchanged at http://change.gov/agenda/ethics_agenda/:
    Protect Whistleblowers: Often the best source of information about waste, fraud, and abuse in government is an existing government employee committed to public integrity and willing to speak out. Such acts of courage and patriotism, which can sometimes save lives and often save taxpayer dollars, should be encouraged rather than stifled. We need to empower federal employees as watchdogs of wrongdoing and partners in performance. Barack Obama will strengthen whistleblower laws to protect federal workers who expose waste, fraud, and abuse of authority in government. Obama will ensure that federal agencies expedite the process for reviewing whistleblower claims and whistleblowers have full access to courts and due process.
    Maybe they're referring to some other text? Maybe it's been replaced? Nice detective puzzle in any case.

    UPDATE: After more research, this whole story doesn't add up. The above is indeed the text that was allegedly scrubbed but it wasn't. The Sunlight Foundation supposedly claimed the text was no longer viewable after it was archived on June 8th but now it appears in the next, the June 13th archive. They're also claiming that the whole website vanished but it's there.

    This is particularly funny after listening the Pap's previous video about the "bounce concept." LOL!
    Last edited by Jimaz; August-01-13 at 05:53 PM.

  14. #1889

    Default Tea Baggers Dismantle Obamacare

    Total duration 16 minutes:

    The Tea Party made repealing the Affordable Care Act the cornerstone of the 2010 midterm elections and it helped catapult them onto the national stage. And in the last three years they haven't budged one inch in their efforts to destroy healthcare reform, even though it's providing coverage to people who would otherwise have to go without healthcare. Ring of Fire host Mike Papantonio discusses the continued assault on the Affordable Care Act with India DeClair, host of the I Declair radio program. India is a prime example of just how powerful citizens' media can be if we become active, take a stand, and are willing to help offer solutions to problems instead of simply complaining.

  15. #1890

    Default Republicans Bent On Destruction Of Everything

    Ring of Fire host Mike Papantonio and David Bender discuss how the Republicans' attempts to privatize everything center around their desire to destroy the U.S. Postal Service, Social Security, Voting Rights, healthcare reform, environmental regulations, and countless other vital programs.

  16. #1891

    Default Sex, Bribes, and Big Pharma

    The following segment originally aired on the July 28th, 2013 episode of Ring of Fire on Free Speech TV. Drug companies have no problem using deceptive advertising to get their drugs to the American public, but sometimes those ads don't work. When that happens, they resort to full-on bribery. Ring of Fire host Mike Papantonio discusses this with Farron Cousins from Trial Lawyer Magazine.

  17. #1892

    Default Holder Gets Tough On Voting Rights

    Ring of Fire host Mike Papantonio and David Bender discuss Eric Holder's push to protect the Voting Rights Act.

  18. #1893

    Default EPA Confirms -- Fracking Poisons Drinking Water

    Ring of Fire host Mike Papantonio and David Bender discuss the EPA's recent findings that concluded what we already knew -- fracking poisons our drinking water.

  19. #1894

    Default Limbaugh and Hannity Headed To Retirement Home

    Mike Papantonio appears on MSNBC's The Ed Show, along with talk radio consultant Holland Cooke, to discuss the downfall of conservative talk radio, as hate talkers like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity are hemorrhaging affiliates and advertisers.

  20. #1895

    Default Papantonio: Popular Cholesterol Drug Linked to Diabetes

    Attorneys Mike Papantonio and Daniel Nigh in Florida talk about the newly discovered link between Pfizer's Lipitor and the development of diabetes in women.

  21. #1896

    Default The Conservative War on Consumer Protections

    The following interview originally aired on the August 4th, 2013 episode of Ring of Fire on Free Speech TV. American consumers no longer have the protections that kept them safe from dangerous products and financial fraud -- the GOP killed those with their push for deregulation. And now they're going after one of the last agencies that works on behalf of consumers. Ring of Fire host Mike Papantonio speaks with attorneys Kerry Jardine and Anne Murphy about what's happening.

  22. #1897

    Default Corporatizing College Students

    The following interview originally aired on the August 4th, 2013 episode of Ring of Fire on Free Speech TV. Corporate America has set their sights on America's higher education system and they are trying to use colleges as cheap sources of both labor and capital. They're also destroying the curriculum and critical thinking. Ring of Fire host Mike Papantonio speaks with progressive radio host Richard Fowler about why this is happening.

