Why do you gotta bring Flint into this conversation. First off completely different set and scale of problems. Secondly yo are completely wrong in your assesment of Flint. I am not sure what the fuck you mean by Flint was never a great city. It was never as big as Detroit but in its hayday Flint was every bit a great city. It is the birthplace of GM, Buick was headquarted here until Detroit stole it from us, the Flint sitdown strikes were instrumental in the formation of the UAW. There has also been quite a bit investment in downtown Flint within the last 5-10 years when I started at U of M-Flint back in 2002 Downtown Flint was basically a ghost town and now 11 years later I am working downtown everyday and many buildings have been renovated and there are independent restaurants, bars, a concert venue and shops. Now the investment hasn't reached the neighborhoods like it has in Detroit but lets face it outside of midtown the neighborhoods in Detroit are rotting just like some of the ones in Flint. Flint has many advantages over Detroit as well, our bus system is well run, we don't have anywhere near as much long term debt as Detroit and most of the coruption in the government when Don Williamson went away. Like Detroit it is going to be a long road to recovery but the picture is not as bleak as you would make it out to be.
Quote Originally Posted by DarkestbeforedawnDetroit View Post
I honestly think Detroit will be ok. People like to bring up Flint alot , in terms of talking about EM , but what people forget is that A) Flint was never a great city unlike Detroit B)There's investment in the Greater Downtown area and other miscellaneous neighborhoods unlike Flint. I am a firm believer that if a city, no matter how big, has a thriving urban core it WILL succeed and spread. A great example is Denver, it may not have been broke like Detroit but it took off when young proffessional moved downtown before they moved there Denver was a cow town that ended at 5 o'clock.. I have nothing but optimistic hopes for Detroit, there may be mistakes here and there[[SEMCOG expansion plan) but what city doesn't.