Quote Originally Posted by bailey View Post
I agree that he's made this an issue by his incredibly stupid handling of the allegations. I would only counter that a gay man being accused of ANYTHING remotely related to inappropriate behavior with young men in a mentor capacity at an all boys school is never going to recover from it regardless of the outcome.

He could be completely vindicated and the kid, the mother, and their pastor could stand in-front of CAYMAC and personally apologize to all 700k Detroiters for bringing false claims... the only thing anyone will remember a year from now is Pugh was caught up in some scandal about his behavior with highschool boys. He surely is unemployable locally... and likely nationally in any media market even remotely close to Detroit.

I think he recognized that and just surrendered. OR he had an sexual affair with the kid. It's one or the other. However, Mom's police complaint seems to be that there was no sexual contact, just "inappropriate" contact. "inappropriate" does not equal "criminal" contact.

I'm struggling to understand [[as are apparently; the police, the press and various lawyers asked to comment on the allegations) what she thinks is her injury here that justifies her lawsuit ...and belated criminal complaint. Some guy gave your kid some stuff you'd rather he not have. Ok...so take the evil cellphone away from him, ground him for lying about it, and tell the guy to stay away from your kid. Problem solved.
actually allege the criminal conduct you've been hinting at. [[I think she's been counselled on what defamation is and thus we have no allegation of criminality because her son is not backing that up.)
Bailey, we're in total agreement. If you back track this string to it's first days, you'll see I never accused him of anything. [[Ok, one smart-assed comment about "I guess he really is sick"). I also TOTALLY understand PU needing to "escape" and catch his breath before responding. This isn't 1963, people are more accepting of gays these days, [[though NOT everyone), and Mr. PU isn't doing himself, or the Gay Community any favors by responding the way he is. YES! Unless Mom & attorney have something a little more concrete as far as impropriety, she's got nothing. On the other hand whether or not it's an "evil" cellphone, Mom DID NOT want her son having it, and Mr. PU is a mentor, not the kid's parent or step parent. He should respect the parent's wishes and not encourage the kid to lie to his parent. Maybe Mr. PU ought to be counseled on the meaning of the word "mentor" and it's limitations?