  23. #1898


    There are plenty of experiments that have been done that show that when you cage rats in an area with limited space, and limited food, those rats will become ruthless to the point that they destroy and even cannibalize each other in the end. It's called the principle of competitive exclusion.

    It's what we can expect to see happening now that the Oxycontin windbag is not so sure about what the future holds for him and his gold Limbaugh microphone. Chances are, even if Cumulus does allow that $20 million dollar a year waste of money which they pay the washed up dinosaur to continue his hate radio, things will be different going forward. Yes, some other old world radio executive will find a home for the Rush hate talking has-been -- he doesn't just amble off to the elephant dying grounds like he should if he wasn't so shameless. But hate talk radio is experiencing a sea change that will inevitably cause rats to eat rats.

    The best example I can give is the Michelle Malkin -- Ann Coulter story.

    If you spend much time in the web blog world you probably have noticed that the hate hags have become even creepier than usual.

    Michelle Malkin has stepped up her putrid hate language against immigrants, suggesting that they need to be punished; that militia border patrols should keep immigrant vermin out of her country -- even though it was less than 40 years ago that her parents, Apolo and Rafaela Maglalang , citizens of the Phillipines, became immigrants with green cards and made a better life for themselves and their little bundle of hate-filled joy, known as Michelle. Michelle Maglalang, now Malkin, has spread around so much anti-immigrant hate that it has come full circle on her even within her own Filipino fellow immigrant community.

    This is a woman who is so despised by immigrants that she had to leave L.A. in a hurry in 1996 because the Mexican Mafia had threatened her life. She just has that special kind of personality that people love to hate.

    So why would the little malignant Malkin be so willing to keep turning up her immigrant hate message along with the dozens of hate lines she uses almost every day? Well, it's simple. Even the lunatic cable T.V. networks have only so much time they can devote to Star Magazine female hate freaks like Malkin and her gutter mouth sister, Ann Coulter. There is a limited amount of real freakish hate time available.

    So now the real edgy hate freaks are more and more competing for time -- whatever time they can get on the cableways, even if it is five minutes here and ten minutes there.

    Because of that, we now have the hate hags Malkin and Coulter pushing the outer limits to make themselves look and sound even more like pathetic circus freaks so they can compete for that measly five minutes of cable airtime. We will also begin to see more and more of that with the Michael Savage hate talking type freaks now that they see Limbaugh bleeding.

    And Limbaugh is bleeding. He lost $3 million dollars worth of ad revenue for Cumulus in just the first quarter of 2013 because even advertisers understand that hate radio may be in trouble.

    Sponsors had boycotts of their products and in turn they are usually willing to pull their sponsorships when hate talkers like the fat man call decent people like Sandra Fluke a slut. And worse.

    Add to that Millenials, X-ers, Women, and minorities who regard the Limbaugh blob as yesterday's crazy uncle joke.

    And those demographics change a radio network's bottom line profits. So the Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin scenario begins to play itself out. The hate talkers like Coulter focus their shrew-like faces on a TV and tell us that other women besides her are too stupid to vote or that we should convert all Muslim orphans to Christianity. The hate meter ticks up, the diminishing demographics of aging, angry, excitable, pale, frail males listens and cheers for a few minutes. Coulter edges Malkin out of the rat cage for a few minutes. But at the end of all that, there are still a few realities.

    Their audiences are dying off. They are rapidly migrating to that wingnut, crazy world in the sky. There simply are not enough Teabagger crazies to sustain a living for the hate talker crowd, not enough room in the cage, not enough rat cheese to go around.

    Competitive exclusion where rats eat rats is when there are too many in the same cage -- well, that's playing itself out.

  24. #1899

    Default The Detroit Blueprint To Bankrupt America

    The following interview originally aired on the August 4th, 2013 episode of Ring of Fire on Free Speech TV. The city of Detroit has been driven into bankruptcy because of corrupt, anti-consumer, anti-worker Republican policies. And this wasn't an accident -- it was part of the Republican plan to kill the Motor City. Ring of Fire host Mike Papantonio talks about that plan with investigative journalist Rick Outzen.

  25. #1900

    Default The Conservative Media Minimum Wage Lie

    The battle over fair wages in America has been heating up and Congress may soon take up the issue of increasing the minimum wage. But before they do, we have to get past all of the spin from conservative media outlets about minimum wage earners. Ring of Fire host Mike Papantonio discusses this with author and syndicated columnist David Sirota.

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