Quote Originally Posted by ragnarok1981 View Post
So I have noticed traffic cops from Ferndale parked in Greenacres to catch speeders. So I have two questions, first is where is the dividing line between Ferndale and Detroit? Is it the median line of 8 mile, or right on the edge of Greenacres? Also is it legal to sit in another city to catch speeders in their city?
I've understood that border highways are patrolled legally by both jurisdictions. Its that obvious solution to otherwise absurd results of fighting about inches here and there.

Why would parking on the eastbound side target 'Detroit' drivers more than parking on the westbound side. Do Detroiters take some other route east?

I would think there's no statisticaly difference between the residency of drivers on north vs. south side of Eight Mile.

So if Ferndale cops wanted to 'target Detroit' drivers, they could do so just as easily from 'their' side of the road.