Quote Originally Posted by cla1945 View Post
What? I can't be upset about my well earned pension? I'm not saying a thing about current employees losing their jobs. Hell, I've got a relative [[very close) who is a policeman, and another very close relative who is a Detroit firefighter. I've seen first hand the corruption in Detroit and I don't need you lecturing me about how I feel. I'm also not just talking about myself, I'm including 20,000 other retirees who are in the same boat. Let's put it this way jt1, we're all old, can't get another job now, and most younger people, probably you included feel we are throwaways and it doesn't matter that most retirees need healthcare, prescriptions, and be able to pay our bills.
You forget, we already put our time in, hundreds of years if you want to add it all up between us.
As far as caring about Detroit, Detroit was and will always be my "home". I love what it once was, certainly not what it's become. The residents and current employees deserve the best that they can get from an administration that hasn't given two shits about them or anyone else. Those are the people you need to rant at. Bottom line, Orr needs to keep his grubby hands off my pension, it's mine, I earned it!!!
You're not willing to concede any of your pension but are asking for everyone else to take a hit. I understand yous position clearly.

As far as getting what you paid in. Typically retirees take more out of a pension fund then they put in. The fact that there are two retirees for every current employee makes it unsustainable.

There are four areas that there can be cuts:
1. Bondholders and other debtors. We all agree they should take a hit.
2. Current employees. They have already taken a major hit and will take another.
3. City services provided to the residents.
4. Retirees.

So who would you advocate take a hit and who shouldn't. The pain can't all be absorbed by [[1) so who of the remaining should get the hit or should all share in it.

I don't think your generation is throw away but I take exception to your generations attitude of 'screw everyone else but don't make me take a hit.' Retirees have made it clear that they care for themselves and everyone else can deal with the pain. Of course in this whole debacle the older generations are showing they don't give a damn about anyone else as long as their pension is untouched.